Friday, September 18, 2020


 Well I am excited for tomorrow.  That will be fun.  It is such a pretty garden to walk around in.  Not much goin on with me.  So glad work is over for the weekend. It was a long week for me.  I did make chicken enchiladas for dinner and that tasted really good.  Rachel what a fun way to break in the couches.  That is a fun movie.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  LOVE MOM 


 Rachel, I like your new couches. I am glad that you are having a fun movie night. My day was good. Work was quiet but I got a lot done so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Today was good and less busy.  I walked and went to exercise class.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  Me and Ruth went to the store to get a movie.  We had a movie night to break in the couch in.  We picked out back to the future.  Isaac had a friend come over to play after school which was fun.  We had a fun time watching the movie.  We just started the second one so we will see how late we stay up.  We will see you tomorrow.



Thursday, September 17, 2020


 Rachel that is a nice couch.  It looks really nice.  I am so glad you finally got it.  Now if we could just get Jeramy his freezer.  I went into work today and it went well, I got a lot done.  We came home and just vegged.  Robin you will love that ladder.  That is a sweet deal.  I have never seen them that cheap.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  The week after a holiday is always long.  LOVE MOM 


Today was good. I feel like I got alot done. I love.your couch rachel it's cute. Some guys at jeramys work said there was a good deal on ladders at home depot. So we thought we would check it out. We ended up buying one. It was 99 dollars and normally it was 250.00 it's the metal ones that extend. We keep doing projects where a ladder would come in handy. Then we went to slim chicken for dinner it's becoming our go to restraunt. 


New couch

 Today was busy but we got a lot done.  Walking was good this morning.  I volunteered in Isaac's class so we walked in with the boys.  I just graded paper but it was fun to be there.  I worked at preschool and that was good.  The kids are really cute.  Ruth is good to stay the whole time.  It is fun to eat a sack lunch with her.  Oliver had a playdate after school so we just picked up Isaac.  Casey got off work early and we went and picked up the couch.  We had to take two trips to fit everything in the trailer.  Andy next door saw us carrying things in and helped which was really nice. I don't think we could have done it without him.  Moving couches is so much work and it took a long time.  It looks nice downstairs and I think it will be a good couch.  I picked up a quick dinner since it was late.  I did homework with the kids and Casey finished mowing the lawn.  Love you guys.




 I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Things are going good here. I had 2 meetings today and I got free lunch with one of them so that was fun. I was just lazy tonight. It is fun to do that every once in awhile. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Hump Day

  Well we made it through half of the week.  It was really quiet here today and I was caught up.  I am going into work tomorrow and getting stuff printed and paid.  I am worried about Saturday.  They say it might rain.  Which would be really nice because we need it so bad but it might but a damper on our quilt show.  I think we might need a plan B.  Not much else to report on my end.  It was so nice to have a cabin that it made my day.  I am super excited.  Well have a nice Thursday.  Karen, I am glad school isn't so hectic this quarter.  Robin, I am sorry you had to go into work.  They are so stressful.  Rachel,  I am so glad you are taking a math class.  That is fun.  LOVE MOM 


Today was ok. I had to go into work because everyone is crazy. So I went in after lunch because I didn't want to work all day in the office. Then me and Jeramy went to panda for dinner.jenkins was so wild tonight so we went on a walk. Thanks for the cabin mom it looks fun


 My day was good. I did have to spend 40 minutes on the phone with technical support to get a program running. It was worth it though because it worked after that. After work I came home and turned in my brochure and participated in the online class discussion. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


 Thanks you so much Mom.  We are super excited for the vacation.  Thank you!!  Today was good good.  It was darker when I walked this morning.  Exercise class was fun and we left a bit early to take Ruth to school.  I worked on my math while she was gone.  We walked to pick up the boys. It was picture day for them and they looked cute this morning.  The trainer at pet class showed me treats that dogs like and Tony loves them.  It makes a difference because he is more interested in training.  The trainer gave us some games to play to practice Come.  We have been playing them this week and it is fun.  He is coming for the kids a lot better. I have been working on playing ball with him but he is having a hard time but slowly getting it.  Casey mowed half the lawn before it got too dark.  Our couches are ready to be picked up so we are getting them tomorrow which is fun.  We have waited forever for them.  



Tuesday, September 15, 2020

I did it

 Well I have been looking at cabins for days and days and it was down to 2 of them.  Dad helped me pick it out.  He love the 4 bunk beds together.  That was the deciding factor.  I hope it will be nice.  I am super excited.  I feel so much better.  They don't let pets there.  I am sorry about that one.  I couldn't find one that did.  I will help pay for the dogs to be taken care of.  We are off on an adventure.  LOVE MOM 


Today was ok. Work was busy and it was like walking through mud. I am going into work tomorrow after lunch because people are special and I need to go in and move some gowns around. I mowed the lawn today and now it's cooler my grass is so green. Then I cooked brats on the grill. 



 Today was good.  Casey woke up early so he took the dog on a walk and I slept in.  Oliver left his backpack in the car so I had to run it back to school for him.  While Ruth was at school I did my math class and we studied vectors.  It was fun to do.  We picked up Casey and went out for lunch.  Oliver is mr popular and had another playdate after school.  I went to the girls activity, they were getting to know the primary presidency.  Then I came home and we did homework.  Isaac is always stressed to go to school but I so happy afterwards.  He is funny.  Love you guys and have a good night 




 Today was meeting day so that took uo most of my morning. I had it thru though. They aren't too bad of meetings so that is good. Then i just caught up on my emails in the afternoon. After work I went to the store because I needed food. Then I came home and did time and motion study. We are talking about energy used verus break time and safe lifting calculations. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 14, 2020


 Work was OK.  I just am having a hard time focusing.  I did make it out alive as well.  I am glad that Ruth liked dancing.  She is so dang cute.  I love Isaac's mask.  That was neat.  Robin, I am glad you found some foam.  That is so pretty.  Are you going to paint it white or gray?  Dad worked a little late because Dave's truck needed repair and he picked him up and dropped him off.  Not much else to report on my end.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was busy but good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  Ruth had school and I started taking a math class while she was gone.  Ruth had dance class and she was so excited.  I watched a bit at the end and she is so cute dancing.  I had to run some errands while she was there.  Her class gets done five minutes before the boys get out of school so we hurried over to get them.  Oliver had a play date so he was gone.  When he got back the kids were all tired so we watched a show.  The kids had homework and then we went to puppy class.   Next week is the last class.  Tony wasn't feeling it tonight.  She gave me some better treats and that helped a bit.  I think he was tired.  Karen bought Isaac a clown mask and it came today.  Thanks again Karen.  Love you guys and I hope you had a good day.




Work was wild but I made it out alive. Jeramy had to work late again so I ran to Joann's and bought a foam piece and fabric. Then we had dinner and I sewed up a foam pad for my bench. It's nothing to exciting but I ordered out door pillows because those are cheaper than the foam pads. So when they arrive Thursday I will take a final photo :) 


 Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is still moving along. Just the usual though nothing too wild and crazy. Then I came home and worked on my homework. I had to make a broche. I hope the teacher thinks it's good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, September 13, 2020


 Robin that is really neat.  I love those benches.  I would also go check out the Hobby Lobby.  They had a lot of their summer pillows and cushions on sale.  Might be able to find something cheap.  We did go up to Karen's today and help put in a new ceiling fan in her bedroom.  It was fun to work on a project.  We came home and just vegged.  Dad is still really tired.  It is nice to actually see him sleep.  He has been having such a hard time sleeping I think he is catching up.  Thanks for the fun time yesterday.  I love those halloween costumes.  That is fun the kids are playing with them.  Have a nice Monday.  LOVE MOM 


 Wow Robin, that is awesome.  I want one too.  How fun.  I am glad that you got your fan fixed Karen.  Thanks for putting up with me and we had a fun time yesterday.  The kids love their halloween costumes and played with them all day.  I had a meeting this morning and got some primary stuff done which felt nice.  Casey made salsa from our garden and it tasted good.  We walked to the park and played which was fun.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.  You guys are awesome.




 Wow Robin I am impressed. That looks really nice. Last night when I got home, I turned on my bedroom light and it flashed then went out. So I tried replacing the bulbs and it still didn't work. The fan would turn on but the lights wouldn't work. So today mom and dad came up and I got a new fan and we replaced it. Thanks again mom and dad for the help. Other than that I did homework and laundry. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


Jeramy has been working alot of overtime lately so he bought me some wood to make a bench. It's a 2 bench design but we thought we would start with one and see how it goes. It was fun to make we are thinking of getting the second bench wood in a few weeks when we have some free time :) I am going to run to Joann's and price their foam. The bench padding is expensive. Might check out and see how cheap Ikea pillows will be

What it will look like with the second bench.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...