Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Robin, that picture will be Isaac as a teenager, that was funny.  Today the kids woke up early and it took me a minute to be in a good mood but I got their and we had a good day.  Isaac had school and he was really happy afterwards.  Jenn came over and talked for a while, she doesn't have a project to work on at the moment.  Then we made snow cones out of snow and the kids loved that.  While they were hipped up on sugar we went to Sam's to get a couple of things.  Then Isaac and Oliver played in the backyard for a while and had a fun time.  I was cold so me and Ruthie watched them from inside the house.  I had young women's tonight and it was a stake activity.  It was good to go but it went for a long time, two hours.  I hope that everyone had a good day, I hope that it is spring soon.


Ruthie loves snacks and gets them all day


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