Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fast week

I forgot to says thanks for letting us stay with you Karen, you were a wonderful host and I love your house.  You do a good job.  We had a good day.  Casey went up to Idaho to cut wood, he was gone all day and I think had a good time, it was pretty cold today.  Isaac got to wear his costume to school today and then again tomorrow.  I thought he was the cutest one but I am biased.  At lunch he said that all the girls were beautiful princesses, it was funny.  I sewed with Jenn and I got the binding on the quilt for Ruth and I hand sewed one and a half sides.  I was trying to sew a bit while the boys were playing but Oliver kept wanting to lay on it so I laid it out and then they were dancing on it, it was cute.  Me and Isaac made the cookies that Mom got while Oliver was still asleep.  They are so good, I ate three and then felt guilty, the were so good.  I took the boys to Panda for dinner, Isaac wanted to go their, and they ate so well.  It was good to see them eat.  Then we went to Walmart and I used the gift card and got the boys legos.  It was fun.  Then we spent the rest of the night building them.  Isaac remember everything Grandpa taught him and he build the whole thing.  He is getting really good at it.  Casey made it home safe, he is sore he said.  I can't believe that tomorrow is Thursday, this week is flying by.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...