Saturday, March 19, 2022


 I am glad you guys all met up and had a fun day.  Good luck cleaning and looking for a house.  We had a good day.  We all slept in a bit.  The kids went over to play at Emily's house.  They have a new bunny.  Me and Casey went out to lunch just us and that was fun.  We spent the rest of the day in the backyard.  We cleaned up all the garbage and toys.  Casey worked on the treehouse.  I cleaned up the raspberries.  Isaac brought over the wheelbarrow and Oliver helped me.  It is nice the have nice weather and be outside.  I also cleaned the house.  I haven't been great at keeping up on it so it feels nice now.   Love you guys.




Today was good. We woke up and looked at a house. It was a terrible house. Then we met up with mom, dad and Karen. It was fun. Jeramy saw a house he really liked and they had an open house. So we checked it out it was a cute house we are going to try for it. Jeramy was worried if they do accept our offer we will have to sell quick. So we are going to clean tomorrow. Mom and dad are coming down to help wrangle Luna. So we will see how this week will go. It will be crazy. 


 Karen spent the night and we called robin to meet at the zoo but we got there and I think there were 7 million people there. It was crazy. We decided to just go to lunch and Barnes and nobles. It was fun. Luna could play on the stage and crawl around it was fun. We came home and crashed. We are going to lehi for a little while to help clean so robin can sell her house. Then we are hooking up with Rachel for dinner. Should be a fun day. Love mom


 I had a fun day. The play Friday was good and funny. Then today I hung out with mom and dad. Then we met Robin and crew for lunch and the went to the bookstore. Then I came home and took a nap. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye 

Friday, March 18, 2022


 Work was good. We ordered cafe Rio for lunch and it was good. Karen came down and we went to eat at Joe's and then the play. It was a really funny play and hale theater is really nice. I like Luna's high chair. She is getting big. Rachel have a nice Saturday. Love mom


Rachel if you want I can make a writing board for Ruth. I put a pict below. Your hand is knarly that is crazy the wires are through the skin. I got off work early today because yesterday we had a long meeting. I went and picked up groceries. Jeramy didn't get home till 7:30 so me and Luna just played. When she went to sleep I engraved a cutting board for a lady at work that is moving. I tried to do an inlay with veneer. It turned out ok. The letters were to swirly so only half of the veener turned out. 



 Today was good.  I went to exercise class and we did yoga.  I couldn't do very much and I kept thinking of the it crowd when he says I'm disabled.  We walked Ruth to school and I helped in her class.  She was having a hard time doing her writing so we will have to practice more.  The kids were going to play at Emily's house but we reschedule for tomorrow.  So the boys walked home. I got a call for a lady and Oliver had gotten stuck in the mud in the canal behind the school.  Isaac was having a hard time getting him out.  So I went down and picked them up.  It was nice of her to call and I am glad they remembered our phone number.  Oliver had a music performance in Providence.  We were late for the practice and their were ten millions kids there.  Oliver felt like he wasn't dressed nice enough so we skipped it.  We walked around the art show and colored for a bit. It was fun.  We can home and the kids played outside until it was dark.  I was going to go to ladies night for exercise class but i wasn't feeling it so I stayed home.  I probably should have gone.  Oliver made me a flower and left it on my pillow.  It was sweet of him.



Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St Patrick's Day

 Today was good and everyone was excited for at Patrick's day.  Ruth talked and talked all morning she was so excited.  Isaac had a good time on his field trip.  It was a pretty day.  We walked Ruth to school and took the long way home.  After school Oliver walked home.  Then they played in the backyard.  We cleaned up all the garbage.  Oliver wanted to paint outside since it was so pretty so we set that up.  Ruth had dance class and then I picked Isaac up.  Casey didn't have to work late so we went to the park after dinner.  We brought Tony and he loved that.  Ruth's tablet has been broken so Casey and her went and bought a new one.  We got the boys new controllers for the switch since their weren't working great.  I have put a picture of my wires here.  Sorry if that is gross.  It just looks so werid.

Big busy day

 I went to work and then met grandpa and Isaac's class for a field trip. We had a good time and it was a bit nippy but not too bad. I went back to work and then after work we met up with the gumm gang. The Mexican restaurant where Julie use to live was closing and we thought we go one last time. Everyone in the world thought the same thing. We stayed 90 minutes and still was waiting so left and went to Applebee's. Crazy. I am glad Luna is feeling better. Is is so cute. Karen that is fun you found a new game. I still have a headache. Wish that would go away. Enjoy your Friday. Love mom


 I am glad Luna is feeling better. My day was good. I remembered to wear a green shirt so I was protected from leprechauns. Work is just the usual. I decided to take the night off from school. It was nice being lazy. Tomorrow I am going down to Salt Lake and me, mom, and dad are going to a play at hale theater. I am excited. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


Today was good. I worked from home. Luna is doing good. Still a runny nose but has a ton of energy. She keeps chasing Jenkins every where. Luckily Jenkins is somewhat of a sport and runs faster than her. I went on a walk and had and easy night. Hope everyone has a good Friday

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Hump day

 I have had such a bad headache. I worked from home and laid down for lunch and never woke up again. I am excited for the field trip tomorrow. We will be there around 1000. I can't believe Oliver walked home by himself. He is growing up too fast. I hope Luna gets feeling better soon. Robin I am so glad you have a job that is flexible. Rachel that is what you need. Karen I am sorry your kindle broke that is sad. Robin I am sorry you have a sore tooth. Rachel I am sorry you hand is sore. We are under a bad moon. We need sunshine. Love mom 


 I am sorry Luna is sick.  I am glad she doesn't have covid.  My hand is more sore with this new brace maybe because I can move everything more.  I went to exercise class and it felt so good and was fun.  I dyed my hair and that felt good also.  I met Casey for lunch and it was good to see him.  Oliver has been reading his Calvin and Hobbes book and he wants more independence like Calvin.  He says Calvin is 6 and can walk without his Mom.  So he walked home from school by himself.  Isaac and orchestra and Ruth went to Emily's to play.  Emily got a new bunny and wanted to show Ruth.  Isaac worked on his chocolate rocket.  His first one didn't look great but we have a better one.  Thanks for talking to him Mom and Dad.  We did homework for most of the night.  Casey is working late again. Isaac is excited for his field trip tomorrow.  Thanks for going Mom and Dad.  Love you guys.




I took Luna into daycare today. I guess she started coughing around lunch time, so I had to go pick her up. Since she was coughing I had to get a covid test for her so we don't have to be out for 10 day. So I made a doctor's appointment. She luckily was negative. So I am working from home tomorrow. We we will see if we can go back Friday or not. Then we went on a walk and by the time we finished dinner and cleaned up it was bed time. Luna didn't want to sleep. So I put her in bed with me and I put in sleepy fish on YouTube. It worked but I'm afraid to move her. So I thought I would blog before I moved the wild monkey :)



 Well my kindle stopped connecting to my wifi last time. I have rebooted and tried to reconnect but no luck. So I can read books already on my kindle but I can't get new ones. So I bought a new one but it isn't coming until April. Other than that my day was good. Work is still moving along. It is St. Patrick's day tomorrow so be sure you wear green so you don't get pinched. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 My day was good. Work was quiet because the managers all had a meeting in the morning. So my meeting got canceled. Then after work I came home and did school work. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye 


 I had a headache also and a little cough. I hope we didn't get sickness. Maybe that was why Luna was grumpy she had a headache. Interesting. Work was good. We came home and vegged. Karen sent dad some filament and he has big plans what to do with it. Thanks. I kept hoping it was the storm that was causing the headache. I think that is cute you got a box for Luna. They just in love Boxes. Oliver would love in one. Rachel I hope you hand does ok. I bet it is nice to move your wrist. Love you all mom


Luna was coughing all last night and didn't sleep very good. So I went to work and grabbed my laptop to work from home. I took her with me because Jeramy had to go to work. When we got home Luna was so grumpy. She finally fell asleep for 2 hours then took another 2 hour nap. She was feeling better and wasn't coughing. So I think tomorrow I am going to try to put her in daycare again. Jeramy had to work till 7. So it was a wild day. I had to do dishes but Luna keeps getting into the dog food and water. So I put her in a box with toys to keep her contained. I'm a ghetto mom.


 I had a doctor's appointment for my hand this morning.  They took an x-ray and everything looks good.  They molded by golden brace to fit the pins.  It is nicer to wear.  Isaac had a headache and stayed home.  Casey took Oliver to school and Ruth to work with him.  She was so excited he had her stay for a meeting.  I walked Tony and then took them a business lunch.  Me and Isaac hung out this afternoon.  We went to the park afternoon school with Tony.  He had fun going after balls. I was colder today. It started raining around dinner time.  Ruth's beam came and she loves it.  She also had tumbling.  She is doing pretty good at it.  She was so grumpy on the way home because she was tired.  Isaac worked on getting caught up in math so he wasn't able to go to young men's.  Casey is working late tonight.  Love you guys.



Monday, March 14, 2022


 I did struggle getting up today. Work was good and I left early to go to the heart doctor. He talked about a watch implant that would help him not have strokes. We are going to research that one. I loved it staying light longer. I am glad the kids got to play at the park. It is suppose to rain tomorrow night. I did work on taxes tonight so that felt better. Luna looks so cute. Karen I am glad you are doing good. I do get to go with the zoo with Isaac on Thursday. I am excited about that. Have a nice day love mom


 Today was good and I did more which felt normal which is nice.  I went to exercise class.  I didn't do much but it was nice to go.  We walked Ruth to school and it was a pretty day.  I didn't walk the long way home but Tony did get a walk.  I went and got more sleeping medicine.  Isaac had orchestra and after I picked him up we went to the park to try Oliver's rocket.  It is really nice and works well.  It is perfect for kids.  Thanks guys.  Then the kids played and played at the park.  We came home and did homework.  Oliver was upset doing his homework but he got it done.  I sprayed his coat with the no chewing spray this morning.  He said he noticed but didn't chew it because he has broken the habit.  I go to the hand doctor in the morning.  Casey is taking the boys to school and Ruth to work with him.  She is so excited and talked about is all night.  Love you guys.



Today was good Luna didn't sleep good but we made it out alive. It was pie day so we had our at work. It was so warm and sunny I took Jenkins on a walk. Luna fell asleep on the car ride home. So I just left her in the carrier and had her go in the stroller for a walk. It was nice to get out. She still slept for another hour. Jeramy worked late and just had an easy night



 Well my Monday was good. I didn't even struggle to get up this morning so yeah for me. Work was good I ended up in a meeting in the morning that was an hour and half long but it was good so it didn't drag too bad. I took the octopus dad made me into work and everyone thought it was cool. After work I ran to the store to get some food and then I came home and cooked dinner. Then I did my dishes and then homework. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Quiet day

 We had a quiet day. It was weird to spring ahead because all the clocks just changed. I sure had a nice time yesterday. We did got to Walmart to get trash bags and cvs to get drugs. Other than that just took it easy. Everyone have a nice Monday. It will be off all week with the daylight savings. Love mom


 Thanks for giving Oliver a amazing day.  It is so fun to see everyone and spend the day together.  Today was busy.  I had a meeting this morning.  Casey took Tony for a run and then worked the rest of the day.  Church was good.  I got some calling filled.  Oliver gave a talk about his baptism in primary.  He wanted to read out of the scriptures which was cute.  I took back all the baptism stuff also.  Oliver fell down the stairs at church and has a bruise on his leg.  We just played after church and it was a nice afternoon.  Love you guys.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...