Friday, May 8, 2009

Walk and walk and walked

I'm jealous of mom's new computer you will love it. We will have to get on facebook the same time one night and chat. You should take a picture so i can see how slim it is. Well I hope Karen's Doctors apt.  went well. How was the quilt show? Well I bought some plants for my apartment. On is just leafs but the leaves are pink, and the other on is a cactus thing with flowers that are pink and yellow, its kinda spunky. I walked to where my church and school are going to be. Church is a 30 minute walk its by all these houses that are squished together. I looks like they took out one house and squished in a church, its kinda funny. My school is a 20 minute walk but its by all the fancy stores like cartiers, tiffanies, and chanel. So I don't think I'm going to suffer much.  there was a three drop diamond necklace it was so pretty if I was rich I would buy it for mom for mothers day. But alas I'm poor so i guess its on hold for a while. :) Have a great weekend. 


  1. The thought was good enough for me. Thanks for thinking of me. Karen's doctors appointment went good. Her ACI were 6.4. That is really good. He put her on cholestrol medicines because she was borderline and diabetics can't be borderline. The quilt show was wonderful. We met Kay and Jen and Rylee for Lunch. Dad and Casey came and took Karen back to work with them. Kay and Jen and Rylee went to the show with us. I got a new quilt package and Rachel got some fabric and patterns to do quilting. I am so glad you found your church. Does the subway come by the church. It would help not having to walk that far every sunday. Just an idea. I am glad you got some plants it will make your place feel warmer. If you get hooked up with some people you might be able to find a better place in a month or two. You won't be home much anyway. School will start on Monday and you will be way busy. Did you find out your address so on Monday I can mail some stuff to you? We are going to stay in SLC until Sunday after Karen leaves. Rachel and Casey are leaving tonight.


  2. I am glad that you got some plants, I think that makes your space feel better. You are going to be in great shape with all of that walking. That is great. :)



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...