Monday, December 5, 2016


I drove to work today because dad had a dentist appointment.  He got a crown.  He needs another one and will get that next week.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I did finish reading a book however so that was fun.  When I got in my car to come home it wouldn't start.  Go Figure.  I took trax home and dad pick me up at the station.  We will look at it tomorrow.  I think little boys are so funny.  They love bodily function noises and thing they are so funny.  WE should get him a fart pillow.  He would love that.  I love that dress on Ruthie.  That is color is so good on her.  Karen have fun at the Christmas Party, I am so glad you are going.  YEAH!!!!  Robin, I hope you had a nice day.  It was so cold out there.  We had someone new start as a data analyst today and I spent most of the morning with her.  I liked her.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM I got my first Christmas present from Amazon.  I was pretty excited about that one. 

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