Saturday, April 20, 2024


 Today was good.  Their wasn't exercise class this morning which is lame.  Ruth had a soccer game.  The boys were asleep so we went and got her a breakfast burrito for breakfast.  The game was really cold but they played really well and did a lot better.  Oliver and Isaac wanted bigger bikes so Casey was working on getting bikes fixed up and switched around.  Me and Isaac were weeding in the front yard and Impulsively we took out the bricks and I spend the rest of the day digging out the dirt so it is level.  I am almost done and I like it.  Oliver was checking the mail all day and his gold chain finally came.  He looks good in it.  Ruth got some painting stuff and she liked that.  When the bikes were all fixed we rode to Lee's and got the kids doughnuts.  It was a lot of fun riding.  Isaac got a flat tire on the way home Casey tried to fix it but they ended up walking the last part home.  We well see you tomorrow.

Love Rachel 


 I know this sounds impossible but me and Luna slept until 11 this morning. I thought she would be up and going by 7. We went to fujis for lunch and then we went to the mall to run. We hooked up with Robin and jeramy at Handel's. We went to the nursery afterwards and got Robin some strawberries. We went to the place by Harley Davidson and had sliders for dinner. They tasted so good. I ate mine  half of karens.and half of dad's. We came home and replaced the toilet downstairs. There was hardly any wax in it. We are hoping that helps with the smell. We haven't caught the mouse yet. I am setting big traps out tomorrow. I didn t want them around with Luna. I am going to lagoon tomorrow with the Andersons. Love mom

Friday, April 19, 2024


I decided to work from home today since mom and dad were picking up Luna. I used some sick time and took a nap. It was nice. Then after work me and Jeramy picked up food and watched dune 2. 



 We went to doterra today for the firetruck picnic. It was nice. The firetruck put up the big ladder snd then let the kids take pictures. We took Luna with us when the kids went back inside. She wanted to go to our house but me and dad were hungry so we went to McDonald's first. It was funny. There were 5 grandparents and their grandkids playing. I thought must be their hangout. We drove back home and Luna took a nap in the car. she wanted to go poop but we had no poop toys. We went to target and she picked some out and then we came back and she pooped. Karen bought hungry hungry hippo. That is fun. We did walk to the park. Rachel I am glad you had an easy day. The kids love the park. Luna loved looking at the pictures. She wanted to know where Rachel was. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom


 Today was good.  I only had one class this morning and I had all my hours so I just worked a little bit.  It was nice because Casey went climbing with his friends and we got home at the same time and had lunch together.  It was really nice.  We rode bikes to school and that was really fun.  We went to the park and threw the ball for Tony.  He had a ton of energy.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 

Thursday, April 18, 2024


 Today was good.  Work is the same which is fine. Oliver's class had a performance and he played the recorder.  He was so nervous and it was fun to watch him.  I had a meeting with USU on the math/CS lessons we taught.  I got paid for the meeting and it went fast.  We went to shivers and got Ruth her ice cream.  The boys complained about going but got a ton of ice cream.  The little kids had piano lessons and then Casey and Isaac made dinner.  I am helping Casey write an app and I worked on that this evening which was fun.

Love Rachel 


 It was laundry day and dad went to seer to drop something off. We did plant most of the plants we bought. We still have a few herbs but where we want to plant then is going to take some time to prep. Man I am stiff. I need to get unto shape. We did get all the books downstairs. I need to put them away now. It was a pretty day. We did go to lowes and then smiths. We are ready for lu a to come to.our house tomorrow. I did find my lagoon bag so I need to organized that. Everyone enjoy your Friday. Love mom


 My day was good. Work is moving along. Then after work me, mom, and dad went to Lowe's and got a new toilet for downstairs. Then when I got home I got a message that they are giving us the day off tomorrow so yeah for a long weekend. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 We had a lazy morning. I kept falling asleep. We went to ogden for dads arthritis doctor. He checked out good. We drove up to Logan afterwards. We.watched ruths soccer game and then went to Rachel's house and loaded up the rest of our books. We went to Hu hot for dinner. It tasted really good. I love watching how much a teen ager can eat.  Robin tree allergies are extreme right now. We might need to get you a hepa filter. I hope you get feeling better. Love mom


I have a cough I can't get rid of and my nose was running non stop today. We had a vendor take us out for lunch. Then after work we rode our bikes and had root beer floats. I love it warmer and sunny ☀️


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 I had a productive day as well. We went for our yearly skin check and we look good. We came home and I mowed and weed wacked. It looks so nice. I made chicken tortilla soup for dinner. It is one of my favorites. I was just settling down stairs and a mouse ran by in our kitchen. After screaming we went to walmart to get mouse traps. That will get your adrenaline going. We have a doctors appt in ogden so we are going to drive up to Logan afterwards and watch ruths soccer game and have dinner. We aren't spending the night. We stay up so late we might as well drive home and sleep in. Rachel that is funny about the chickens. You might end up with feral chickens. Love mom


 My day was good. I felt really productive so that was good. After work we just hung out. I did go and get the mail. So nothing to exciting here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Today was good.  Work is still really slow but it is fine.  I made some quizzes and programmed a lot.  I went grocery shopping after school and then picked up Oliver.  Ruth had soccer practice and she had a fun time.  Casey worked late because he had a late meeting.  I went to exercise class anyway and it was fun.  It was a spin class and she was playing older music with a lot of Cake which was awesome.  The neighbors got chicken and the kids found chicken food prints all over the yard today.  It was funny.  Tony sleeps a lot during the day so he probably did bother them.

Love Rachel 

Monday, April 15, 2024


 I went grocery shopping this morning. I really like going on Monday. We have fresh fruits and veggies all week. We mailed our taxes and then went to the nursery to get plants. That was a lot of fun. I think we might wait until Thursday to plant them outside.  We put the l brackets on the book cases and I worked on getting books organized. When we go to logan on Wednesday we are going to bring Dads books with us. Karen didn't feel great tonight so we worked on our secret chamber boxes. That was fun. We ran out of super glue so will still need to work on them. The lawn in the back is like 3 feet tall. I am hoping to start mowing that tomorrow. Crazy. We have a yearly skin check tomorrow. That should be fast. Love you all mom


 I had a meeting before school and the little kids were sweet to get ready fast.  I had two classes at the end of the day so I went home after the meeting and cleaned the house.  Oliver had a wellness check that Casey took him too and he is doing great.  Isaac had violin lessons.  Casey and Ruth took all the branches to the dump which was really nice.  It was just a quiet evening after that.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 


Today was cold and rainy. Work was good nothing wild. After work me and Luna went to Lowes. They had their mulch on sale. It was 5 for 10. Then it stopped raining so I put the new mulch in the flower beds. It looks so much nicer. 


Sunday, April 14, 2024


 My day was good. We went to the zoo with Robin and crew. Then we went to lunch and then called it a day. I took a nap when we got home. Then we were just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We met robins gang at the zoo. It was fun. The polar bear was out and swimming. We left at lunch allergies were bad. Robin said she tried this new place in trolley Square so we went there. It was really good. The Deseret pub. We came home and I fell sound asleep. We were going to put the secret of chambers containers together but we didn't have all the stuff we needed. Karen ordered it on Amazon. I ordered me on Amazon. My shoes are killing my feet. I hope they are good. Rachel I am glad you got a.quiet day. The weather is suppose to turn raining. Have a nice day. We have to go mail our taxes tomorrow. Love mom


 Today was good.  I took Tony on a walk this morning and it was a pretty morning.  We just hung around the house after that.  Casey and Isaac went grocery shopping and then Casey worked for a bit.  I got the time church starts wrong so we were a half hour late.  I played the piano which was fun.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...