Monday, August 13, 2018


Stephanie texted me this morning and her fridge was broken so she wasn't able to make it to work out.  I was just going to let the kids sleep in but they all woke up in time so we went.  It was fun and I am getting better at it.  I cleaned the house up when we got home and we worked on making some tornadoes but it didn't work super great.  We are going to work on making one that isn't in water.  We went swimming in the afternoon and it felt really nice.  It wasn't crowded and it felt so nice to get out of the heat.  Oliver scraped his knee on the way to the van so that was traumatic though.   We were going to see Leona but we decided to just go on Wednesday so we played mario bros on the wii, it was a nice night.  Love you guys.


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 I had a really quiet morning. I slept. Dad came home and I ran some errands. He had a heart doctor appt. He checked out really good. I am e...