Friday, April 24, 2020

Social Distancing Ducks

We went to the park the other day that is close to us and none of the ducks would eat my food or even bother coming over to see it so after work we decided to go over to Liberty Park to walk and feed the ducks.  The ducks must be aware of social distancing because not one duck came over to eat.  I think all the new green coming out they have plenty to eat.  Karen, I am sorry you fake tooth broke.  I am glad it was a lab error and you don't have to pay for it.  I was glad the dentist saw you.  Work was the same and we went to Arby's for lunch.  It tasted good.  Robin, I am excited to come work on your place.  Rachel that made me laugh so hard Ruth was focusing on meditation.  She is too young to talk like that.  She is so smart.  I am excited to go to Antelope Island and hike on Sunday.  Karen is going to come with us.  Well have a nice weekend.  It is suppose to be nice and warm.  LOVE MOM

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