Saturday, September 5, 2009

Prepareing for Camping

I am glad that you guys are having fun. Good luck at Niagara Falls tomorrow. You will have fun. I didn't have a sleeping bag for backpacking so we went to Logan today and I got an awesome purple one. They were having a Labor Day sale so it was 40% off. It is really nice. This is me pretending to sleep. I don't know how to rotate it, sorry.

We are going to go camping tomorrow after Church. As promised here is a picture of my Valentines quilt. I need to quilt it now.

Well have fun and be safe. Don't talk to strangers.



Having a good time

We are safe and sound in the hotel. We had a good time at the island and there were a ton of sail boats. So it will be possible to find some sailboats. I took a lot of pictures so I will download them soon. The blue angels were there and that was fun to watch. I am glad you got a quiet day. Those are precious. Dad is in Logan for the weekend. It is nice weather here. We are going to Niagrara Falls tomorrow. We have decided to take a tour. Our bus skills are not that great. Going to take it easy tonight to rest for tomorrow. We made it to souvenior shopping and that was fun. Yes there will be prizes.


Taken it easy in Idaho

I am glad that you are having a good time. That sounds like a lot of fun. We are doing good here in Idaho. We made Tempura with vegetables from our garden last night and then we watched a movie. We just had a low key evening. Keep having a good time and stay safe. Love you.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday in Toronto

What a day. I think we walked a hundred miles give or take. Karen has blisters on her feet. We walked around the local area so Karen could learn the place. Walked around the university and then after lunch we went to the muesuem and saw the dead sea scrolls. It was really nice. When we finished the mueseum we were waiting for Robin to get us and they had rush week for the college and it was a huge parade and all the kid were in different shirts. It was fun to watch. We went to the circus tonight and it was amazing. It was a bunch of gymnasis doing tricks. It was really something to watch. We decided we could walk from the subway and it was kind of in a scary area and a long ways but we made it. We found a bus on the way back so that was a lot better. I hope Logan is going well.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Safe in Americia

I am glad that you made it alright. That is a long flight. I am glad that everything went well. I had a good day. I had a lot of projects but I was able to finish them. I made some carrot cookies tonight and they are really good. It was fun to make. I will have to make everyone some when you get back. Casey came home tonight. He made it safely out of the Unitas. I think that he is working in SLC tomorrow for SER. Well have a fun trip and keep me updated on all the fun. I would like to see pictures also.

Safe and Sound

We made it to Tornoto save and sound. No problems at all. The hotel is OK but nothing too much. Well I hope you have a good friday and then you get a long weekend. We are going to go get a snack so I'll talk to you later.


a ok

So i got texts from everyone saying they were on there way. so that is a good step in the right direction. :) well Just thought I would post something quick. I hope your having a great day rachel we will miss you. I did more zombie stuff. tommorow is the last day that we have to sculpt on tuesday when we get back we are going to cast them into foam latex. well tty


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our trip begins

Well I made it to SLC safe and sound. I got Grandma and Grandpa all ready to go and we went to the Thai resturant for dinner. I so far have forgotten two things. One my MP3 player and I also forgot to start the dishwasher. I guess those aren't too bad. I am tired tonight. It was crazy at work getting ready to go. I hope that I got everything ready the right way. Ya never know until you get back. Vickie made me mad today she tried to get Debbie to talk me into moving to SLC. It really upset me. I wish she hadn't done that one. Oh well. Life goes on. I hope there aren't a lot of reprecussions from that one. I am excited to see you Robin. It will be nice to give you a hug. Good luck with your Zombie. I know you will do a good job. This is your area of expertise. Good luck Karen making it to Las Vegas and traveling with me. I hope I don't drive you crazy. Rachel keep Logan going for us. I love you quilt. I'll see you on Wednesday. They are going to deliver my couches next friday. I am excited for that one.


Back to Idaho

I had an alright day. I had a lot of meetings, and it was kind of long. I made it back to Clifton and it is good. It was really nice to spend the week with Mom. The goats are doing really good, they are cute. I piked some carrots and feed the tops of them to them. They are so funny when they eat it, they fight over them and it is so fun to watch. I hope that everyone has a good time traveling and on the vacation. It will be really fun.

we are so we say

well still sculpting my zombie. We have to finish is by friday ahhh so hopefully things are magical tomorrow and sculpting miracles happen. :) well nothing else to exciting there was a huge film crew out on bloor street and flowers by this mail box. so i'm geussing someone died. who knows maybe I will hear about it later this week. I'm glad you got your hair dyed and cut rachel I'm sure it looks cute. we will keep you posted on the blog. we will miss you but luckily we have someone to represent US of A . :) well I hope everyone else travels safe and if you need me call me. you should be traveling around town by the time i'm out of school so if your lost I'll come find you. :)


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I already get my hair cut at the Kut'n Coral

Tonight me and Mom went and got our hair cut. We both look really cute. I also dyed my hair brown and it looks good. We had a good time. I have had a good week. I finished my valentine quilt yesterday. I will post a picture tomorrow when I get home. I am going to spend another night with Mom. They are not going to outsource the call center anymore, it was a big waste of time. It is really weird. I hope that everyone has a safe trip. Keep me updated on the blog so I can read it when I am in Idaho, safe in the United States of America. I will pray for all of you. God bless America.

sun goes down

I am ready for a break. I'm sleepy. I did get a nap today so that was nice. nothing much else to exciting. I keep molding my zombie by 4:30 I'm about ready to throw it at someone. Its just a process. I am just ready to move to the next step. :) The Imats are coming to toronto and sent out a thing about student contest. I think I might sign up. You need 10 photos to send to a judge and then they pick out of those who they want., I only have 6 so I might take some photos that I took and photo shop them. We will see. well i hope everyone had a great night love you.


Almost there

Well I made it thru Tuesday. I need a nap. It is way smoky here. There is a huge fire in Cal and a huge fire near New Harmony, so we get all the smoke from all of that. Work was good nothing too exciting but not too boring either. I have some homework to do so I better go. I am excited to come and see you on Thursday Robin.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Well I got out of class a little early today so that was nice. I am tired today. Just two more days until Canada. I am so excited. Tomorrow I am going to finish packing because I figure that it will be late when I am done with class and everything on Wednesday. Work was good but I cleared off my desk so tomorrow might be boring, but what can you do. See ya Thursday Robin.


Me and Rachel went shopping for pillows tonight. My were becoming flat pancakes and dad's apartment does not have enough when I sleep there. I am a pillow hog. We sewed tonight. I started cutting out the fabric Robin got me to make a bag like Rachel made Karen. I hope your class went good tonight Karen. I am going to go get my hair cut with Rachel tomorrow night. My couch is in town. I was going to wait and have them delivered after I got back from Toronto. I was looking up Toronto Island and that looks like a lot of fun. I got a lot done on my list today. I am getting ready to go. Won't be long now. LOVE MOM


So thursday everyone comes up. I'm excited it will be fun. I think this week will go fast though. Well there isn't to much going on just working on my zombie still it is a bugger to work on. I think one day i will look cool. I started on the melifcent head piece. I think that will turn out pretty cool. well I guess I better run. have a great night.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Packing up

I am glad everyone got a nap. For some reason that didn't happen to me. I feel like I could use one however. I will go to bed early. I am not sad that I am not going to Lagoon. I get sick just thinking about the rides. I hope Rachel and Casey have a great time. I have started to pack up to go to Canada. I keep thinking I have lots to do but I really can't think of anything that needs to be done. Dad made it to Washington DC. I didn't get to talk with him because I was at church but he left a message. He got to fly first class so hopefully that helped a lot. Me and Rachel are going to sew tomorrow night and I am going to make a bag with Robin's material. I think that will be fun. It will help me not sit around and worry about what I am forgetting. I am sure in a huge city like Toronto I can find what I forget. I am glad it is cooler. I figure we need to go to H & M anyway so I will get something fun there. LOVE MOM


Rachel I hope that you and Casey have fun at Lagoon days. I am sorry that I am going to miss it. You will have to eat an extra pickle in remembrance of me. My day was good. I took a nap and feel like I am catching up on the sleep that I missed this last week. I am starting to pack the things that I am bringing on the trip to Canada. I hope that I don't forget anything. I am way excited to go. Have a great week every one.

me to

I'm sad to I can't go I love lagoon days. Well everything is good up here. Its finally cool enough to wear a jacket. :) um mom you don't have to bring up a coat I have jackets here. It will be easier to pack on the way home to. The freezing months usually are in january and February and I won't be here for that. well not to much else just slept mostly all day. Now that its cooler I sleep better so i think i'm catching up on months of sleep. :) have a great one.


Well Icon decided to have Lagoon Days this year on Sept 18. I am sad that Karen and Robin are not living close enough to go anymore. Me and Casey are going to go and have a magical time and eat all the pickles that we can. It will be fun.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...