Saturday, December 10, 2016


Well we got my room decorated for Christmas. Mom insisted that I needed pictures of it so they are attached below. We had a fun day. We decorated, the went and got stuff to make cookies, and then we used my new kitchenaid to make cookies. They turned out good. I am excited for Isaac's party tomorrow. See you then. Bye

Nice day

we had a nice day also. Sorry I didn't blog last night. I feel sound asleep on Karen's couch. We got the Christmas decorations up and dad made a cool train around the tree. We made cookies with Karen's new mixer. It is really didn't snow all day but tonight it has been snowing. I am excited to celebrate tomorrow. We will leave lamas and pick up Robin and come up to play and play. Love mom

Birthday Preperations

Today we got ready for Isaac's birthday.  Casey fixed bikes for Sub for Santa and me and the kids went and got balloons.  They were pretty excited.  We went out for lunch and thrift store window shopping which was fun.  Calleen and Allen came and visited for a while and it was good to see them.  Casey and Isaac made a star wars birthday cake which turned out really well and they had a fun time.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow, we are excited.


Friday, December 9, 2016

Made it.

Today was good. Work was work. I went christmas shopping. Ricky lives by scheels so I went by and said hi his dad is feeling better. So that was good. I didn't stay long. It was mostly a hi visit. Then I went to scheels and got casey some things. I also went to fashion place. Traffic is terrible. I am so glad I'm done with christmas now. I am tired I am going to bed early and sleep in .



Well mom and dad made it safe and sound. The party was fun although the comedian they got kind of sucked. But everything else was good. They had really good food. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


Isaac woke up at 5 this morning so I had him come sleep with me.  He woke up Oliver so he came in with us also.  We didn't get much sleep after that but they had fun.  It did slow a bit last night and I shoveled the driveway.  Oliver loved it but Ruthie was grumpy so we didn't stay outside long.  Isaac had a substitute again at school and had a fun day, he was happy.  Henry came over to play for a while after school and they had fun.  After dinner we went to the store to get stuff to make Isaac's birthday cake.  He wants a star wars one.  He is pretty excited.  The boys are sleeping in the tent tonight with Casey, Oliver insisted they do that.  They should have fun.


Thursday, December 8, 2016


It snowed here this afternoon and evening.  I am going to have yo sovel in the morning.  My day was good. Just the usual. I did get my dishes done so that was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited for you and dad to come up tomorrow, mom. I hope the weather isn't too bad. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone.

Crazy day

This has been the weirdest week.  Dad took me to trax today so he could pick Dave up because he was getting his car fixed.  He got a flat tire and Pet Boy are jerks and he ended up at Discount Tire and they were able to just put it back on the frame and off he went.  My car is going to be fixed tomorrow and that will be nice.  We are going up to Kamas.  Karen's Christmas party is in Park City so dad is going to drop me off and go to Kamas.  We are going to decorate for Christmas.  I am pretty excited.  I hope it doesn't get too stormy.  We just vegged tonight.  We got our amazon package and the tens unit was in it so dad has been using that all night.  He says it does help him also.  Have a nice Friday.  I am so ready for the weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was cold and it snowed a bit in the afternoon which is fun.  We had a pretty good day.  Isaac was slow to wake up so we were running late this morning.  He had a substitute teacher today and I think it went well.  He has been struggling with the computer at school and today he said he was able to to the computer better so he was happy about that.  After school I had sewing group.  It was at a Melanie's house and she has a fun basement so the boys had fun.  Isaac said it was the best quilt group he has been too.  We are going to try to have a sewing day next month also which should be fun.  Casey didn't have any plans tonight so we just stayed home and played.  It was nice.  Everyone stay warm and have a good Friday.



Today was good. It was busy. But I'm am so glad tomorrow is friday. I had to work at scheels tonight. It was alright tonight. I am just tired I am ready for a nap. Well have a good one


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Busy day

Today was busy. We had our christmas party at work. It was kinda lame but at least I got free food. So there is a plus. Then I worked at scheels. For some reason everything was making me mad. I was close to quitting. But I just figured it was a long day and not to make rash decisions. So I still work there. I am excited for your new machine rachel. We should have a sewing day??? :) we will talk on sunday. Well have a good one


Sooooo Cold

Man it is a cold one today.  It also snowed off and on all day.  I am glad that it is warming up for the weekend.  We went shopping after dinner so that was fun.  I needed to get Isaac's birthday present.  I feel better now I have that.  We did go to Hot Dynasty and that was fun.  I am with Karen and excited for the weekend.  They are going to look at our car tomorrow.  I hope it is a cheap and easy fix.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  Rachel, I am excited for your new machine.  LOVE MOM

Exciting news

I have exciting news, I bought a new sewing machine.  It is a Juki 2010Q Long arm.  I was teasing Casey that he should get me it for Christmas and he said let get it.  We found it online with 0% financing for 2 years.  It just does straight stitches and is twice as fast as my Bernina.   It has a huge neck and does fit on quilting frames so in the future I could get one and put it on it.  It should be fun.  Other than that it was a pretty good day.  Oliver was tired this morning so I let him sleep in.  He slept until 10.  He is growing and I think he needs extra rest.  We went grocery shopping this morning when he got up.  Casey had a crazy day at work and then as soon as he got home he went to fix bikes for scouts for the sub for Santa.  We went to the hobby lobby while he was gone and walked around.  Oliver fell asleep when I was cooking dinner and was out for the night.  I am excited for my sewing machine.



Well it was cold again today. Work is moving along. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. I really don't have anything exciting to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Today was good. Nothing to exciting. Tomorrow they are bringing in lunch for our Christmas party. Then I came home and worked on Christmas stuff. I finished embroidering the disney characters on the on quilt I just need to sew it together. I can drive up with you guys mom. Thanks.have a good night


I am ready for summer

It is really cold outside.  Dave and dad came over and got my car jumped this morning but it was running really weird.  Dad thinks a sensor is bad. We took it to a car place and they are going to look at it on Thursday.  We went grocery shopping after work.  I hate grocery shopping.  Nothing looks good.  Work was good nothing exciting and I like that.  It looks like the advent calendars are going good.  Karen did you meet some of your neighbors?  I was hoping you would meet some of them.  Robin, I hope you got some rest.  Do we all want to drive up to Logan on Sunday together?  LOVE MOM


Isaac never stops moving so in all the pictures today he was blurry.  We had a good day.  I watched Henry's brother and sister this morning so Stephanie could volunteer at school.  It was fun and they are good kids.  I picked up Isaac and Henry from school and we got pizza for lunch.  I sewed with Jenn today but with her watching her niece we just talk for an hour which is fun.  Isaac was so hyper that we went on a walk.  It felt so nice to get out, I haven't been walking as much and I need to do that more.  After dinner Casey cleaned up his office and set up the tent so they could play downstairs.  The boys liked that.  Casey had a court of honor to go to tonight and we just watched a Christmas movie.  It was super cold today.  Is winter over yet?



Well it was the eard Christmas party tonight. So my visiting teacher ask me to go so I went with her. It was a pretty standard party except they had everyone bring their own plates and silverware. I have never been to a ward thing where they have you do that. Oh well I always have paper plates. Other than that it has been a usual Tuesday. It was super cold today. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, December 5, 2016


Today was long. I had a million meetings. I was not accomplished at all. I feel like December is going to fly by super fast. I was so tired today so I just came home and chilled. It was nice to be a shlub. I cooked dinner but it didn't taste good. I should have gone out to eat. Lol. Well not much else with me.



I drove to work today because dad had a dentist appointment.  He got a crown.  He needs another one and will get that next week.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I did finish reading a book however so that was fun.  When I got in my car to come home it wouldn't start.  Go Figure.  I took trax home and dad pick me up at the station.  We will look at it tomorrow.  I think little boys are so funny.  They love bodily function noises and thing they are so funny.  WE should get him a fart pillow.  He would love that.  I love that dress on Ruthie.  That is color is so good on her.  Karen have fun at the Christmas Party, I am so glad you are going.  YEAH!!!!  Robin, I hope you had a nice day.  It was so cold out there.  We had someone new start as a data analyst today and I spent most of the morning with her.  I liked her.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM I got my first Christmas present from Amazon.  I was pretty excited about that one. 


Today was pretty good.  I volunteered at school and Jenn watched the kids for me which was really nice.  Ruthie was fine last time she watched her but she cried after I left, I felt bad.  It was fun volunteering and Isaac likes it.  We played outside for a while in the afternoon during Ruthie's nap.  It was cold but nice to be outside.  Then Isaac made Christmas drawings all afternoon.  Our walls and tree are getting full of his creations, it is cute.  He colored in a giraffe and wrote butt on it, I attached a picture, boys.  Tonight there were showing the polar express at the library.  Oliver was asleep so Casey stayed with him and I took Ruthie and Isaac.  Isaac loved it and had fun.  Ruthie got bored half way through but did good.  When Oliver woke up Casey and him came over for the end of the movie.  Everyone enjoy your Tuesday.




Well I made it thru Monday. It seemed really cold today. Work was good. I stayed busy so it didn't drag too much. My visiting teacher came by and I said I would go to the church Christmas party tomorrow.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Slow mo

Today was good I just chilled all day. It was really nice. I didn't go over to ricky's his dad had really bad swollen feet so they went back to insta care. I didn't want to get in the way. Well have a good week


Quiet Day

We had a nice day.  We went and took grandma and Jani out to lunch and Walmart and then I came home and slept.  I hope I can sleep tonight.  I had a really nice time last night as well.  The lights are something to see.  Robin, I hope all is going well with you.  How is Ricky's dad.  You said you were going to take dinner in and I was wondering if that worked out.  Dad is going to the dentist tomorrow to get a crown and a filling done.  He is super excited about that one.  You don't need to take antibiotics anymore before the dentist.  It is so weird how everything changes every second.  Have a really nice week.  LOVE MOM Karen, I loved your shirts. 


I had a fun time yesterday also. The lights were really pretty. I had a good day today. It was a quiet day. I even took a nap. I hope everyone has a great week bye.

Here is my photo from yesterday

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Thanks for the fun time yesterday, it was so fun to see the lights and walk around.  We had a good day today.  Ruthie didn't sleep well and Casey was tired so he stayed home from church.  Ron down the street bore his testimony and talked about how wonderful Casey was, it was really sweet of him.  I taught the lesson today and that went pretty good.  Oliver went to nursery and did really well by himself.  It was a miracle.  I had everyone wear their Christmas clothes and they looked really cute.  I wasn't able to get a good picture but I will work on it.  Here are some pictures from yesterday, thanks again for everything.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...