Tuesday, July 7, 2009

colour pho-toe

So i am now finished with my colour photos. Yeah i am so excited I think my black and white ones turned out better though. the last girl I had for color had one green eye and one brown. I didn't see it until the lighting of the camera was on her, and she had bad skin so it really showed up in the photos. I hope they photoshop it out. if not I might download a free copy to tidy it up. I can cover the colour with makeup but not the dimension. It was weird though working on the girls that were still in high school, I forget how young you are then. You feel so grown up at that age but your just a kid. That is crazy dads place got broken into was it his computer that got stolen. Was it some punk kids wanting a computer or was it some one they knew. Sounds like dad has the most drama out of all of us. Who know a detector could be so crazy. So mom did you get your teeth implants in is that why you went to the dentist? can you chew better now? Well i better run we have an exam tommorow, mostly about skin types,colour theory, and other jazz. 

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