Saturday, January 21, 2017


I got my hair cut and colored it was fun. I haven't had a pamper day in a while. It was fun just to relax. It was so snowy. Today. I went to Michaels after my hair and got things for work. February theme for work is "up" so I am making a board for work. It was my idea so I have taken it as a personal project. Lol. I finished it tonight. Have a good sunday

Quiet day

Well we had a quiet day.  Slept in and then I took a nap.  It snowed here all morning as well.  We got about 6 inches.  We went and got my hair cut and went grocery shopping.  I did make brownies and they tasted good.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  I love your hair cut Robin.  It looks really nice.  Be safe out there.  The snow is coming again tomorrow night.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It snowed here until after lunch. We got about 3 inches, so it wasn't too bad. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I like your hair Robin, good job.  That is fun to do something different.  We had a good day.  It snowed for much of the day but it was pretty snow so that was nice.  I needed to go grocery shopping this morning but no one wanted to go so just me and Ruthie went.  After lunch Kelly and Randy came over and they fixed Kelly's car and got it running.  In the afternoon I took the kids to the jump zone and they had a fun time.  Ruthie usually just sits on my lap but today she was out and on everything.  I had to take her to the baby area and she was wild and loved it.  The boys were good to jump on the big kid place by themselves and then Oliver came over and played with us.  They got cookies for a snack.  When we got home they were done with the car so Randy took us out to Mcdonalds for dinner in Smithfield with the play land.  I am hoping that the kids are worn out and sleep well tonight.   I finished binding my green and pink quilt.  I really like how it turned out, it was fun to make.


Friday, January 20, 2017


My day was good.  Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  I am glad that it is the weekend.  I am going to go get my hair cut tomorrow as well.  It is driving me crazy.  I also thought I might go grocery shopping.  I know I live on the wild side.  It is suppose to be stormy tonight and tomorrow.  It is nice to see Oliver smiling in his pictures again.  I made spaghetti for dinner tonight and that tasted good.  Everyone have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


I want to cut my hair also Robin but I can't decide to go long or short.  I am glad you are getting it cut.  Today was good, we kept busy all day which is nice.  I watched Henry's sister and brother this morning.  They are good kids and it was fun.  My visiting teachers came over this afternoon and it was good to met them.  I took the kids to the bounce and slide and let them run around for a while, it was nice to get out.  I brought Isaac's Judo outfit and he changed afterwards and I dropped him off.  Oliver wanted to go to the cheese factory so we went their and he was so cute.  He loves getting a cheese sample and then chocolate milk.  We went home just for a little bit and then went back to get Isaac.  Oliver fell asleep on the way their and has been out ever since.  The part for the truck came in so Casey went up after work and is hopefully fixing it.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend and get some rest.



I am glad that it is finally the weekend.  Work was good. The audit finished today and the auditor said he is recommending us for iso9000 approval. So yeah for us. It was nice weather here today. There was even blue sky. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Today was good they are replacing our carpet at work so we left early. I had to work scheels so it was short lived. I have tomorrow off. I am going to get my hair cut and colored. I need a change. Hope everyone had a good friday


Thursday, January 19, 2017


Casey took today off to go to Clifton to help Calleen get everything cleaned up and fix her truck but things didn't work out with the part being here, they had it come in and then sent it back for some reason.  It was supposed to be here again today but it never came so he ended up just staying home.  Isaac had school and I think had a good time.  I watched Neve this afternoon and she is cute and plays well.  Then Randy called and said that it was Kimi's birthday so we went up their for pizza and cake.  Isaac was so grumpy and nothing was what he wanted that eventually I took him home and Casey took the other home later.  I talked to him and he calmed down.   We got a inch or two of snow, it made it road really slippery.  Thanks everyone for helping paint.  I am excited.


So close

Robin lucky you.  You get a nap tomorrow.  Work went well for me.  Dad was going to take the day off and rest and I drove to work and then they called him and said they were having a meeting and he needed to be there.  Bob came and got him.  It snowed here all day.  It was so pretty to watch.  Karen, I hope you don't get a lot of snow and don't have to snow blow.  Rachel, I hope all is going well with you.  It is suppose to snow all weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was alright. I moved desks at my office. It was interesting to sit in a new place. Tomorrow we are leaving early because we are getting new carpet. Then I worked at scheels. I took of the 27th at maggie. I work at scheels the night before so I will head up to logan on the morning.



Well we are almost to the weekend.  I am glad. I didn't have to shovel this morning, but it started snowing a little bit later. I will probably will have to shovel in the morning though. Work is going good. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Clip board of fun

I had a nice time meeting up with Robin tonight.  Thanks for doing that.  We walked around Joanns and that was really fun.  We talked about painting Isaac's room and Robin said she could take next Friday off and help.  Karen do you want to come up?  I am taking Thursday and Friday off so we will be around.  I wasn't sure if you would prefer us to just take the kids after school on Friday and let you guys do the work.  We can plan.  The kids are growing up way to fast.  I can't get over how fast they are growing.  Not much else going on with us.  Be careful in the snow.  Karen I hope you don't get a lot.  Your house might become an igloo ;)  Robin I love your sayings.  LOVE MOM

Only a few

Only a few more days till the weekend. I'm excited..Work went by, it was a kinda blah day. Then I met up with mom and dad for dinner. It was fun to get together. Rachel mom was saying you are redoing the room. I work that saturday night but I can take friday off. Have a good thursday



Today went pretty good, I was kind of tired and felt grumpy.  Isaac had school and I was going to go to the fun park but Oliver was grumpy and it seemed like too much for him to go so we stayed home and had a fun time.  Isaac has been freezing his drinks and today the boys spent a hour playing with the frozen ice and drinking the water that melted.  Then Isaac had Martial arts and he only stayed for an hour.  Casey tried to pick up a part for the truck but they sent it back for some dumb reason but they should have it tomorrow by noon.  He took the day off to go help him Mom so he is just going to wait for the part and then head up.   You guys are awesome and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.



Well things are good here in Kamas. I am glad that the week is half over. Work is moving along. I did have to go to a hour and a half meeting this afternoon for the audit. It wasn't bad, but it was kind of long. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Well we are officially 1/2 way done with January.  Not much going on with me.  Work was good and I am getting a lot done so that is nice.  My internet wasn't working on my computer so dad went and got a new adapter and it is working like a champ.  That is good.  I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday.  Karen that is so cold.  Robin lets plan on dinner tomorrow.  The weather is suppose to be good.  What sounds good.  Rachel I love snow cones with real snow.  It doesn't get any better than that.  Karen that is so cold.  I hope it starts warming up soon.  With all that snow on the ground it is just going to be really cold.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today was good work went by smooth so that is nice. Janiel wanted to meet up for dinner, so we went to even stevens for dinner. It tasted good. It was fun to catch up. Then I just relaxed the rest of the night. Hope you have a good wednesday



It was cold here today. It was -6 at 8 this morning. Work was good. It was Tuesday which means meeting day, so I didn't get a whole lot done. Also the iso auditor is coming tomorrow for the 3 day audit so we had meetings about that also. Should be exciting. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye


Robin, that picture will be Isaac as a teenager, that was funny.  Today the kids woke up early and it took me a minute to be in a good mood but I got their and we had a good day.  Isaac had school and he was really happy afterwards.  Jenn came over and talked for a while, she doesn't have a project to work on at the moment.  Then we made snow cones out of snow and the kids loved that.  While they were hipped up on sugar we went to Sam's to get a couple of things.  Then Isaac and Oliver played in the backyard for a while and had a fun time.  I was cold so me and Ruthie watched them from inside the house.  I had young women's tonight and it was a stake activity.  It was good to go but it went for a long time, two hours.  I hope that everyone had a good day, I hope that it is spring soon.


Ruthie loves snacks and gets them all day


Monday, January 16, 2017


Today went by pretty smooth. I feel tired. I worked at scheels all weekend. The aquarium looked like it was fun. I had the night off so I just lounged around. I was going to be productive but I just felt tired. Not much else with me have a good one


Good day

It was a quiet day at work.  I think a lot of people took the day off.  There was no traffic.  I had to go to work early and help set up a class.  Nothing too exciting for me.  We did stop and get the cheap Einstein bagels on the way home from work.  They tasted really good and I can have them for breakfast all week long.  Robin I hope all is going well with you.  I hope the storm isn't too bad the end of this week.  Rachel, I am glad that you got to sew today and Karen I am glad all is going well with you.  LOVE MOM

Hanging with Ruth

Thanks again for the fun weekend.  It was really good to see you Karen, thanks for driving down.  Today was good.  Randy and Kelly stopped by to get something from his car.  Randy took the boys up to his house for most of the day and they had a really fun time.  It was nice to spend some time with Ruth and play.  I even got some sewing done while she napped.  Isaac had martial arts and he stayed for the two classes and was tired afterwards.  Oliver fell asleep on the drive their and slept until dinner so it was just me and Ruth again which was fun.   Everyone have a good day.



Well we have made it thru Monday. Things are good here in Kamas. Work was good. I got some stuff marked off my to do list.  I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Nice Weekend

I had a nice weekend.  Thanks for coming down Rachel.  I love the aquarium.  It is such a nice place.  I so enjoyed watching the sharks get fed.  It was very interesting.  Robin, I hope you had a nice weekend.  Karen and Rachel were amazed at how much snow we didn't have.  It is suppose to be really stormy the end of the week again.  Casey made it home with our Jeep.  I thought he was very brave for driving it.  Rachel  make sure to thank him.  Everyone have a great Martin Luther King day.  It would be better if I didn't have to work  :)  I even have to go in early to help set up.  Lucky me.  LOVE MOM


Here are my pictures from the aquarium.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...