Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I already get my hair cut at the Kut'n Coral

Tonight me and Mom went and got our hair cut. We both look really cute. I also dyed my hair brown and it looks good. We had a good time. I have had a good week. I finished my valentine quilt yesterday. I will post a picture tomorrow when I get home. I am going to spend another night with Mom. They are not going to outsource the call center anymore, it was a big waste of time. It is really weird. I hope that everyone has a safe trip. Keep me updated on the blog so I can read it when I am in Idaho, safe in the United States of America. I will pray for all of you. God bless America.


  1. god bless america my home sweet home...... :)

  2. I am a dork, I don't know what I thought that was so funny when I typed it.

  3. I laughed :) I thought it was funny :) I thought the "i'll pray for you" was the funniest part. I'll pray for you 2 :) lol



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...