Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What did I miss

Today was good nothing to crazy just work... I enjoy getting paid to do nothing. Work wasn't to bad. There was lots of drama I missed so the first hour was catch up.we tried out the cotton cand machine. It's quite the deal. Everyone is so excited. It's very messy. Then on monday we are doing a tribute parade. We all bought a bag full of random fabric (basically all my scrap fabric, less to move) :) then we all have to make an outfit out of the materials. We had a slip that was gold. We are district 12 mining so we wanted the slip black. But we could only utilize what's in the bag. We were given some black pens. So I spent my night after scheels staining the satin with ink. It's very interesting. I will take a picture of the outfit when we are done. :) oh and I worked at scheels but that's work and no play. Well have a good one


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...