Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hump Day

Well I made it through most of the week. Tomorrow I have to go take a CPR Class because mine expires next week. That will be fun. Kills a morning that is for sure. Joseph came tonight and weeded the front yard. It looks so much better. I left for an hour and went to help babysit for parents night. It was a good time. We made spider webs with yard all over the room and did a maze game. It was fun. Dad is coming home tomorrow. He is going to have a nuclear heart scan on Friday. He has to have one to keep flying and we thought it wouldn't hurt just to check and make sure all is well. He is a little nervous but I think he will be fine. I bought him a new flight stimulator and we are going to set it up in his lab downstairs. We are going to clean it out YEAH and put it down there so it won't be in the way of anything. It was good to talk with you tonight Robin. I needed to hear the sound of your voice. Tomorrow night is sewing night and we are going to Kohls because they are getting rid of their summer stuff and getting ready for school stuff. Good buys. Anyone need anything?


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...