We went to Logan and we are ready for a Thanksgiving feast. I am excited. We went to WinCo and got free turkeys. That was fun. Rachel made some yummy potato soup for dinner. We did go to paint ceramics and that was fun. Love mom
Saturday, November 20, 2021
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. It did snow for a little bit. I still need to do laundry and watch a school lecture. Then I am all set for the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, November 19, 2021
Work was really quiet and I got all my contracts paid. That felt nice. I didn't have to do covid clinic so I left and picked up dad and went and met Karen for dinner. I had a cafe Rio salad and it tasted so good. We walked around afterwards and Karen is so lucky she won a 20 dollar gift card. She let me use some of it. I got stocking stuffers with it. It was fun to walk around. We came he one and watched jungle cruise it was ok. I am excited to come up to Logan tomorrow. I am super excited for the holiday. Love mom
Well no new windshield. Apparently my appointment was for next week so I just canceled it. Oh well. I met mom and dad for dinner so that was fun. We went to world Market and I won 20 dollars so that was fun. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, November 18, 2021
I walked this morning. The boys had a shorter day of school and Ruth didn't have kindergarten because of parent teacher conference. Ruth has been locking her lips and it makes it dry. We decided if she had lotion in her backpack she could put it on and not do it anymore. So we went to bath and body works. She is so fun to shop with and she carries the lotions around all day. We had fun. Parent teacher conferences went well. The kids are all doing good. Oliver is having a hard time concentrating and writing but he isn't whining and complaining which is a big step and is progress. Oliver got a coupon for pizza pie cafe so we went there for dinner. Both the boys have been taking ar tests and got a prize at school also. Ruth had dance class. Me and the boys went to the park and threw the ball for Tony. It was fun. Oliver fell on the way home and got a cut on his stomach. Love you guys
Almost Friday
Work was good. I am getting caught up and that feels nice. I was an hour over my time so I left early and we went and got a few things and then met up with the Gumm Gang for dinner. Julie looked really pale. She had a biopsy of her thyroid. I guess she has some nodules on it and with Kay and Great Grandma Gumm having thyroid cancer I guess it can be hereditary. Julie texted me the other day and said her doctor said any sisters she has need to be tested. I wrote my doctor and I have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday. Weird right? Thought it doesn't hurt to be safe. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I might have to work in the covid clinic again until 5. We are going up to Logan on Saturday to organize Thanksgiving and then if it is OK Robin, I thought we might stop by and say HI on Sunday. I have to deliver a package for work in Pleasant Grove. I am getting super excited for Thanksgiving and Black Friday. LOVE MOM
I went to get my allergy shot this morning, but they changed their hours so they aren't open on Thursdays anymore. So that sucked. Then I went into work. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
I am finally starting to be caught up at work. I even had time to text Rachel this morning. Rachel that cat quilt is amazing. I love how you quilted cats. That is pretty cute and unique. She is going to love that. Robin you are getting spoiled at your new job. Swigs are nice. Luna is so cute. Karen good luck with your windshield. We are not far if you need us. I am signed up to do covid clinic again on Friday so I have to work until 5. We are hooking up with the gumm gang tomorrow for dinner. It was so pretty outside dad said he froze on his walk also. He said he needs to start driving again so he can walk in the gym. I thought we could practice in the church parking lot. See if he can move around enough now. Yesterday was his last predisone. He was kind of emotional today. That drug is tough. Do you remember when you took it Rachel when you had bells palsy. Love you guys
Today was good. I walked this morning and it was so so cold. I haven't been wearing winter things because I get so hot but I will have to now. I went to exercise class and it wore me out today. While Ruth was at school I went over to a friend from quilt groups house. She is making a quilt and lost the instructions and needed help figuring out how to put it together. We were able to figure it out and sewed together one block. I picked up the kids from school and we went to Lee's. Then we picked up Isaac from orchestra. The kids were so hyper all evening. They have half day of school tomorrow and then no school Friday because of parent teacher conference.
I decided to finally get my windshield fixed. So last night I got online and made an appointment for Friday. So I went in early this morning so I could leave early on Friday. Work was good though it went by fast so it made the day go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
I walked this morning and it was raining but nothing heavy. We ran errands after we dropped off the boys. I took the updated medical bills to the lawyer. We walked around Joann's. Ruth is fun to take shopping. We got Christmas decals for the window. When I went to SLC a rock hit the crv and crack the windshield so we took it in to get it fixed. I started quilting Tiffany's quilt and am putting cut cats on it. I like it. It is Randy's birthday today so we went up there for dinner. We had pizza which was good. The kids have a fun time playing with Ivy.
It was busy at work but I am making progress on getting caught back up. I am so ready for a short week next week. We did go pick up drugs when I got home. Then we came home and I made smoothies and open face cheese sandwiches for dinner. That tasted good. Dad is feeling better. He took his last Prednisone this morning. Hopefully he will continue to feel good. Nothing else exciting in my life. Love mom
My day was good. It was meeting day so work went by fast. Then I went to the store because I was out of icecream. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, November 15, 2021
I am with Karen Mondays can be long. I never got the intranet to work last night so I got up at 6 and did payroll. I then went into work and worked a full shift. I am behind. I got some of it done today. Rachel, Ruth s face made my day. That was so funny. I am glad you had a day off. That is funny WinCo was so busy. Robin I am glad you got to walk around the company gives you ideas of where to move around if you get bored. I hope jeramy is feeling better. I felt bad for him yesterday. Well not much else to report on my end. Love you all mom
We had a fun day with the kids home from school. I don't want them to go back tomorrow. We went to exercise class this morning. The kids were excited to see Oliver. Win co opened today so we went afterwards. The line was really long to get in but we thought it would be fun so we waited. Then they came out and said it was an hour to check once you got in so we left. We went to Chick-fil-A for lunch since it was right there. We went on a hike on the Bonneville shoreline trail. It was a beautiful day and it was nice to be out. We can home and watched the 10 rings again. I slept through it. Then we just played at home and it was nice. After dinner we decided to try WinCo again and their wasn't a line but it was busy. We got some stuff for lunches tomorrow. It is a big store. Ruth and Oliver have been playing with her makeup alot. Oliver had been making war paint. Today Ruth went all out and painted her face black. Their was a lot of lipstick on her so it was hard to get off.
Monday's always seem like long days. Work went good. I spent most of the day catching up on what I missed on Friday. Then I had to run to the store because I had a light bulb burn out and I didn't have any extras in my house. At least none that I could find. So when I got home I replaced my bulb and then watched my engineering economics lecture. It was a long one so it took most of the evening. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Primary program
I am glad that you guys went to the zoo today. It was a beautiful day and that sounds so fun. We have been deep in primary program stuff this weekend. Yesterday we had a practice. It went pretty well. I should have made it shorter we had some down time that we played games. My kids thought it was fun so I hope everyone did. It was fun to meet up with everyone yesterday. I had a meeting this morning. Then I set up for the program. The program went really well and we got a lot of compliments. It was kind of short but it was fine. The kids did a great job. We wrote shorter parts so everyone was able to memorize them. We did yard work after church. We needed a pick axe so we went out for lunch and bought one. We ran out of steam and just watched movies when it got dark. The kids don't have school tomorrow and I want to go hiking. I hope it works out. Love you guys. I haven't taken a lot of pictures. I will do better next week.
Fun weekend
We sure had a fun weekend. Luna was so cute at the zoo. Yesterday when we were there with Karen the polar bear was out playing and he is huge. He was fun to watch. We hooked up with the Anderson's and it was so much fun hearing about their trip. I was suppose to do payroll tonight but I can't get it to work. I think the system is down. I am getting my excited for Thanksgiving. It will be fun to play
My day was good. I got to sleep in and the I got my dishes done. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...