Saturday, June 10, 2017

Free Dump Day

We had a really nice day today in Kamas.  WE helped Karen with her yard and took some stuff to free dump day.  It was really windy but it was fun to be outside.  I tried killing weeds using vinegar.  I am excited to see how that works.  We came home and west bound I80 is closed for 30 days by foothill.  Everyone has to get off on I215.  Very interesting.  I would hate to see it in the morning during rush hour.  We are going to go see grandma tomorrow.  I am so sorry that Oliver is sick.  I hope he gets feeling better really soon.  Robin, I hope you had a wonderful day not working.  LOVE MOM

Dump Day

Well today was free dump day, so mom and dad came up to help in my yard. We got a bunch of trees trimmed, my lawn mowed, weed wacked, and weeds killed. We also took a bunch of stuff to the dump. My yard is looking really nice. Thanks mom and dad for all the help. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, June 9, 2017


Today was so busy I didnt get anything done. Thanks for the fun time at the zoo. I'm glad today was Friday. Davin was in town so we met up he bought me in n out. He had to leave after dinner they called him back to the station because there was a fire. Then I just relaxed the rest of the night have a good weekend


Ready to play again

I had a nice day today.  It was just so much fun today that it made the day good.  I feel bad that Oliver is sick.  I hope he gets better soon.  Those bubble guns are the best.  Karen you picked out a good toy.  We are going to Kamas tomorrow to help Karen with free dump day.  Other than that it should be a quiet weekend.  Thanks so much for the fun time.  I really loved going to the zoo.  LOVE MOM

Waiting here for evermore

Thanks for the great time yesterday, you guys are the best.  I am glad that you had a day off Karen.  Oliver had a fever again this morning so I gave him some medicine and he went back to sleep until lunch time.  Isaac played with his snack all day long.  He even brought in some sticks and grass for him to eat for breakfast.  I weeded the garden some more and the kids played in the back yard.  We ran out of bubble liquid and Oliver was sad so we went to Lee's and got some groceries and bubbles.  Isaac wanted to do a science experiment so I found how to make rock candy and it takes a week for the sugar crystals to grow so we made that.  It should be fun to watch. Casey had ten dollars at the car part store so he went their and picked up Costa Vida for dinner.  Isaac and Ruth went with him and I stayed with Oliver.  Oliver isn't super sick he is just grumpy and clingy.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday.  I can't stop singing Evermore.  I thought that they must of altered the beasts voice but I looked it up and they said that they didn't.  I listen to both versions and they are both so good.



Well I have had a good day off. I slept in and took a nap. I also mowed my front yard and got my car washed. It is suoer windy here. I hope everyone had a great Friday and thanks everyone for the fun time yesterday at the zoo. Bye

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Well I made it thru Wednesday.  I don't have to work the rest of the week so yeah it's the weekend. I am planning on getting to mom and dad's place at 830 tomorrow. That way we can get to the zoo by 9. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Busy day

Today was a busy day. It went fast so that was nice. I had to work at scheels so it was a boring night. I don't have to work again till next week so I am excited to have a mini scheels break. See you all on Thursday. I should I plan for 9 to be at mom's or would 8-8:30 be better?



Today was good.  Casey had a hard time sleeping last night so he called in sick today.  Oliver peed his bed when he was asleep so he slept with me and Isaac stayed up late playing hot wheels.  So me and Ruthie were up this morning so we ran some errands while they slept in.  I needed some goggles and thread and it was easier without everyone.  Then we worked on the garden for a bit.  Oliver was stuck to Casey's side helping him, it was cute.  After lunch I took the kids swimming and Casey worked on the jeep.  We had a lot of fun swimming, it went really well.  Ruthie hated her life jacket so I just held her and then after we had a break she was putting on Isaac's floatys that he wasn't using so I put them on her and she loved them and did really good in them.  We went on the slide twice and they all loved that.  Ruthie fell asleep on the way home but she was in her swimming suit so at home I tried to change her but she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep.  Oliver fell asleep when we got home and slept till I was at young women's.  Casey had scouts and the relief society presidency came and visited for a minute.  Then I had young women's we went up green canyon and made a fire.  Isaac has a sunburn on his legs so I went to two stores looking for aloe for him.  We are ready to come down tomorrow.  We will pick you up tomorrow Mom.  I will text you when we leave.  The zoo opens at 9 so we could go at 9 or 10.  No rush coming down Karen.  Love you guys.


Too excited

Well I am only working 1/2 day tomorrow and have Thursday off.  I am pretty excited as well.  The zoo opens at 9:00 in the morning.  It might be nice to start early because it is suppose to be really hot on Thursday.  Not much going on with me.  I did laundry and made meatballs.  I hope they taste good. Rachel drive safe.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  Robin I hope your feelings are in tack.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It was meeting day at work so that took up most of the day. I just have to make it thru work tomorrow and then I have the rest of the week off. What time do I need to be down at mom's place on Thursday for the zoo? I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

Monday, June 5, 2017


Today was ok alot of meetings and talking about everyone's feelings. But hopefully it's all good at the end of the day. We will.see. I didn't have to work tonight so I just relaxed. Have a good night


I am still trying to get caught back up from last week but it was worth every email.  I sure am excited for the zoo as well.  It is a hot one for sure.  We are having our food competition tomorrow.  It is finger foods so I made chicken pecan cranberry wraps.  I know I was pretty excited about it also.  I have never made wraps before.  They turned out pretty cute.  I am going to make them for us one time but I think I will use a different recipe this one was a little bland.  Well have a great Tuesday.  Robin, I hope that work went well for you.  Change is so hard.  By Saturday it is suppose to be 76 go figure that one out.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  The kids slept in and then I babysat.  I had six kids all morning which is a lot of work but it went good and I think that they had a fun time.  Stephanie invited me to join her book group so I am going to try that which should be fun.  It was another hot one so we hung out in the basement in the afternoon.  Isaac went to martial arts but his stomach was hurting him near the end.  He seemed better after dinner.  We tried to weed for a while but the kids were tired so we didn't get too much done but we will keep working on it.  Everyone have a good Tuesday and don't work too hard.



Well I made it thru Monday. My day was good. I got caught up on the stuff I missed last week. I am all set to come to the zoo on Thursday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, June 4, 2017


It was a hot weekend.  Yesterday we went to Lowe's and spent the gift card Mom had and got a new hoe to weed the garden and then we went grocery shopping.  Randy called and said that he could help Casey with the Jeep.  So they spent all day working on that and Kelly came over and helped too, which was really nice.  Isaac really wanted to go to Randy's house so Kelly stayed and Randy took the boys up to his house and they went to the park, they had a really fun time.  I took Ruthie on a walk and it was nice to have some one on one time with her, she was really happy.  Today we went to church and that was good.  Oliver had a melt down so we spent half the time in the hall.  Kelly came over and they worked on the jeep some more.  It was so hot that I took the boys to walmart and we got a little pool.  Oliver is a mini Ruby, he kept saying it was too big and wouldn't fit in the car.  It was funny and he was almost right.  The kids loved playing in it and they spent all afternoon out their.  The AC hasn't been working and I was looking at it this afternoon and noticed the fan outside wasn't turning on.  So Casey was fiddling with the fuses and got it working again so it was nice and cool in the house tonight.  We went on a evening walk before bed and it was really nice.  I love walking in the evening.  Good luck everyone with Monday.  It is hard to get back to real life.


Kindle fire

So I tried dad's kindle fire for my games and it works really nice so I am all set up again.  Dad cleaned up the Ipad and it is working better also.  Grandma didn't want us to come out today because Dirk was there so we just vegged all day.  We watched the Incredibles and I like that movie.  I am excited for the zoo as well.  It is going to be rough going back to work.  I only worked one day as well.  At least I am not working a full week this week as well.  Not much else going on with us.  I like that Marco Polo app.  That is fun.  Everyone have a safe Monday.  Robin, I hope work goes OK for you.  Do you have to sit right by Megan now or can you move your desk a little bit away from her.  With two people gone, I thought it might give you space to move things around so you aren't right on top of her.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I may need to keep several of those cakes on hand. It is going to be rough going back to work tomorrow.  I only worked one day last week. I am excited to go to the zoo on Thursday. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...