Friday, October 30, 2015


I'm glad you guys liked the custome. It was a fun day we won most creative group. The gave us each a 5.00 gift card so that was nice. I bought some more little boxes after work at uhaul and I paid for my first rent. So I'm all set. I was so tired I decided to park in front to move my boxes in. But I thought I would take a shower first. After I layer down for a bit and was out till midnight. So I guess I will pack tomorrow. Have fun trick or treating. Be safe! Thanks for helping sunday mom I'm free all day so whenever. :)


I have a plan!

I have a plan for this weekend.  It took me a while but I did it.  Thanks Karen for coming with us.  I love it when you come.  I will see you at 7:30.  WE will be ready.  It will be fun to go trick or treating.  Grandma when to Annette's house all weekend so Robin I am planning on helping you pack on Sunday.  We will get everything all organized for you.  I am excited about that.  Your costume is amazing.  You are so talented.  I went and had my CT scan done today.  You just lay there and this machine goes around you.  I was done in 20 minutes from registration to having it done.  That was nice.  I am glad it went fast.  Not much else going on with us.  WE ordered pizza tonight and watched the Mummy.  I really like that show.  It really enjoyed it.  Have a great Halloween.  LOVE MOM

Early Morning

Thanks Karen, Mom and Dad for getting up so early, you guys are troopers.  Thanks for coming up, it will be fun to go trick or treating.  I hope that we have good weather.  Robin I really liked your costume also, you did a really good job on it.  I hope that you had a fun day.  Today we went to story time and got some new Thomas movies.  We did a lot of legos again today which was fun.  Oliver was grouchy and it was hard to build things though.  Casey can have over time now so he stay until 7 so we went to the hobby lobby and got some snakes to paint and did that.  Isaac painted his pink and green.  Well drive safe and thanks again.



Yea, it's the weekend. Thanks for letting tag along with you tomorrow mom. I will be at your place around 730. Robin your costume looked really cool. You did an awesome job. My day was good. Work went by quick. I thought I was going to be bored in the afternoon, but I got another project so it was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, October 29, 2015


I met Kay and Julie tonight for dinner and then we went bingo shopping.  It was fun.  Tomorrow it has been 2 years since Kyle died.  Robin you are dedicated Halloween person.  Make sure we get pictures of your costume. I am excited to see it.  Rachel, I think I will get up early on Saturday and come up.  I am excited to play on Saturday.  Karen are you going to come for Halloween?  I have my CT scan tomorrow, if I only had a brain :).  Well have a great Friday, I can't believe that it is going to be November.  Time is going fast.  LOVE MOM


Josh Groban is having a PBS special on Nov 28.  It is his new stages album and should be awesome.  So everyone put that on your calendar.  I was telling Isaac about it and he said that Josh Groban is boring so he may not be watching it.  Robin that is crazy that you have to get up at 4, good luck.  Karen did your pumpkin win or is that tomorrow, I hope that you won another $300, that would be awesome.  We had a good day.  Isaac had his Halloween party at school so he dressed up again.  They had a witch come and make witches brew and they went trick or treating.  I think he had fun.  Me and Oliver went grocery shopping while he was gone and Oliver was not a happy camper.  Casey made bread today so he can have sandwiches for work, I can't believe it is Friday tomorrow.  Me and Isaac spent all day pulling out old lego instructions and building them.  It was fun and made the day go fast.  Oliver was upset when I was making dinner so we all ended up sitting in his room and I pulled everything out of the closet and cleaned it up.  It felt good to do.  I am going to start moving Ruth's stuff up in the closet now.  I finished a quilt also, I really like it and Oliver really likes it also.  Everyone have a good Friday.



Well it was cold and rainy here today. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend. Work was good today. It went by fast so that was nice. I hope you had a fun night with Kay and Julie, mom. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye


Today was good. I am not sure I'd I am getting g allergies or a cold but my voice is raspy. Hopefully my body holds together till sunday. Tomorrow is the queen of hearts, hopefully it turns out cool. I was stupid and said I would help a friend with makeup at 6 and then I work at 7 :/ so I have to get ready around 4. It will be a long day. Luckily I don't work at scheels tomorrow  I am working scheels tonight so it's chill. Well have a great night


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Storm a coming

That is why we have headaches tonight the storm is coming.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  It felt weird getting back to the real world.  I do like to play.  I asked for next Friday off to get you moved Robin we are all set to go.  Dad still has a bad headache but his sores are all scabbed up.  I don't think they will leave any scars.  Not much else going on with us either.  I didn't work any extra hours today and we just came home a vegged.  I think I am going to meet Julie and Kay for dinner tomorrow.  I missed last week.  We will go bingo shopping. Rachel the cookies are peanut butter so that is very nutrious.   Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Fast week

I forgot to says thanks for letting us stay with you Karen, you were a wonderful host and I love your house.  You do a good job.  We had a good day.  Casey went up to Idaho to cut wood, he was gone all day and I think had a good time, it was pretty cold today.  Isaac got to wear his costume to school today and then again tomorrow.  I thought he was the cutest one but I am biased.  At lunch he said that all the girls were beautiful princesses, it was funny.  I sewed with Jenn and I got the binding on the quilt for Ruth and I hand sewed one and a half sides.  I was trying to sew a bit while the boys were playing but Oliver kept wanting to lay on it so I laid it out and then they were dancing on it, it was cute.  Me and Isaac made the cookies that Mom got while Oliver was still asleep.  They are so good, I ate three and then felt guilty, the were so good.  I took the boys to Panda for dinner, Isaac wanted to go their, and they ate so well.  It was good to see them eat.  Then we went to Walmart and I used the gift card and got the boys legos.  It was fun.  Then we spent the rest of the night building them.  Isaac remember everything Grandpa taught him and he build the whole thing.  He is getting really good at it.  Casey made it home safe, he is sore he said.  I can't believe that tomorrow is Thursday, this week is flying by.



Today was ok. I feel like everyone took crazy pills. I have a headache so that helped fuel the fire. I am so glad this week is almost over. Halloween time is always so crazy. I didn't have to work tonight so I got cafe rio for dinner. It was tastey. Have a good one



We made it half way thru the week. It is supposed to snow tomorrow. I am so not ready for it to snow. Work was good today. Nothing to wild and crazy going on. I hope everyone is doing good. Have a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Thanks for the fun time :) rachel that sounds great if you want to bring them down when I'm moving next week we can look at them. I took off monday and Tuesday that week to just enjoy my craft room :) today was alright. I had to work at scheels. I am tired. I started to box some more stuff. It's all I'm my way and makes me crazy. So I try and organize but it makes it worse. The joys of boxing..... have a good wednesday


Thank you

Thank you for the fun time.  The train was fun and we had a really good time today at the aquarium.  The boys didn't sleep on the way home which surprised me but they were ready for bed as soon as we got home.  Here are some pictures, I didn't great ones this time, I think that my camera must of been dirty or something.  Robin, we got a plan white crib skirt with a pink band on the bottom.  We were thinking of adding some sunbonnet sue embroidery to it.  I will have you look at it and see what you think.  We got some flower decals and a tree decal that are really cute but I was thinking you could make her name with the sunbonnet sue letters for the wall.  I can get the thread and vinyl that you need.  We can talk about it next time we get together.  Thanks everyone again.  Love you.



So much fun

I have to say that I sure had fun over the last two days.  Thanks everyone.  The train was really fun and Karen's house sleep over was perfect.  We went to the aquarium today and the boys were so dang cute.  I had so much fun.  I love that place.  They have done a really good job.  We went and got Ruth some stuff for her room and Rachel picked some really cute things.  It is going to be hard to go back to the real world tomorrow for sure.  I love to play.  Rachel, Casey and the boys made it home safe and sound.  Dad is still having a bad headache but his sores are all scabbed over which is good.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well thanks everyone for coming up it was fun. Work was good. I was a little tired, but I made it thru. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Sunday, October 25, 2015


I am excited for the train also.  The address is 450 South 600 West in Heber this was for Karen.  Robin if you don't want to ride the train I am thinking dinner has to be quick because the train leaves at 5:30.  We can hook up afterwards for ice cream.  It is up to you.  I did buy a ticket for you but not for Walter. I knew it would be hard for him in such tight quarters.  Why stress him out.   I bought a ticket for dad but he is worried about exposing Ruth so he isn't coming.  I am so flexible.  We fixed Karen's water.  She has trained to do spelunking.  She is a pro.  It was nice to go to Kamas.  I am excited to sleep there tomorrow night also.  I have a dentist appointment in the morning.  Rachel are we meeting in Kamas or are you picking me up?  I wasn't sure about that one.  Everyone have a great Monday.  Robin do you need me to help you pack this week or next?  We can talk tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Day Off

Robin, I think Mom never got Walter a ticket but she got you one.  I am excited to go on the train tomorrow, thanks Mom and Dad.  Isaac is so excited to spent the night at Karen's house, he has talked about it all day long.  We took the morning off and stayed in our pajamas, it was nice to be laid back.  They spotlighted Isaac at church so I had to write a couple of things about him.  Oliver slept in late so he never took a nap so he was kind of grumpy this evening.  He did do well in nursery and I think is getting the hang of it better.  Casey changed the oil in the van after work, he is amazing.  Well we will see you tomorrow.  We are going to leave after Isaac gets off of school.  We will eat and then go so it will probably be around 1.  Everyone have a good Monday.


Plan A

I'm glad your house was fixed. For tomorrow walter said he can go. But he is worried about fitting on the train. Is it OK of we just meet up for dinner or did you already get us tickets? Let me know what will work best. Well not to much else with me see you all tomorrow



Well the faucet is fixed. Thanks mom and dad for all the help. After crawling around under the house I am stiff and a little sore but I will survive. Mom I think the foam stuff is still in your trunk. I hope everyone has a good trip up here tomorrow, drive careful. Have a good Monday everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...