Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Snowy day

It snowed all day at work but it never stuck.  I was glad about that.  That is a lot of snow Karen.  I can't believe that Logan didn't get any.  That is weird.  I am glad you got the cotton candy machine.  That will be fun.  I am sorry you have a double whammy on your first day back to the real world.  I really love your Christmas decorations.  Rachel that quilt turned out really cute.  Not much going on with me.  I ended up working late so I get to leave a little early one day.  Dad went to the dentist and he broke a tooth.  The dentist said he needed a crown but we had used all our insurance so it was better to wait until January.  It will save us $700.00.  I think that is worth it.  That was our big excitement for the day.  We did go grocery shopping after work.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Wednesday.  I can't believe how fast November is going.  I talked with Kay and Julie today and Bingo is at 5:00 at Kay's house.  I wasn't sure if you guys knew that.  She wants me to make stroke potatoes.  I thought that would be good.  LOVE MOM

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