Saturday, April 25, 2020

Fun day

Karen came down and to Lehi. I love the Astro turf. It really opens up that area. Rachel I am glad you got plants. You are going to love that. We went to winco on the way home from Lehi. We are ready to hike.


Good job on your yard Rachel it looks nice. Isaac is all grown up. It's crazy how fast they grow. The astro turf looks really good in my yard. Thanks again for everyone's help.


We had a really good day and did a lot of yard work.  Casey mowed the lawn the morning.  Isaac is tall enough to drive the lawnmower and drove around for a while.  Next time he is going to try to mow it.  After lunch we went to the tree farm and bought two new trees and we got bushes for around the deck.  We got Rose's for one side and a pretty bush the kids wanted.  I got one of those pretty yellow bushes for the front of the deck.  We spent the rest of the day digging home and planting everything.   It was a lot of work but it was fun.  We will head down tomorrow at 10:30.  Thanks for meeting up.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Social Distancing Ducks

We went to the park the other day that is close to us and none of the ducks would eat my food or even bother coming over to see it so after work we decided to go over to Liberty Park to walk and feed the ducks.  The ducks must be aware of social distancing because not one duck came over to eat.  I think all the new green coming out they have plenty to eat.  Karen, I am sorry you fake tooth broke.  I am glad it was a lab error and you don't have to pay for it.  I was glad the dentist saw you.  Work was the same and we went to Arby's for lunch.  It tasted good.  Robin, I am excited to come work on your place.  Rachel that made me laugh so hard Ruth was focusing on meditation.  She is too young to talk like that.  She is so smart.  I am excited to go to Antelope Island and hike on Sunday.  Karen is going to come with us.  Well have a nice weekend.  It is suppose to be nice and warm.  LOVE MOM


I made thru my early mornings. Training was good. I think it will be better when we get the program installed and I can play with it. I am glad that it is Friday also. I am excited to come help in your yard tomorrow Robin. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye


It was nicer weather today which was nice.  I walked to the post office this morning.  It was nice to go a different way.  School went well and the kids were excited it was Friday.  It was funny this morning I asked Ruth to come up and do school.  She said she was focusing on meditating downstairs.   It made me laugh.  After school we tried to go on a hike in Smithfield canyon.  We got out and it was too cold for the kids so we left.  We got a rootbeer float in the way home.  Oliver was feeling car sick most of the way home.  When we pulled into the driveway he threw up everywhere.  We got him and the car cleaned up.  The van was pretty messy with just mess from the kids so after dinner Casey took the van to the car wash.  It was funny we were eating dinner and Ruth wanted to eat on the deck so she did.  It was cold so everyone else stayed inside.  We were eating and Isaac asked Why is it so quiet.  I said because miss chatter box is outside.  It is true, she never stops talking.  It made me laugh.  We just played in the backyard until bedtime.  It was nice to be able to go outside.  Love you guys.  Good luck with the grass.


Thursday, April 23, 2020


I went to work today and that was nice.  I really didn't get a lot done but it was just nice to have something different.  I came home and finished up work and then we just vegged tonight.  I am so ready for the weekend as well.  I am glad that Jeramy got the disposal in.  You are going to love that.  It looks like Jenkins is reading your computer.  Karen, I am glad you are done with twice a week shots.  That will be nicer to just have to sit in your car once a week.  Good luck on your last day of getting up early.  Rachel it rained her all day as well.  Technology isn't bad.  Your kids are so active I don't think they ever really over do it.  Not much else to report on my end.  It is suppose to get almost 80 by next week.  I know crazy weather.  LOVE MOM


Today was good for a Thursday. We bought some gladiolas for our yard and I planted them today. It started to rain right as I was finishing. Then Jeramy finished putting in our food disposal. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend 


Last night Kelly called and his car was broken in Franklin.   Casey went and picked him up.  Thia afternoon Randy and Casey went and towed his car to our house.  The ball joint in the wheel broke.  I walked this morning and I was glad I was able to because it rained and hailed all day.  School went well.  Oliver had a meeting with his reading teacher and it went good.  We played too much technology today but it was so cold and wet outside.   After dinner it cleared out a bit and the kids played in the backyard. Love you guys.  This month is flying by.  I can't believe it is almost the end of April.



Things are going good here. It was still really early this morning but tomorrow is the last day I need to wake up early. I went at lunch and got my allergy shot. I now go to one a week for about 2 months now. I hope everyone had a great day  bye

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hump day

Robin tell Jeramy we are all sorry about his friend.  If you need anything please let us know if there is something we can do.  It was nice to be hump day.  Dad got paid today so that was fun.  We went to Lowes on our lunch hour and it was grand central station.  We left.  The lines were so long.  We did go to Caporitti's afterwards and got a sandwich.  I really like their sandwiches.  I am going into work early.  I think I am going to get up early (old normal time) and come home early and work from home.  I figure I will be able to finish up working on emails when I get home.  Oliver is so kind.  Ruth is tough is all I can say.  Her hair is getting so long.  Good luck Karen going to work in the middle of the night.  I hope it was nice to catch up with everyone.  Rachel I am glad you are making masks.  I think we will all need them before this is over with. Kay said that she needs one also.  LOVE MOM

So early

I am sorry about Jeremy friend as well. That is rough. I had to go to work at 630 this morning for the training. It was so early. I have to do it again tomorrow. Other than that things are going good here. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I am sorry about Jeremy's friend.  That is scary.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  I am doing the 100 again to keep me motivated.   School went well.  The boys both had conference calls.  I couldn't get Isaac's video to work which was werid.  It was colder today and the kids didn't want to hike so we just stayed home.  Mom and Dad got us dinner tonight which was fun.  Thank you again.  The irrigation people needed a copy of our certificate so we rode our bikes and dropped it off.  This afternoon we were racing in the backyard and Ruth was running so fast she didn't see a tree and crashed into it.  She was brave about it.  Oliver was sweet and pulled her in a wagon where she needed to go because she couldn't walk.  I made 9 face masks today.  I went to Lee's and they had a sign saying to wear them and everyone had one on so i thought i better do it.  Everyone have a good night.



Today was good for me. A guy jermay was close with at work passed away. He had diabetes and caught a cold. He was in a coma last night and passed away, he was about the same age as Jeramy. He was pretty shaken so he just worked a half day to just calm down. I took Jenkins on a walk and we bought a shovel and take for Saturday. We picked up a papa Murphy pizza on the way home and made that for dinner

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Good day

It was a quiet day here and I was unmotivated.  The 10 ft phone cable I bought at a gas station in Lehi broke and I needed a longer phone charger so on lunch we went to Orson Gygi and then Target.  It was so nice to be in the real world.  I bought some hamburger and made a meat loaf for dinner and it tasted so good.  I haven't made that in a long time.  Robin, I am glad you got your disposal almost in.  We can help on Saturday if you need us to.  I am excited to play on Saturday.  I am going to work on Thursday.  Karen good luck getting up so early.  You are in for some long days.  I am glad you got your shot today.  Are you going after to work on Thursday?  Rachel,  I am glad you got out in the sunshine.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for coming down. It will be pretty easy. I just know mom wanted to help out. But it will go fast, if you want to come around 1ish. Then everyone can sleep in. Today was ok, I went into work and it went by fast. I went to Subway and it tasted sooo good. Then we started to work on our food disposal. Our hold up was finding a plug. We had to take out the dish washer to find it. And then We had to put that all together. So tomorrow we are going to plumb it. It was just late and I didn't want to do it wrong. 



Today was good, nothing too exciting.  I walked this morning and it is getting warmer.  School is going good.  The kids are doing really good.  We went hiking in green canyon after school.  The kids love it there and love to climb this steep mountain.   Casey went into work today and he had a good day.  He was really busy.  Love you guys.



Things are good here in Kamas. Tomorrow thru Friday they are having training for a new solid works program we are getting. So I am going into work the next 3 days for that. I was going to make a face mask, but the I remembered that I had bought some a while ago when I had to crawl under my house. So I looked and I had one. Wow I know an actual n95 mask. The only bad thing is that the training is from 630 to 230. So I have to get up early. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

P.S. Robin I will come down on Saturday to help you with your yard.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Pretty day

So it was payroll but it isn't due until tomorrow so I didn't work much on Sunday and got finished around 1:00.  I didn't take a lunch so I finished around 4 and we went to the park.  It is the one with the cool playground on 5th and 33rd.  There were a lot of baby ducks there.  It was fun to watch them.  We just came home afterwards and vegged.  Robin, Jeramy still might be getting over COVID.  It takes up to 6 weeks to get over it.  He was pretty sick.  I think the same thing is going on with Casey.  Might be a long couple of weeks for recovery.  Not contagious just takes some time for the body to heal.  Even if it isn't COVID and just another type of virus, it takes a long time to get over it.  Karen it was nice to get out today.  I think they are going to lift the restrictions in Summit County.  That would be nice.  Well not much else to report on my end.  We just need a lot of sunshine and doing fun things.  I am pretty excited to work on Robin's yard on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


The weather was really nice today.  I walked this morning and went to Lee's to get some starch so I could start a new quilt.  School went well today and fast.  We got ahead somehow in math for Isaac.  After school went on a hike and that was fun.  We went to Sonics afterwards for a snack and slushies.   Casey worked at home became he still had a cough.  He had ordered some leach tree stocks so he went and picked them up.  We got 13 and they are too little to graft the peach trees on so we can keep them outside which is nice.  He traded some soil for two bamboo plants and he picked them up this evening.   They are neat and will look good along the fence.  While he was picking them up me and the kids went on a bike ride which was fun.  I hope the good weather stays, it is so nice.


dew the dew

Jeramy has been really tired lately and his muscles hurt and I said it's because he's not drinking enough water. So at work he only drank water. So after work we walked down to Maverick and got him a mt.dew. it was nice to go for a longer walk. Then we had bbq chicken for dinner. 



My day has been good. I worked all day. I stayed busy so it went by pretty quickly. Then after work I went on a walk. It was a really pretty day. Allergies were bad though. It made my nose itch. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lazy Lump

We were lazy today and didn't do much.  Around 8 dad needed ice cream so we went and got gas in my car and then went to Winco and got ice-cream.  I know we live on the wild side.  We did have a nice day yesterday.  I tried to work for a while today but didn't last long.   I will focus tomorrow.  Karen, I am glad you feel caught up with school.  That has to feel nice.  Robin is was nice texting you.  We will plan on next Saturday to get your yard in.  LOVE MOM


We had a really fun time yesterday.   It was so nice to get out and visit with Mom and Dad.  We had a lot of leftovers from yesterday and they tasted really good today.  Thank you. Isaac made ham fried rice for dinner and it tasted really good.  We didn't do much today.  I finished the 4th of July quilt but I was short on one side for the border and I used the extra fabric already for a back for the little runner.  So I had to order more and will be done then.  Good luck everyone with your week.  We can do it.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...