Monday, September 26, 2022


Well getting back to the real world was tough.  My car didn't start this morning so I took the jeep.  The battery is dead.  I think with everyone back work should be better. I don't have to cover as much.  I did leave at 3 to take dad to the doctor.  He didn't know what the blood test ment so he is going to call that cancer doctor.  I hope that helps.  We came home and just vegged.  Luna is getting way to big.  She is so cute.  Ruth is so cute with that chemistry set.  I had this hoodoo idea for Saturday.  Why don't we meet at Liberty park for lunch and play there.  One of the ladies I work with said the rides were up and working and I thought Luna would like to run around.  I will bring some lunch.  I always appreciate suggestions. We haven't been to the aviary for forever.  I thought the kids would like that.  Oliver has been talking about owls.  Just a thought.  Well have a great Tuesday.  It was hot today.  LOVE MOM   

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