Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Isaac never stops moving so in all the pictures today he was blurry.  We had a good day.  I watched Henry's brother and sister this morning so Stephanie could volunteer at school.  It was fun and they are good kids.  I picked up Isaac and Henry from school and we got pizza for lunch.  I sewed with Jenn today but with her watching her niece we just talk for an hour which is fun.  Isaac was so hyper that we went on a walk.  It felt so nice to get out, I haven't been walking as much and I need to do that more.  After dinner Casey cleaned up his office and set up the tent so they could play downstairs.  The boys liked that.  Casey had a court of honor to go to tonight and we just watched a Christmas movie.  It was super cold today.  Is winter over yet?


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...