Work was quite today. I did got some stuff. I was ready to play. Thanks everyone for come down. Everyone drive safe. I love you all mom
Friday, September 30, 2022
My day has been good. Work was busy so it went by fast for a Friday. Robin I saw my package has shipped I am excited to get it. I will leave a review once it is here. I can't wait until you get some Christmas stuff on there. After work I came home and was lazy for a bit. I was played beat Saber so I wasn't lazy all night. I am excited to play tomorrow. I even put the tickets for nightmare on 13th in my purse so I won't forget them tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, September 29, 2022
It was a really quiet day at work everyone went to the board retreat. I got a lot done. We met the gumm gang for dinner. Traffic was bad but we made it. It was fun. We went to target afterwards because I was out of coke at work. They had fun Halloween things. I was hoping it was Friday also. Rachel.that is neat they got to sew. They are going to want to do that a lot. Karen that is neat you ordered from etsy. Robin that is neat you know the.process. have a nice Friday. Love mom
That is fun Karen ordered something. I should do that also. Thanks for the tickets for this weekend also Karen. You are on fire. Today was another busy but good day. I had meetings this morning. I had a message from the school that Oliver was marked a unverified absence at school. I tried to get a hold of Casey to see if he was sick but he was in a meeting. We finally connected and Oliver did go to school. So I called the school and they checked the class and he was there. Oliver said he had a substitute so I think she just messed up. Isaac forgot his violin again today. I ran home and got it and the kids are always waiting in a different spot then they tell me because our wires get crossed when I am late. So the teachers probably think I am crazy. I had to deliver the conference packets and I had the kids help so it went fast. I picked Isaac up from orchestra and then I took the little kids to sewing night. Isaac didn't want to go. We had a good time and they loved using the machine. They both made two ornaments. They did really well but it was tiring. We came home and the kids had their hour and then bedtime. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Well my arm was sore today and I did feel a little crappy but I made it through. Work is still moving along. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. I did print out the tickets for nightmare on 13th. I am excited to go. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Robin, let's do those tomato wire ghosts. That looks easy and I can get all the stuff for that. Thanks for working on it. Today was busy. Their are all these deadlines for the end of the month so their is a lot to do. I am going to help another team tomorrow get caught up so I had to finish a bunch of wreaths today. Ruth went on a field trip to first dam today and she had a fun time. We met Casey for dinner and got hotdogs. Me and Ruth ran to the store to pick up some treats for the conference packets. Then me and Isaac went to the church. He went to young men's and I helped put together the packets. We gave the kids playdough and some activity papers in a plastic sleeve. It should be fun. Then I went to exercise class. They played songs I knew and that was fun. My shins were hurting though. Tomorrow me and Ruth are doing a sewing night at my work and I hope it is fun.
Love Rachel
So my boss texted me at 620 saying he needed his 8 meeting canceled. I got up at 7 and went into work. Just as I got there he decided he wanted the meeting. So that started my day off weird. We got a charger for my car but it wouldn't work. There is no charge left. Dad is coming off his presdisone and feels crummy. we didnt do to much tonight. I want to get rid of my green chair. I was wondering on Saturday if you could help me take it to the free dump day at the apartment. It was raining on the way to work. It was nice. I am glad luna.likes her. Room. Karen I hope you don't get sick. The girl that sits next to me has covid. I knew she didn't feel good yesterday. The ceo has it.also. it just keeps going around. Rachel glad you are doi g well. Love mom
Well it only rained a few drops here. I kept hoping in would pour rain but it never did. Work was good. I spent half the day wiring sensors and connectors together. It was fun to do. Then after work I went and got the pneumonia vaccine, so I might feel crappy tomorrow. Robin can you post a link to your etsy page. I want to look at the stuff you posted. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
I actually made some progress today. It felt nice. We did go.look for a.charger we ordered one on Amazon. Itnwill be here on Thursday. I think liberty park will he fun. I love the kids Robin I like you cutting is the.cut me one. Have a nice hump day. Love mom
Work was good. I did step by step photos and everything has to be perfect. It is stressful and made the day longer. Ruth has been making cards for her friends with our number to set up play dates which is cute. Casey did her hair like a heart this morning and it turned out cute. Isaac forgot his violin this morning so I ran home to get it which is crazy. Ruth had tumbling. The kids all did homework without crying and it was so nice. Me and Casey went of a walk after dinner. It was very nice to do that. I forgot to show the kids school pictures. They turned out really good. I would love to meet at liberty park for lunch. That sounds fun. Thanks for planning everything Mom.
Love Rachel
This are still going good here. It was meeting day at work so it went by pretty fast. After work I made tacos and it tasted really good. I also got my laundry done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, September 26, 2022
Well getting back to the real world was tough. My car didn't start this morning so I took the jeep. The battery is dead. I think with everyone back work should be better. I don't have to cover as much. I did leave at 3 to take dad to the doctor. He didn't know what the blood test ment so he is going to call that cancer doctor. I hope that helps. We came home and just vegged. Luna is getting way to big. She is so cute. Ruth is so cute with that chemistry set. I had this hoodoo idea for Saturday. Why don't we meet at Liberty park for lunch and play there. One of the ladies I work with said the rides were up and working and I thought Luna would like to run around. I will bring some lunch. I always appreciate suggestions. We haven't been to the aviary for forever. I thought the kids would like that. Oliver has been talking about owls. Just a thought. Well have a great Tuesday. It was hot today. LOVE MOM
We were all sad to go back to real life this morning but it wasn't as bad as we all feared. Thanks for all the food. I had a beagle sandwich for lunch thanks to Mom and hamburgers for dinner thanks to Karen. Work was good. I made a pillow and more wreaths. My headphones ran out of batteries and that was really hard. Isaac had violin lessons after school and we figured out what paperwork we need to do to apply for ambassadors. The kids didn't cry when doing homework which was awesome. Oliver's teacher sent some handwriting homework to help which I really appreciate. He is struggling writing his letters the right way. Casey worked late to catch up from being gone. I went to exercise class and that was fun. Ruth did a lot of chemistry today and loves the set. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
I made it through Monday. It always seems like a long day. Work was good. It was just the usual. Still busy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, September 25, 2022
We had a really nice day. I went and got bagels and we had a picnic at tonys Grove and picked up Rachel and Casey. The autumn leaves were beautiful. I love your pictures Rachel. We brought up a chemistry set and grandpa and Ruth worked on that today. We came home after dinner. Casey made the best gravy. I was in heaven. I had such a nice weekend. It was nice to hike around d the lake today. Karen I am glad you had a lazy day. Robin I hope you had a nice weekend. Love you all
We made it back and had a really fun time. Thank you Mom and Dad for taking care of the kids and giving them a such a fun time. I am glad you came up Karen, they had a fun time with you. It was pretty cold at night so I was glad we got a warmer sleeping bag. Their was a ultra marathon race going on one of the trails we were on. They are pretty impressive people and I don't think I could do it. Saturday we walked to white pine lake and then up the Mt Naomi. It was straight up and a hard hike. It was a beautiful view at the top and was worth it. At the top we were talking to a guy who knew what he was doing and realized we weren't going to make it. So we call Mom and Dad and changed where to meet up at a Tony Grove. It ended up being fun and we had a good day hiking around the lake. Thanks again. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Things are good here in Kamas. I have just had a lazy day. I had a fun time yesterday in Logan. We went to Singing in the Rain. Then we played on the hoverboards for a while and then went to the corn maze. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...