Sunday, June 4, 2017


It was a hot weekend.  Yesterday we went to Lowe's and spent the gift card Mom had and got a new hoe to weed the garden and then we went grocery shopping.  Randy called and said that he could help Casey with the Jeep.  So they spent all day working on that and Kelly came over and helped too, which was really nice.  Isaac really wanted to go to Randy's house so Kelly stayed and Randy took the boys up to his house and they went to the park, they had a really fun time.  I took Ruthie on a walk and it was nice to have some one on one time with her, she was really happy.  Today we went to church and that was good.  Oliver had a melt down so we spent half the time in the hall.  Kelly came over and they worked on the jeep some more.  It was so hot that I took the boys to walmart and we got a little pool.  Oliver is a mini Ruby, he kept saying it was too big and wouldn't fit in the car.  It was funny and he was almost right.  The kids loved playing in it and they spent all afternoon out their.  The AC hasn't been working and I was looking at it this afternoon and noticed the fan outside wasn't turning on.  So Casey was fiddling with the fuses and got it working again so it was nice and cool in the house tonight.  We went on a evening walk before bed and it was really nice.  I love walking in the evening.  Good luck everyone with Monday.  It is hard to get back to real life.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...