Friday, November 13, 2015


Today was ok. Our work place is so dramatic. The newer girl is just causing a lot of drama. But other than that it was good. Tomorrow my washer and dryer are being delivered so I'm not sure when I will be free they said sometime before 1 so we will see. Walter came over today he bought me an early Christmas present he couldn't  wait. He bought me a color printer. It's really nice. I wasn't sure if you had bought one yet or not mom??? He also gave me a blanket that some made for Veterans Day. It's a pretty crochet blanket, I also worked on some more bingo prizes tonight too ....hope everyone travels safe. See you tomorrow 


We are ready

The weather was really nice today.  We walked to story time, Isaac was sad that I made him walk, but it was nice to be outside and it filled up the morning.  We played hot wheels and master tracks in the afternoon.  We were out of soy sauce so we went to Sam's and got that and had dinner.  Then we walked around Shopko.  Casey worked late today so he didn't get home until 7.  Well we will see everyone tomorrow.  We will try to leave as soon as we can tomorrow morning.  Thanks.


Ready for the weekend

I am ready for a weekend.  I went to Walmart and got all my stuff to make stroke potatoes for bingo.  Robin are you meeting up with us for lunch or just for bingo?  I wasn't sure of the plan.  Everyone drive safe.  I am glad it is good weather.  LOVE MOM


Well I am all ready for bingo tomorrow. I will get to your house around 11 mom. My day was good. It was a quiet day at work. I went and got my oil changed after work. It wasn't too exciting but it needed to be done. I hope everyone had a great Friday the 13th.

Image result for bingo jokes

Image result for bingo jokes

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Those are so funny.  I guess that is why we don't do drugs.  WE all love fabric and crafts.  That is a good thing.  We took Casey out to dinner and it was nice to visit.  I was thinking on Saturday of taking the kids to Gateway on the train and playing.  We could have lunch there or before depending on when everyone gets up.  I was thinking around lunch time would be fun.  Bingo starts at 5:00 at Kays.  She wants me to make stroke potatoes so I am going to make them tomorrow night.  Not much else going on with us.  It was so pretty outside.  I am glad that Randy and the boys had a good time.  That is nice to be able to leave them and go to your quilt class.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Friday the 13.  Scary movie night with Pizza.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. Nothing to exciting to report it was just the usual. I am glad that you had fun with the cotton candy Robin. Thirty bags sounds like a lot to me. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Even if it is Friday the 13th. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

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We had a good day.  Casey left for SLC early this morning and he sounded happy on the phone.  He is coming back tonight so he can work up here tomorrow.  Me and the boys were busy today.  Isaac had school and me and Oliver went on a walk and then played outside while he was gone.  I had a quilt group meeting at 1 and I asked Randy to watch the boys.  So we hurried and had lunch and I ran them over.  The quilt meeting was fun and the boys had a really fun time over their.  I took Oliver home for a nap but Isaac wanted to stay so they went to the park and Randy brought him home afterwards.  We just watched a movie after dinner, it was nice.  Well everyone have a good night and I am excited to see everyone Saturday.


Sugar rush

Today was cotton candy day. We used karen's work machine to make it. We sold over 30 bags today. So that was fun. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I worked at scheels tonight but I have tomorrow and the weekend off. I am so excited. Not to much else with me. I put a picture of the stained slip. We put on a some more fabric today but I have to sew it on. I'm pretty sure this gown will be my weekend project.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What did I miss

Today was good nothing to crazy just work... I enjoy getting paid to do nothing. Work wasn't to bad. There was lots of drama I missed so the first hour was catch up.we tried out the cotton cand machine. It's quite the deal. Everyone is so excited. It's very messy. Then on monday we are doing a tribute parade. We all bought a bag full of random fabric (basically all my scrap fabric, less to move) :) then we all have to make an outfit out of the materials. We had a slip that was gold. We are district 12 mining so we wanted the slip black. But we could only utilize what's in the bag. We were given some black pens. So I spent my night after scheels staining the satin with ink. It's very interesting. I will take a picture of the outfit when we are done. :) oh and I worked at scheels but that's work and no play. Well have a good one


Wednesday already

Today was good and busy.  Isaac had school, while he was gone Casey sold something on ebay so we shipped that and we sent Mandy a bag of coffee she likes to say thanks for a package but shipping to Hawaii so we may never do that again.  Casey and Isaac raked leafs this afternoon.  We went on a walk when Oliver woke up before dinner, it was a pretty day but cold.  Casey made some delicious soup, Cheesy potato and broccoli, it was really good.  Casey is going to work at Dad's work tomorrow and the next two weeks during the week and then yesco on the weekends.  November is turning out to be a really busy month, which I hope means goes fast.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.



Karen, I hope your flu shot isn't too bad.  My arm was sore for a couple of days.  We had some snow but none of it stuck.  Robin, I hope your two job day went OK.  That is brutal to come back to after having 5 days off.  I can't remember when you ever have had 5 days off.  You might get use to having a day off now and again.   Casey is going to come back and work for dad a couple of days to get chemicals going again.  Thank you Casey.  That is really sweet of him.  Not much else going on with us.  I haven't worked a full week in a long time.  I shouldn't complain but it is tough. Oh well I only work next week and then it is BLACK FRIDAY.  Kohls has their black Friday ad on the internet.  I couldn't find Shopko's yet.  I am going to see if I can find Walmarts next.  LOVE MOM


Well the week is half over, yea! I had to shovel about an inch of snow off my walks this morning. Which isn't too bad but still kind of sucks. I really enjoy being lazy in the mornings. Oh well what can you do. Work went good. I got my flu shot today at work. My arm is a little sore but other than that I feel good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Snowy day

It snowed all day at work but it never stuck.  I was glad about that.  That is a lot of snow Karen.  I can't believe that Logan didn't get any.  That is weird.  I am glad you got the cotton candy machine.  That will be fun.  I am sorry you have a double whammy on your first day back to the real world.  I really love your Christmas decorations.  Rachel that quilt turned out really cute.  Not much going on with me.  I ended up working late so I get to leave a little early one day.  Dad went to the dentist and he broke a tooth.  The dentist said he needed a crown but we had used all our insurance so it was better to wait until January.  It will save us $700.00.  I think that is worth it.  That was our big excitement for the day.  We did go grocery shopping after work.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Wednesday.  I can't believe how fast November is going.  I talked with Kay and Julie today and Bingo is at 5:00 at Kay's house.  I wasn't sure if you guys knew that.  She wants me to make stroke potatoes.  I thought that would be good.  LOVE MOM

End of it

I didn't feel like I had enough time off. I wish I could take 2 weeks off :). Today was good I met up with Karen and got the cotton candy machine. Everyone at work is so excited. Then I got some colored sugar at Orson gigi. I came home and un  packed for a bit. I found my power cord for my computer :). Once I found that I lost interest in unpacking. So I worked on some crafts. I did my first santa towel. I am going to go find an off white so the beard will stand out more. While that was going I worked on my mocking jay tattoo. Once I was done with all that I finished some wood letters I bought for my self. I also fit in a hot bath. It was very nice. I enjoy modern conveniences. Well have a good wednesday, I work at scheels to... so it's a double whammy.


The Last One

That is a lot of snow Karen.  I am glad that Robin made it up safety, that sounds like fun to meet for lunch, good job.  I am glad that you got some rest Mom.  We didn't get any snow today.  It snowed a little last night and then it melted today.  We did go and buy Isaac some snow boots but they didn't have Oliver's size so we ordered them online so the boys should be ready for winter now.  We also went grocery shopping this morning.  The boys were hard to shop with today, I think they might have a cold.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and she bought a new sewing machine which was really fun.  I was excited for her.  Casey had to go up int he canyon and get native vegetation for scouts this evening.  Isaac didn't want to go so he just hung out with me.  My visiting teacher came this evening which was good.  Then we just watched Thomas while Casey was gone.  I did finish the last quilt kit I had from the Red Rooster.  It turned out so good and it was fun to make.  Karen, I think we got it for you because of the sun flowers.  If you want it it is yours.  Well stay safe and warm everyone and good luck going back to work tomorrow Robin.


lots of snow

Well we got a lot of snow up here. We got about 3-4 inches. It snowed most all day. Robin braved the elements and came up and met me for lunch. It was fun. I got her the cotton candy machine. She also brought me a cute basket full of goodies. Work went good. I had a meeting in the morning and then in the afternoon I made progress on stuff they asked me to do in the meeting. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

No Snow

We just have rain here.  I am sorry I didn't blog last night.  I feel sound asleep on the couch and that was the last thing I remember.  I was tired.  I couldn't sleep Sunday night.  Weird.  I am glad you have hot water and cable.  Life it going to be good now.  I hope you find your power cable soon.  Not much else going on with us.  Be safe in the snow.  LOVE MOM

Monday, November 9, 2015


Good job Robin, you were busy today.  Good job getting everything set up.  Karen, I hope that you don't have to shovel tomorrow either, stay warm in the frozen mountains of Kamas.  We had a good day.  Oliver woke up at 7 and that woke Isaac up but we just watched PBS kids for a while.  Isaac had school and me and Oliver went to Joanns and got fabric for the bean bag chairs, I hope that they turn out.  When we got home it was sunny so we went for a walk around the block and Oliver fell asleep.  Casey was home from his scouts meeting and was able to carry Oliver in and keep in asleep.  We got Great Harvest for lunch, it has sounded good and it ended up tasting good.  Isaac really wanted to buy a new lego today but I talked him into taking one apart and putting it back together and that was fun and worked well.  I cleaned out a closet of old blankets so we took those to the DI and walked around for a minute.  After we put the boys to bed I looked out and their was snow on the ground, it was crazy.  Well thanks for everything guys and good luck at work.  The rice pudding recipe was from Alton Brown but it has cream and milk in it so I don't know if Dad can have it.



I am glad that you have heat and internet Robin. Those are very important things to have. My day was good. Work is moving along. It was cold and windy here all day. It did start snowing a little while ago so yea for that. I hope I don't have to shovel tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Love ya

Just get it together

Today was good. I slept in which was nice. I finally got my Internet up. To keep a long story short It was like trying to lick your elbow while patting your head and rubbing your tummy. But the twisted fate of my Internet worked and I now have netflix. I also have Luke warm water. It takes a bit to warm up, but it was hot enough to take a bath. I went shopping today as well. I got a wood thing for bingo. I finished it while I was on hold with century link. I put a picture below. The I got some towels from ikea for December towels. I went to gordmas and splurged I got some jeans and a new purse. Then I went to the grocery store. I can't find my Microsoft computer cable so I used my apple. But all my embroidery files are on my Microsoft. So hopefully I find it by Saturday So I can do some towels for bingo. Well other then that things are moving along. Have a good one


Sunday, November 8, 2015


Thank you again for all your help it was very much appreciated. I unpacked a few boxes today. There are still so many to go it feels like. Texas road house sounded good for dinner so I ordered take out and got some red boxes. I just relaxed all night. I also had a photoshoot with Joe today. Tomorrow should be a chill day I have the while day off. Have a


Good Weekend

Robin, I am so glad you are all moved.  I am glad you got a lot of your boxes unpacked.  I forgot you could blog on your phone.  Modern Technology.  We sure had a good time getting you into your new place.  I really think that is going to be a nice place for you.  Isaac slept over at our house last night.  He did so good.  We had a really nice time.  We did legos and more legos and watched Cat in the Hat.  It was fun to have a sleep over.  We got Grandma Bodily and met Rachel and Oliver in Ogden.  Grandma just smiled and smiled all through Target.  She is going to sleep good tonight we walked a lot.  It seems so quiet here tonight.  I was looking at all the bingo things and thanks so much for all your help.  We have a lot of stuff.  Everyone have a great Monday and watch out for the snow on Tuesday.  LOVE MOM Rachel, you are going to have to give us the recipe for the Indian Rice Pudding.  That is good stuff. 

Sleep Over

Karen I am glad that you got some sleep, you have been working hard.  Isaac didn't want to go home last night so we left him with Grandma and Grandpa and he spent the night with them.  They had a fun time and he is ready to do it again.  He told us a hundred times tonight that he was going to Grandma and Grandpa's without us.  Me and Oliver meet them and Grandma Bodily and Ogden.  We had lunch at Chilies and shopped at Target.  It was a nice day.  Thank you Mom and Dad.  Well I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  Good luck with your utilities Robin.



Well i have just been lazy today. I slept in and took a nap. I hope you are enjoying your new apartment Robin. Have a great week everyone


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...