Monday, April 20, 2020


The weather was really nice today.  I walked this morning and went to Lee's to get some starch so I could start a new quilt.  School went well today and fast.  We got ahead somehow in math for Isaac.  After school went on a hike and that was fun.  We went to Sonics afterwards for a snack and slushies.   Casey worked at home became he still had a cough.  He had ordered some leach tree stocks so he went and picked them up.  We got 13 and they are too little to graft the peach trees on so we can keep them outside which is nice.  He traded some soil for two bamboo plants and he picked them up this evening.   They are neat and will look good along the fence.  While he was picking them up me and the kids went on a bike ride which was fun.  I hope the good weather stays, it is so nice.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...