Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hump day

Work was good.  I kept thinking it was Thursday and it threw me off.  I am excited to play this weekend.  Thanks Karen for Boondocks.  That was sweet of you to include us.  Good luck with your tooth.  We did cook bacon tonight so we have some ready for bacon sandwiches.  I totally forgot tomatoes but I will stop and get some.  I am looking forward to having Friday off.  Drive safe everyone.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I was busy today so it went by pretty quick.  My nose was itchy all day today. The allergies were bad today. Tomorrow I go to the dentist to get my tooth. It will fill in the last hole in my mouth. Yeah! I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


This morning I worked out and it was a hard one but I did it.  The kids had fun playing with Stephanie kids.  Everyone was tired today with the late night and hiking so we just took it easy.  One of the sprinklers broke in the back so we went to Lowes and got a new one.  When Casey got home we went to visit Leona.  We took her to the DI to find some pants.  It was overwhelming for her and we couldn't find anything she liked.  She wanted a hot plate also but they didn't have one.  We took her to our house and had corn on the cob and sat on the deck.  It was nice.  Thanks for having us tomorrow.  We will leave after lunch (we have later lunches) and head to the zoo.  Love you guys.


PS I didn't take any pictures today :(

A day down

Today was good but busy. I'm really glad tomorrow is my friday. I still have a ton of PTO so I am randomly taking days off now because I can. It will be nice to start taking time off. I will drive up to moms after work tomorrow. Have a good night


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Second times the charm

Today was good.  Isaac slept in late and we just sat on the deck, it was nice.  We brought Casey a sandwich for lunch and went to the park.  Oliver had to use the bathroom so we went to the cheese factory and used the facilities and bought some milk.  I cleaned up the toys this afternoon and got ride of some baby toys.  After dinner we tried the wind caves again.  Our plan was that Casey and Isaac were just going to go but everyone wanted to go so we made two teams.  Me and Casey rock paper scissored who got to go to the top and I won.  So me and the boys started off but Ruthie was sad so I stayed with her and Oliver.  Isaac and Casey went faster and made it too the top.  We kept going and almost made it.  Oliver wanted to see it so Casey took him since we were close.  It was late on the way down and dark for the last part of it.  It is too long to do in the evening for us, we just move too slow.  The kids had fun and it was nice to get out.  We are excited to head down on Thursday.  Thanks guys.



I struggled through the whole day and I had 15 minutes left and I got a million questions and ended up staying 1 hour late. It was lame. I came home and worked on quilt. I finally have the boarder on. I am doing the 3d flowers. So it will be a project. That would be fun to get the conductive cooker. I'm down for anything. I'm sorry your power was out mom I forget how much I rely on technology every night. Lol


No power

So I was just finishing up laundry and the power went off.  It is dark all around us. It is a big power outage. We went grocery shopping after work. I am ready to play. Robin on Thursday night I thought we would get that yarn and try it out. Friday Karen is coming down at lunch time. We are getting a plan. Have a great hump day. Love mom


Well I had a lot of meetings today. I spent all morning in meetings. I did make it thru but I didn't feel very productive. Dad also mentioned that sams has an inductive plate he thought was cool. Just in case we can't find anything else. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday, Monday

I had to go into work early and I was a little late but oh well, I made it.  It was a busy day today and everyone was grouchy.  I hope tomorrow people are in a better mood.  I am excited to play this weekend as well.  We can go shopping on Friday and get something for Dad's birthday.  He wants a carrot cake for his cake.  I am sure Best Buy will have them.  We will be out and about so we will have time to look.  Not much else to report on my side.  One more day of antibiotics.  I am pretty excited about that one.  LOVE MOM


Stephanie texted me this morning and her fridge was broken so she wasn't able to make it to work out.  I was just going to let the kids sleep in but they all woke up in time so we went.  It was fun and I am getting better at it.  I cleaned the house up when we got home and we worked on making some tornadoes but it didn't work super great.  We are going to work on making one that isn't in water.  We went swimming in the afternoon and it felt really nice.  It wasn't crowded and it felt so nice to get out of the heat.  Oliver scraped his knee on the way to the van so that was traumatic though.   We were going to see Leona but we decided to just go on Wednesday so we played mario bros on the wii, it was a nice night.  Love you guys.


One day more

I was bummed it was Monday but then I remembered I took friday off for fun and that made it so much better. I think for dads bday we should get the alexia light bulbs or electric outlets. I kinda feel like the lights would be cooler. Do they sell the at best buy? Any other ideas? Have a good one



Morning came way too early this morning. Since I took a nap I had trouble falling asleep. But I made it thru. My day was good. Work is just the usual. Did we decide what we are getting dad for his birthday? I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, August 12, 2018


I just had a couple of calendar things I wanted to share.  The Autumn Aloft hot air balloons is September 15.  Ryan Hamilton is on September 22.  Chaz's party is on September 1 and that is labor day so I wasn't sure about the vacation.  Good job on the quilt Robin, you are on fire.  I love the unicorn outfit also, Ruth would love it.  Today was good.  We went to church this morning.  Isaac and Casey stayed home because Isaac was tired and wanted a day off.  They asked me to help in Oliver's class and Ruthie came with us.  It was fun and Oliver liked having me.  That is going to be my new calling also.  They called me to be in the primary and I am going to help in sunbeams at least until January.  I am not teaching or anything just crowd control.  We just took it easy in the afternoon since it was so hot.  Casey worked on his car a bit.  After dinner we hiked to the wind caves.  We didn't make it all the way to the top because it was getting too late but we had a fun time.  The kids were great at hiking and it was a fun time.  We are going to try to make it to the top again on Tuesday.  Love you guys and have a good day.  We are coming down on Thursday.


Double nap

We came home from Karen's place this morning.  Thanks Karen for the fun weekend.  I was just sitting there and I feel sound asleep.  I woke up and we went to Grandmas.  She wanted to go out so we went to lunch and then to Walmart.  She has a hard time walking Walmart.  We had this weird push cart for her and about half way through I thought she was going to pass out but she sat down in the cart and felt better.  I was glad we got that for her.  We came home and I feel asleep again.  Robin that is a really nice quilt.  Way to go.  I am looking forward to next weekend.  It is still so smoky.  I wish that would go away. Karen thanks for getting us tickets for Boondocks.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good I slept in it felt nice. Then I went to joanns and got a back for my quilt. I also went grocery shopping I finally ran out if food and couldn't procrastinate any longer. I then took a nap and then sewed my blocks of my quilt together. I am working on the flower pieces next. Have a good monday



My weekend has been good. Mim and dad come up. Then me and mom went to the kingdom ball on saturday. It was fun. Today i was lazy and took a nap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...