Saturday, July 11, 2009

Perfect Ponytail

Dad took me to see the Proposal tonight and Sandra Bullock had a pony tail and we both wondered if it was a perfect ponytail. Robin will have to analyze it when she sees the movie. I am sorry about the blisters on your feet Robin. How do you get so many of them? I am glad Karen had a good time on her date. You should ask Riley to come over for dinner one night. That would be fun. I am glad Karen is sending Rachel's birthday present to my house. I will keep it for her until her birthday. Salt Lake went really good. Dad fixed the problems they were having with the detector and grandma and grandpa are doing good. Grandpa said he fell the other night. I was worried about that one. The canal failed today somewhere in logan and flooded some houses. I don't have all the details but the houses on the news looked kind of by Casey's mom and dad. I'll have to find out more information on that one. I just saw the tail end of the report. Dad took me to the Thai place that him and Casey like to eat at. It was really good. They were very good with service. Not too much else to report. I am glad everyone is doing well.


I like your mp3 players rachel i am jealous. :) I love new technology. I'm completely out of the loop I didn't know karen was going on a date. I;m glad it was fun :) Well this morning I woke up to a thunder storm, it was really neat. there was a ton of rain. I'm glad I was inside during it all. Later in the day it cleared so I walked around town. There is a street called queens park. and there is a ton of stores and things I didn't buy anything but it was nice to browse. I do though have a ton of lovely blisters, and you know me they are huge. I had to buy the jumbo size at shoppers. ( shoppers is a drug store basically on every corner in toronto). Well today was 7-11 so it was free slurpie day. There is a 7-11 next door to me but When i came home my feet hurt from blisters so I didn't get one. Although the best one is a pepsi slurpie, i'm in love. It nice to drink on a mega hot day. Well I hope mom and dad had fun in SLC and I'm glad everyone is doing well. have a great one. 


Well I had a good time at dinner. Me and Reiley had dinner with another guy from the branch and his wife (they got married a month ago) We went to Applebees. It was fun. I also got Rachel a birthday present. I tried to get your address but no one would answer me, I tried to call mom and Rachel but neither would answer. So I just mailed it to mom's house, I hope that that is okay. You can open the box because I wrapped it. Wow I know. I also got my grocery shopping done and my laundry. It has been a busy day. I hope that everything went well in SLC for you today mom. And I wish you good luck tomorrow Rachel with the sunbeams. Have a great Sunday everyone!

The Benifits of Tragedy

Since Casey had his MP3 player stolen we went and bought him a new one yesterday. It is a Sony Walkman 8 GB and is really awesome.
I am spoiled and I got a new one also. It is a 8 GB Red Zune and I got an FM transmitter also. So i can put my books on it and listen to them through the MP3 player.

The MP3 players are really awesome and are really fun. We also bought Casey a new stereo with a USB, SD card, aux input and blue tooth. It is really neat and should come in the mail this week. Casey didn't end up working today so we were able to spend the day together. He is going down tomorrow though so I have to go to church alone. I got a package from Robin in the mail today and that was fun. I am waiting to open it though. Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend. I am excited to hear about Karen's date. I want details!

Friday, July 10, 2009

and the drama begins

Tomorrow we are going to SLC and dad is going to work all day and I am going to help Grandma and Grandpa. Drama Drama. Rachel and Casey stopped by this evening and we got to go to dinner. It was nice to talk. Dad's heart test went really well. He will finish it up on Monday. Monday we have 8 new patients coming. I think that is a record for us. It makes me really busy. Well have a great weekend. Next Friday Rachel gets to have a birthday. Lucky.



Well I made it to the weekend. Work was good, but I cleared my desk off so Monday should be boring. That suck about Casey's car. First dad gets his gas siphoned and then Casey's car gets broken into. What is the world coming to. I am glad that the weekend is here. I finally know what I am going to get Rachel for her birthday, so I am going to go and get it tomorrow. Yeah! Well I don't have anything else to report so I will go BYE

and daddy he took my boot.

that is so crazy caseys car got robbed. I can't believe it I hate stuff like that it makes me so mad. I'm glad his car is ok though that is harder to replace. at least you can have state of the art electronics again. you should get an i touch :). Well today was my last day of fashion makeup yeah. that means i've completed 9 weeks of classes. 23 more weeks to go. I will hopefully have my pictures next week from my photo shoots. :) today in class we packed and were waiting to move into another room and one girl was putting clip extentions into her hair. It turned out really nice. I think one day i will try it. you can take them out and put in as many times as you want they are just clips so its nothing concrete. Its real hair to so you can curl it and dye it. It was pretty cool. anyway i'm still real tired I'm glad that its the weekend. the agenda is to sleep. yeah :) have a good one and be safe :) 

Car Thief

Casey car was broken into yesterday. They stole his MP3 player, his blue tooth and his stereo. It is crazy, I can't believe that it happened. At least this is a good chance to replace everything with awesome stuff and they didn't vandalize his car which is really good. It could of been worse.
Sewing was fun last night with Mom. We went to the new Beehive restaurant for dinner and we got a really bad waitress, so we left her a bad comment on the comment card. I am making a lot of progress on my Double wedding ring quilt and Mom finished quilting her table runner. She just has to bind it now. It is really cute.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

One more day

We had a good time sewing tonight. I am just about done with my table runner. It is turning out OK. Dad made it home safe and sound that is nice. Tomorrow he has that test and then he can play the rest of the day. Rachel's wedding ring quilt is coming along really nicely. It is beautiful.



Robin that sounds like a fun class. I think that it would be fun to blow glass. Work was okay today. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Krista come over last night and brought me a invite to her wedding. We talked for a while and it was good to catch up with her. It is still hot and windy down here, I know big surprise. I hope that Rahcel and Mom have a good time sewing. BYE

eyes slowly falling.....

So i am really tired. I had to wake up early for the photo shoots earlier this week. and then i don't sleep well. Today was my practical exam we had to have a model come in and we had to do 2 makeups on them and get graded. I had a girl from school one of her friends came in for me. Last night at 1o she called me and told me the model I had planned on canceled so last minute she called some other people and they were able to come in for me. so last night was pretty crazy. luckily it all worked out. so today i'm half zombie. I wished it was friday. Tomorrow we have an accountant coming in to talk to us about what to do as a free lance artist. so it will be interesting, hopefully i can stay awake. Tomorrow is my last day of fashion, yeah... i can't believe how time has flown. I start theater on monday i think it will be pretty fun I'm excited. I was looking on line the other night to see if they had glass blowing classes. were you make jars and bowls out of glass. there was a class but it was 400 dollars. I don't know if I want to pay that much but i think If there is a long holiday up here I might con myself into doing it. we will see how crazy I go. but anyway have a great one. 

love ya.... 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I had a good day and I am glad that everyone else did too. I didn't do much. I mowed the lawn when I got home and then I sewed. Work was good and went really fast. I am sewing with Mom tomorrow and that will be fun. I hope that everyone has a good day.


Hump Day

Well I made it through most of the week. Tomorrow I have to go take a CPR Class because mine expires next week. That will be fun. Kills a morning that is for sure. Joseph came tonight and weeded the front yard. It looks so much better. I left for an hour and went to help babysit for parents night. It was a good time. We made spider webs with yard all over the room and did a maze game. It was fun. Dad is coming home tomorrow. He is going to have a nuclear heart scan on Friday. He has to have one to keep flying and we thought it wouldn't hurt just to check and make sure all is well. He is a little nervous but I think he will be fine. I bought him a new flight stimulator and we are going to set it up in his lab downstairs. We are going to clean it out YEAH and put it down there so it won't be in the way of anything. It was good to talk with you tonight Robin. I needed to hear the sound of your voice. Tomorrow night is sewing night and we are going to Kohls because they are getting rid of their summer stuff and getting ready for school stuff. Good buys. Anyone need anything?



Well the week is half over. Hurray! I need to get caught up on laundry. Things at work are going good. there are a couple proposals that I am working on so that is keeping me busy. I hope that you did good on your test Robin. Sometimes it is better not to study too much because it might over load your brain and you could have a melt down. That wouldn't be good for anyone. I am glad that you had a fun time. I like the background Rachel. It is good to have a variety. Did they caught the guys that took dad's computer's at work? I bet the computer are probably long gone though. Well that is it for, have a great one!

50'd cent

so last night i studied a bit and then fell a sleep. opps... this girl from my class texted me and said that there was 50 cent wing night so i figured i would go. I was early and right next to it was a cd store so i went in to look around. they had all of these old movies on dvd and they had camelot. I wasn't going to buy it at first but then i couldn't resist so i bought it. i think i'm going to watch it tonight. The wing dinner turned out fun though. we all got one plate of 5 different flavors and split it between us. after word me and another girl decided we wanted dessert so we went to another place for dessert. I didn't get home till 11:30. needless to say i didn't end up studying much but it was a lot of fun. I think i did pretty well on the test, i hope :) she worded the questions funny so we will see what we will see. I am glad that you might get a chance to get into the emt course karen. I like the background too Rachel its very summery. Well I hope everyone has a great night. ttyl 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quiet Evening

It has been a quiet evening here and it felt really nice. I got a lot of the laundry done still have a little left to do. It was nice to putter around the house. I watched the 4th Harry Potter getting ready for the release of the 6th Harry Potter on the 15th. I think I will try to see it when Karen comes up for her doctor's appointment in August. I do like the changing background. It is fun to have different colors. I like the change. Thanks Rachel for keeping us up and blogging in proper fashion. I am glad that you might get into the EMT course Karen. You will really love that. I am excited for you. It will be fun you have wanted to do that for a long time. LOVE MOM

Another exciting night

That is exciting that you may get into the class Karen, that will be fun. That is interesting Robin that that girl had different color eyes. That is too bad that her skin wasn't that good, that is hard to work with. I am excited to see the pictures. Work was busy, I forgot I had a conference call at 1 so I was 20 minutes late for it. I guess I forgot it was Tuesday. I watched the Tour and sewed tonight. I am getting a lot done and that is exciting. Lance is in second place and his team won the team time trail. I added a tour widget to our blog, I thought that it would be fun. I also changed the background, let me know if you like it or not. I hope that everyone has a good Wednesday and I will try to remember it is Wednesday and make it to all my meetings. :)


Hi everyone. things are good in St. George. I got a reply back from the waiting list and she said that even though they have a waiting list every year everyone usually get in any way. So I am number 5 on the list. So maybe I will get to take the class after all. Keep your fingers crossed. It is hot and windy here. Well work was good I got a new proposal to work on today so that was good I wasn't bored. I am glad that your photos went well Robin. Well I better go. Love ya BYE

colour pho-toe

So i am now finished with my colour photos. Yeah i am so excited I think my black and white ones turned out better though. the last girl I had for color had one green eye and one brown. I didn't see it until the lighting of the camera was on her, and she had bad skin so it really showed up in the photos. I hope they photoshop it out. if not I might download a free copy to tidy it up. I can cover the colour with makeup but not the dimension. It was weird though working on the girls that were still in high school, I forget how young you are then. You feel so grown up at that age but your just a kid. That is crazy dads place got broken into was it his computer that got stolen. Was it some punk kids wanting a computer or was it some one they knew. Sounds like dad has the most drama out of all of us. Who know a detector could be so crazy. So mom did you get your teeth implants in is that why you went to the dentist? can you chew better now? Well i better run we have an exam tommorow, mostly about skin types,colour theory, and other jazz. 

Monday, July 6, 2009

Nice Monday

Work was really busy but I talked with the receptionist at the dentist office and she was really nice said I should talk with the dentist and make sure I am doing the right thing. That made me feel better. Joseph came over tonight and we got the deck painted. I used a stain this time and it looks nice. The paint is a little brighter but I think the stain will be good for the wood. We will see how that will wears. Dad's work got robbed last night. They stole 2 computers. They have security cameras and they got a good picture of who took them. I am glad Robin got mail. I will have to send you another one. I just need to think of something you can use. Rachel that sounds like a good idea going on the 24th of July. That gives you more time to go down there. Karen I forgot the corned beef. After all that and I spaced it out. I am going to have to start pasting notes on the door. It was a nice evening. The wind was blowing and it was nice to be outside. When I become a camera person I will send you a picture. Love you guys MOM


Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. It was hard going back to work this morning. I wanted to go and play instead. The EMT course was full so I got put on the waiting list. I also signed up for a begining drawing class instead. I will have to try and get in next semester. I noticed I was getting wart on the bottom of my toeso I went and bought some of that freezing stuff. Boy does that sting. I am glad that your pictures turned out Robin. The Scream is a good picture but i try not to create stress. The dock is a lot more mellow. But the colors in both are really similar. Well have a good one. Love ya lots BYE

Tour De France

It is that time of year again. The Tour de France started on Saturday and Lance Armstrong is in it again. Their are a lot of great riders this year and three good riders on Lances team. He is not the strongest on his team so I don't think that thier is much chance of him winning again but I guess their is a chance. I don't know a lot of the riders this year but I will learn. Me and Casey watched it last night and it was fun.

Well I don't have much else going on. I think that we decided to go to California over the 24th to see Casey's brother. He is going to have surgery on his face Thursday if his swelling is down long enough by then.


So i got all my packages in the mail i loved the makeup and the fans. Thank you for mailing all that up. i appreciate it. well today was black and white photo day it turned out better then I thought it would go. I had a few malfunctions but it turned out. I get the pictures at the end of the week so I will post them once I get the cds. Tomorrow is color so hopefully it will go well. :) I can't believe this is my last week of fashion, it will go by fast. Well nothing else, I do like karen's picture though it goes really well with her furniture. Well I hope everyone has a great monday. 
love you 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nice Holiday

I am glad that Karen made it home safe and sound. I know now why I am not an artist. I like Karen's picture a lot better than Robins. Sorry Robin. It was nice to hang out and play. I haven't figured out why the goats liked Karen more than me. They don't really even care that I am around and they were like glue to Karen. Maybe they like younger women. Who knows. Well I am not looking forward to going back. Now I am going to have to work a whole week. I will have to focus. I did get a lot of the yard watered today and also picked the first of the raspberries. I froze them because there weren't enough to make jam with them. Oh well next time there will be. The blackberries are in full boom right now so there will be a lot of those to can.



I like your picture karen its really pretty. but I just have to throw what I see in the photo being an art student. The colors seem the same and its a dock as well. sorry if its bad but i thought it was funny, and I'm not one to hold back my ideas :) 


Here is the picture of the picture mom got my. I think that it looks good there. I think that it looks better in person than in the pictures I took though.

I am back

Robin it sounds like you had a really good holiday. I had a lot of fun in Logan and Cliffton. The goats like me better than they like mom. Mom got me a picture to go above my couch when I get it hung up I will try to remeber to post of picture of it for everyone. It is alot warmer in St. George than in Logan. Mom also got me a snow cone maker so I can enjoy the goodness of snow cones when ever I feel the need. Well I don't have anything else to report so I better go. Love ya guys

Frozen hot chocolate

It sounds like everyone had a great 4th of july, the yard is looking good rachel, I thought the birds at first were squirrels. Well Last night I went to second cup, its a cafe here in toronto they sell sandwiches and coffee. But they had this drink a frozen hot chocolate it was amazing. Its like they jam packed chocolate into a cup and froze it to a smoothie. Its really rich but its tasty. Well today at church I have made an amazing discovery if they ask you to read a quote get the ones that say 8 or 9 on them. They never make it that far and you look nice to volunteer. I've tried it for 2 weeks and works every time. Well thats my amazing discovery this week. I hope everyone travels safely this weekend, and I'm glad you had a good time.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...