Saturday, March 13, 2010

Good choice

Robin I think you made the right choice. It got really cold and windy and snowy. It is better to travel during the day. We went and saw Alice and Wonderland. I liked it everyone one else was so so. It has been really cold here all day. It is nice to have Karen home. I think we are going to Clifton for dinner tomorrow.


sno day

well I stayed in slc tonight. The weather was really bad so I didn't want to risk it. If the interstates were accumulating snow I figured sardine canyon would be a nightmare. So I am going to come home tomorrow. My meeting went well. I think meetings always drag but what can you do. The are still planning on shooting the 20th, but the way they were describing things I give it a 50/50 chance. but I'm more of the pessimist type. I think it will be delayed again. but what can you do. So not to much else. Hope everyone had a great night. ttyl


Friday, March 12, 2010

Safe and sound

Looks like everyone made it home safe and sound. I like that. Robin I am glad you had a good time. Feels like that is what you really want to do doesn't it. Was worth the wait. We are doing good here. I think we are going to go see Alice and Wonderland tomorrow. Not quite sure when however. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

one by one

Well i got through my meeting today. Whew it was 12 hours of makeup. But it was fun to do makeup again. Everyone like my bruises so that was fun. One guy wore it home to mess with his friends. Anyway I am beat, I haven't worked in a while. but I am alive. I have a meeting tomorrow and then hopefully home :) well nothing else to exciting just going to chill the rest of the night


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fun weekend

Karen have a safe flight. I think right now Rachel is going to pick you up and bring you here. That is subject to change if Casey has to work. Not much going on here. Dad came home and made it safe and sound. Hope all is well. Robin good luck with your movie meeting tomorrow.



Well there was sun today but it was cold. I am excited to see everyones new hair dos. I think that I am all packed and ready to go. I am just printing off my ticket stuff. Work was good today. They had some customers come and visit so there were extra people around today. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well I got my hair dyed and cut thanks to mom. It was nice to have done. I have a meeting for my movie on friday and on saturday. Hopefully it will go by fast. So I am not sure if I going to go down tomorrow or go down early on friday I will think about it. anyway have a great night

love you

Hair cuts

All our hair turned out really nice. Robin and Rachel got a dye and Grandma got a perm and I got my hair spiked. They all are really nice. We sewed tonight also and I got 6 blocks done that is a record. Karen I got your airplane reservations. Look them over and see what you think. I didn't pick seats because I always get the wrong ones anyway. It was nice but really cold here. Karen will have to be in the same room with Grandma because she keeps it really warm where she is. Work was nice. I am going to the new dentist tomorrow and get some work done. Hopefully I will have partial dentures soon. I am excited about that one. LOVE MOM


Well it was really cold and windy here. There were a lot of wrecks on i-15 today. There was a huge one that happened about 1 that they close i-15 south bound. Work was good. I got a lot done so that was nice. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. I hope that it is not too cold up there. I am still working on level 9 on Mario. I have passed the first 3 levels. Well I hope that everyones hair turned out good. BYE

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where does the night go

Rachel you can drop the birds off in the morning. That is a good idea. I was worried about that one. I told Robin to meet you for lunch to go get them. That will be better to have them here and not in the car. Karen I hope you get to come home this weekend. That will be nice. I fell asleep on the couch and slept all evening. I didn't mean to do that one. Grandpa Bodily has to have a stent in his heart in a couple of weeks. I don't know all the details yet but I will keep you posted on that one. I am still tired I am going to bed early. I'll just play farmville for a little while tonight.


1000 moments

Well we made it to 1000 posts yesterday I thought it was cool. that is alot of blogging this family does. we are so good. well I did a demo for the young women at moms ward. I always feel like a dork but I think they had fun. I think. well the snow is starting to melt a bit. sorry your propane is going out. If you need some warmth we can spare some at our house. The snow is starting to melt. I am excited for summer. :) well mom said karen may come down this week. maybe. we will have to see but we should play. since last time we other things to attend to. But mom brought up rachel, if you want to meet for lunch and I can pick up the birds I can. but whatever is easier for you. well have a great night



I checked the propane this weekend and we are at 20% that is the level that you are supposed to call and have it filled. So they are coming the first week of april. So I turned down the heat to conserve propane. it sucks that today was another cold day. I am excited to get our hair cut tomorrow, we will take pictures. I am glad that mom joined farmvillie, it will be fun. Mom could I drop by your house before work to drop off the birds? Thanks again for watching them.


Robin congrats on you new job that is exciting. It has been raining here all day and boy is it cold. Mom, Jed said that there is a solidworks training thing on Monday so I might be taking that day off and coming up. Work was alright today they apparently layed 4 people off. But no one in engineering so that was nice. Good luck with your young women make-up experience Robin. I am sure that they will leave you breathing at least. Good luck with your stuff on Thursday Rachel. Mom also said that you and Robin are getting your hair dyed tomorrow so good luck with that also. You will have to post pictures so that I can see how it looks. Well have a great night. BYE

Monday, March 8, 2010

lagoon day is on

Well I got the job at lagoon being a costume/wardrobe person. So that was exciting. I have orientation the 27 of march. and then various times through out april. So am looking for apartments now. hopefully I can find something nice. I am kinda waiting for taxes to come so then when I move I can decorate a bit or get some furniture. but I will see what comes up. Tomorrow I am doing a makeup demo for the young women in moms ward. Hopefully it goes well. If I don't report tomorrow its probably because they ate me alive. ha ha ha just kidding. love you



Dad made an appointment with the tax dude but it isn't until next friday at 12:00. I think I have all your stuff. Rachel do you want to give me your stuff or does Casey want to go with us so he can talk with him. Let me know. We would love to babysit your birds for the weekend. That will be fun. I think Grandma will enjoy that. We had a nice night tonight. We went to shopko and got a purse for Grandma that was on sale for $2.00. That is some buy. Dad said the meeting went well but he doesn't know anything. So I guess we will see what happens. Vickie says she is getting married on the 6th of August. We will need to start deciding on a fun vacation plan. Well have a great Tuesday. It is suppose to snow here all day. LOVE MOM


Mom, could I bring my birds over on Wednesday and you could watch them while I am gone. Would that be alright? Congratulations on Lagoon Robin, I am excited for you. I had a uneventful day, it went pretty fast at work. Karen, I haven't seem Alice in Wonderland yet. My boss saw it this weekend and said that it wasn't that great. I would still like to see it. I also would like to see Joesph and the Amazing Dream Coat. It will be awesome. Have a good night and thanks for everything.

Corned beef

Well I had corned beef and cabbage tonight for dinner. It was good. I just threw it in the crock pot before I left for work and it turned out good. Work was slow today. I was bored. I am glad that everyone had a nice Sunday. My dinner went well. I had a good time. Well I don't have much to report so I will go. BYE

Sunday, March 7, 2010

slow and steady

Well I came home today from salt lake city. This week hopefully won't be so everywhere but we will see what will happen. Nothing else to exciting going on I am glad everyone is doing well all limbs attached. Have a great weekend and remember it is spring ahead time next sunday just to fore warn all of you


Quiet Sunday

It was a quiet Sunday here. I think Grandma actually was bored. She is getting use to going. That is good. We had corned beef and cabbage for dinner and it tasted really good. Dad is on his way to SLC right now because there is a big meeting in the morning. Karen has was your dinner. I am glad the goats are liking spring. It is nice to have a little grass showing up here and there. Not much to report other than my new computer screen is amazing. I need to sit way back because it is sooooo big.



Karen, I am impressed. Me and Casey played it today but I only have up to world 3 cleared. You are the best Karen. We have had a quite weekend. We haven't eaten out at all and it has been nice. I am glad that everyone is having a good weekend. It has been rainy and cloudy today. Yesterday the goats were out sunning in the pasture and that was cute. Everyone have a good Monday.

Mario Master

Well I have gotten all the star coins on Mario was I now have all of level 9 unlock. Whew! Now I just have to pass all of level 9 and then I have beat Mario. I am glad that mom and dad got a new computer. What are you going to use all the memory for. Church was good today, even with being fast Sunday. It has been cloudy and windy here today. It looks like it could rain any second, but since it has looked like this all day and hasn't rained yet I am not holding my breath. I hope that every one had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...