Saturday, March 17, 2012
Quiet day
I am so glad that Isaac is doing better. I have been really worried about him. Little ones can get sick so fast and so hard. I had a quiet day also. We went to lunch with Karen and then she went back home and I read my book and took a long nap. It didn't seem like a long nap but dad said it was hours. We went to best buy and walked around and got a new movie. It was called number 23 and Jim Carrey was in it. It was a different show. Have a nice sunday. LOVE MOM
Happy St Patrick's Day
Isaac seems to be doing better. Last night he fevered again and it broke around 3 am. So we had a long night. I had the song endless night stuck in my head all day. But we were able to be really lazy today. Casey had bike class this morning. Isaac slept in until 8:30. I made him a sick bed on the floor in the living room so we just laid around in the morning and took a two hour nap. Casey brought lunch home and I left and picked up my mystery quilt, I wasn't able to get it yesterday because we were gone. Isaac started acting a lot better this evening which was nice, you can still tell that he doesn't feel great but he is walking around. I made corn beef and cabbage for dinner and it tasted really good. Congratulations on your job Robin. I am so excited for you. That is going to be great. I am so happy for you. I hope that everyone had a good day.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Get well soon
I hope that Isaac is doing good. I am worried about the little guy. I got all my laundry done tonight. I though I might as well be contructive. I will save all my treats for Wednesday when I come up. Congratulations Robin. I am excited for you. Have a great saturday. LOVE MOM
well today I found out I got the sewing job that I tried out for. I guess it wasn't as awful as I remember. I actually called back to say I wouldn't be able to because of time conflicts with lagoon, but he said he would work with my schedule so hopefully it will all work out. I hope its not to much of a massacre. BUT that means maybe I can get a new car ;) If i get a good tax return I think I am going to see whats on the market. well that is my big new tomorrow I have a photoshoot at 4. I hope isaac feels better. poor kiddo
Burning Love
Well I hope that Isaac gets better soon. i think that plan is to come up next weekend instead of this one. that way we won't share the flu. My day was good it got super windy today. I can see the clouds for the storm heading this way. Call me tomorrow mom and we can meet for lunch or something. Well have a good one everyone.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
you give me fever
Sorry isaac is sick that is sad :( well my day was good just applied for more jobs and me and mom went out for dinner and shopping. I got some cute shirts. well have a great friday ;)
Isaac had his first fever this evening. He was kind of off this morning but played fine and ate breakfast. Then he didn't eat much for lunch but drank a big bottle and took a good nap. After his nap he was hot and still tired. So we just laid in my bed and watched movies and he fell back asleep. He woke up and drank two bottles. Then Casey came home and we took his temperature and it was 104. So we gave his a bath and gave him some Tylenol. We called the doctor and he said that he wasn't too worried about him but would like to see him tomorrow. So I am going to call him the morning and set up an appointment. Casey is going to drive down with me. I will keep you updated on how things go. I think that he is alright. He is drinking a lot and peeing. His runny nose is all cleared up. I need to find a doctor for him up in Logan, I guess I should work on that.
First Daffodil
I saw a daffodil in someones yard and it look so cute. It was nice to see flowers. I am excited to come to Logan tomorrow after work. That will be fun. Not much else going on with me. Just work and me and Robin did go shopping tonight. That was fun. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Almost Friday
Well things are just crusing right along here in heber. I did manage to go grocery shopping yesterday. So now I have food again. That is always a nice thing. It has still been really windy here. There is a storm coming in arrounding to the weatherman. I am all set to come up to help finish the kitchen tomorrow. Well have a great one. BYE
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
and it continues
so today the job saga continues, I saw an ad for another sewing technician but they didn't put the hours and you had to apply in person. so I went down and I had to fill out and application and then they said the hours were 8-4:30 and lagoon starts at 4:30. He said that there is a ton of over time and working with another schedule won't work, then he still had me do a sewing test on an industrial machine. lets just say it was a hot mess and a 10 sec job took me an hour. it was horrific. but I made it out alive and know have more job battle scars. gotta love it. well have a good night
Today was a weird day. I took 1/2 day off to go with dad to the doctor and it took most of the morning. They wanted some more blood tests and then they wanted to have a heart monitor for a couple of weeks. I went to work and then we had class tonight. This wind is giving me a bad headache. I hope it goes away soon. I am excited to finish up the flooring this weekend. It will look so nice when all the trim etc is on. Well have a great thursday. I am going to veg for a while.
Today was good. I finished this weeks part of the mystery quilt. Me and Isaac took a walk around the block and he was really good, he seemed to really like it. I had enrichment tonight so Casey watched Isaac. It was nice to go, it was fun. Casey took Isaac on a bike ride and they had a good time, Isaac liked riding bikes. This week is going really fast. I can't believe that is half over already.
Well the week is half over. My day was good. I made progress on a project I have so that was nice. It was still windy here. I kept thinking that I should have worn a pony tail everytime I walked outside. I hope that dad's heart monitering for 2 weeks goes well. Well have a great Thursday tomorrow BYE
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
today I went on a hunt for a job agency today that I did not find the address was for another building so I went to the mall and looked for some ideas for my photoshoot on saturday and bought a crown. then i just came home and chilled. not to much else have a good wens
Good day
I had a nice day also. It is nice just to have work and not be so stressed about getting a big project done. I am still trying to get caught back up. I don't have any news or anything. I did make corned beef and cabbage for dinner and that tasted good. I love crock pots. I am going to have to try and make soups. I love them. You will have to give me your receipes. I hope your back is OK Rachel. Just rest the rest of the week and we will be up there before you know it. That is fun that Isaac got a ballon. He is growing so fast. I am going with dad to the doctor tomorrow. I hope he is a good one. The one we have been to is going mostly to research and so he could see dad for two months. I didn 't want to wait that long. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Nice Day
Today was good. My back hurt this morning so I didn't get any dorrs hung back up, I just did some cleaning. I sewed with Jenn this afternoon. This week we pick up the last mystery quilt. Next she is going to work on a kite quilt and I am going to do the truck quilt. They use the same techniques so it should be fun. Then I need to make some copies for enrichment tomorrow me and and Isaac did that. We also went to Hastings and I got him a book for Easter. I made tomato soup for dinner from scratch and it was really good. I have like making soups, they are fun and taste so good. Then we went to the mall. My necklace broke and we were looking for a new one but they cost too much. The guy did give Isaac a balloon and he was in heaven. He loves balloons. I hope that everyone has a nice night.
On ward
Well my day was good. I am still not use to this springing ahead time, so it still feels really early when my alarm goes off in the morning. Oh well, what can you do. It was super windy here today. But it was warmer so I didn't instantly freeze when I go outside. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE
Monday, March 12, 2012
well I woke up sore today but I got to sleep in so that was nice. I went to kelly's today and they didn't have anything that would work with my lagoon schedule so I am back to the drawing board. they said call back next week so I am going to look around and see. then me and mom went to target. well not to much else I need to plan a makeup set for saturday but hopefully it turns out. have a good night
Let the project continue
Rachel we will be up this weekend and help you with the doors. It will be good for a couple of days. I am glad you like it. I thought it was really nice also. I had a good day also. I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I hope I sleep good tonight. I am tired. Me and Robin went to Target to get treats for lunches. It was nice to walk around. I needed gas in my car also. I thought Casey would like to know that the girl that was killed in the Jordan River was Mel's granddaughter. I know Casey really likes Mel. That makes her Dan's niece. That is sad. I made an appointment with dad's other heart doctor. They rythm dude. We go on Wednesday. THen the next Wednesday we go to Dr. Strong. HOpefully we can figure out what it going on. LOVE MOM
Karen, I am with you on the nap, I needed one also. I love how the kitchen turned out thank you so much. It is so wonderful. I have gotten all the boxes put away. I still haven't gotten all the doors hung up yet. It was hard to do that with Isaac around. Well thank you again, it was fun to do a family project again and it turned out so nice. I love it.
Is it nap time
Well I really could have used a nap today, but I made it. Work was good nothing to exciting. It was almost warm outside today. I keep hoping the snow will all melt and spring will be here soon. I hope that the kitchen organizing is going good. I also that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, March 11, 2012
safe and sound
We made it safe and sound SLC. Karen is on her way to Heber. The kitchen looks really nice you guys did an amazing job. We will put the finishing touches on it next weekend. Have a great week.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...