Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Today was good.  Casey had a hard time sleeping last night so he called in sick today.  Oliver peed his bed when he was asleep so he slept with me and Isaac stayed up late playing hot wheels.  So me and Ruthie were up this morning so we ran some errands while they slept in.  I needed some goggles and thread and it was easier without everyone.  Then we worked on the garden for a bit.  Oliver was stuck to Casey's side helping him, it was cute.  After lunch I took the kids swimming and Casey worked on the jeep.  We had a lot of fun swimming, it went really well.  Ruthie hated her life jacket so I just held her and then after we had a break she was putting on Isaac's floatys that he wasn't using so I put them on her and she loved them and did really good in them.  We went on the slide twice and they all loved that.  Ruthie fell asleep on the way home but she was in her swimming suit so at home I tried to change her but she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep.  Oliver fell asleep when we got home and slept till I was at young women's.  Casey had scouts and the relief society presidency came and visited for a minute.  Then I had young women's we went up green canyon and made a fire.  Isaac has a sunburn on his legs so I went to two stores looking for aloe for him.  We are ready to come down tomorrow.  We will pick you up tomorrow Mom.  I will text you when we leave.  The zoo opens at 9 so we could go at 9 or 10.  No rush coming down Karen.  Love you guys.


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 I had a really quiet morning. I slept. Dad came home and I ran some errands. He had a heart doctor appt. He checked out really good. I am e...