Saturday, January 12, 2013
WE did the exact same thing as everyone else. We just had a quiet day. Went to the store and took a nap and watched Battleship. It is a good movie. I am glad that everyone had a good day. It was so nice to see sunshine. I love your quilt Rachel. Does Robin need another one? I don't she has many. I will take whatever I can. The quilting on that one is beautiful. You are getting really good at that. They had that juice that dad likes that is really expensive for half off today at Smiths, so we bought a lot of that. I think that was the highlight of the day. Have a nice Sunday. I hope we get some more of that sunshine. LOVE MOM
Another One
I finished the binding this morning. I used black Friday fabric on the back of this one also. Someone can have it. I love how the quilting turned out on it. It wasn't my favorite quilt but now I really like it. It is big so that is another benefit of taking it. We had a good day. Casey work up here in Logan. Isaac was happy and we had a good day. It was such a beautiful day. It was so nice to see the sun for a little while and not have bad air pollution. I am glad that everyone had a restful day and got some sleep. Next weekend we wont get much with all the partying. :)
sorry I fell asleep again last night. Yesterday I worked late and then came home and just watched netflix with my eyes closed. Today was good. I slept in. I forgot to get the book that I needed for school so I went down to the campus but everything was closed so I just ordered in online. I am so not on top of life. but then i came home and relaxed. I was going to be productive but I took a nap instead. This winter stuff makes me so tired. well not to much else have a great night
Well it was nasty outside when I first got up, but then about 930..10 the clouds cleared and the sun came out. It was nice. I did have to shovel again, but it wasn't as bad as it was Friday morning. Then I went and got my grocery shopping done. Other than that it was a nice quiet day. I even got a nap. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
Friday, January 11, 2013
Winter wonderland
It really snowed here. When dad came to pick me up from work at 4:00 there was another 6 inches of snow on his car. I left work early. The roads were horrible. His windshield wipers were bad so we stopped at Pep boys and bought some new ones. I took a picture of the snow out our window. They say bountiful got over 2 feet of snow. I will call you in the morning and see how the roads look. It was really scary coming home this evening. WE just vegged and watched Netflixs. I did get Isaac a surprise for when he comes and stays with me next weekend. It is a playdoy toy that is a bulldozer. IT was way cute. I think we will have a good time with it. The weather looks really good for next weekend YEAH. I am so glad that Casey's shoulder is doing better. He still has a way to go. It takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Just make sure he is careful. I know I worry too much. I will call everyone in the morning. Do you want to try a conference call again? LOVE MOM
Karen that is a lot of snow. Being a home owner is a lot of exercise. Robin I forgot to say that I am excited for you to take you class, that is exciting. Well Casey went to the doctor today and everything is looking good with his shoulder. They took new xrays and it was broken worse than they thought but it looks good and is healing really well. He has to go back in three weeks. We had a good day we went and visited Randy and that was nice. We just hung out the rest of the day. Isaac was tired this morning over breakfast and I thought he was cute so I attached a picture. I hope that tomorrow is good weather so we can play. Pray for no snow.
Shoveling snow
Well I spent an hour before work shoveling snow. There was 4 inches by my house and about a foot at the end of the driveway thanks to the snow plows. So I had to start at that end and work toward the house. I didn't get finished but I got most of it. Then after work I spend another hour Shoveling again. I think that totally counts as exercise. Hopefully there won't be too much to shovel tomorrow morning. Work was good. It was payday so that was nice. I hope that the weather isn't too bad tomorrow so we can come and play in Logan. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Bunny's ears
I finished another quilt today that someone can have also. It is really pretty. I finish the binding and then I will put a picture up. We didn't get much snow today. It was really windy and came down fast but there wasn't much there. Casey has tomorrow off and is going to the doctor again to get his shoulder checked out to see how it is healing. I am sorry that your bus was late Mom, that sucks. Robin that is crazy that you are working so many hours. You are a trooper, it will be a good paycheck so that will be nice. Karen that sounds fun to get Kamas pizza. I am glad that you don't have to drive either. Oh me and Isaac were digging out the rabbits and squirrel upfront I broken the last ear off one of the bunny and it looked like Anne Hathaway in Les Mis. I thought it was funny, I am weird.
It was a blizzard on the way home from work. The bus didn't show up for 20 minutes. Lucky thing I had hand warmers. It was so nice. Dad made it home safe and sound also. It was really bad right at rush hour. I was glad that Karen didn't have to drive down to Heber in this weather. You can have the quilt Karen. The colors will look so beautiful in your new house especially on your new couch when you get that. I will use it when I come and visit :) I was wondering if they delivered pizza in Kamas or if you had to go pick it up. Just a thought. Robin that is way early to go into work. Did you get off early? You really need to rest. You have been working like 80 hours a week and going none stop. I think a little rest would be just what the doctor would order right now. Be safe in the snow. LOVE MOM
Snow, snow, and more snow
Well it is really snow here right now. I decided that it was too snowy to cook so I got pizza. It tasted good. So it is a movie, pizza, and hot chocolate night. I may have to wake up early to shovel my driveway though. Rachel I would love to have any of your quilts. If mom wants it though I make a sacrifice and let her have it this time. Work was good. I am getting a project ready to release so it is a lot of going over prints to make sure I have everything on there. A great time killing activity. Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Be careful in the snow. BYE
back to work
sorry I didn't blog last night I fell asleep again watching netflix. I am suppost to work out not snooze all day. oh well heres to next week I guess. But we had this huge project thats been a deadline nightmare for everyone. We are doing a building wrap for chase bank for sundance. its literally the whole building in a banner. yikes. but I went to work at 3am to get things rolling. so I am well ready for vegas now :) I think tonight I am going to rest and relax, its suppost to snow 12 inches tonight. I think its suppost to clear out though by the weekend though mom. but I'm not 100 percent sure. I forgot to monday my class starts. Time has flown by. I better go get some paper and pencils at least. well have a great night and stay safe in the storm!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Karen welcome back. It is nice to have you blogging again. RAchel the kite quilt is so cute. If Karen doesn't want it I will take it. It is beautiful. I am so sorry Casey isn't feeling well. Poor guy he is having a rough time. I hope he gets feeling better soon. Do you need anything? I love Thomas the train material. The truck blanket is getting at the end of its life. I hope he will switch over. He will probably just use both of them. Have two blankets instead of one. It is suppose to be nasty this weekend. I was going to try and come to Logan but if the weather is bad I may not make it. WE will see how it goes. Maybe Casey should stay in Logan this weekend and rest. He has to be worn out. Well have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
Going out
Today was good. The weather was warmer so we went on a little walk and it was nice to get out for a little bit. Casey wasn't feeling good and had a fever so he came home a little early to rest. I think that he will be feeling better tomorrow after getting a lot of sleep. I ran out of thread for the quilt I am quilting now so me and Isaac went to Joanns to walk around tonight so it would be quieter for Casey. It was so nice to walk around for a while. Isaac thought all the fabric were blankets so he keep pretending to sleep leaning against them. They had Thomas the train flannel so I bought some to make Isaac a new blanket to give the truck one a break. He loved it and carried it around. He was so cute when she was cutting it she gave us 50% off. It was really nice. I also finished the kite quilt. Does anyone want it? I couldn't remember if Karen wanted it. I used the flannel from black Friday thank you again.
I'm back
Well I have internet now, Yea! It is nice to be connected again. Things have been going good here in Kamas. It is super windy outside right now. It is suppose to be nasty the next 2 days. Rachel how much do we owe you for the tickets and Robin how much do I owe you for the room? I am excited for our trip it will be fun to have a mini vacation. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Not as cute as Isaac
I hung up my necklace holder that Robin bought me and I took a picture of it. It isn't as cute as Isaac pictures but I was so excited to put my necklaces on it. One of them broke this morning and it just broke my heart so I decided it was time to get things organized. Thanks Robin. I am glad you are feeling better. You have had a rough go. I am excited for you guys to go to Vegas also. It is going to be so much fun. WE went out tonight and bought some salt for the area in front of our apartment. There is a leak in the drain and the water piles up right by the steps. That is where dad fell and they were out of salt so we went to Lowes and got some. I feel better about it now. It was so slippery this afternoon. We made it to Wednesday. Karen got her washer and dryer today and tomorrow she will be among the bloggers again as she gets her internet. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Rock it
Thanks rachel for getting the tickets I will get you some money. I am excited it will be fun to play a little. not much to report with me. I am feeling better today which is a bonus. I think I hurt my back in the midst so that is sore but I think if I take it easy that will mend. I did get a doctors appointment for the 16th. Have a great night
We have tickets
Casey bought the tickets today so we are ready to go. I forwarded the email to Karen and Robin but I am not sure I got Karens right. I sent it to our hotmail account. Our day was out of wack. Isaac didn't sleep well last night so he slept in late. We misses story time and he wouldn't take a nap. Jenn came over to sew and he was pretty good out letting us sew. It worked out. We were playing with my jar of buttons today and we had them in a bunch of containers and Isaac was pouring one container into another one, it was pretty good. We did that for a long time. He loved putting them into different containers. I am getting really excited for Vegas now. It is really going to happen, I am excited!!!!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Monday, Monday
Robin, I think that is great your work is doing that. It really does help you watch what you eat. I sure wish you would start feeling better. Go back to the doctor and see what is going on. I had a nice day. It was good just to work 8 hours today. We went to store this evening and we both were craving junk food. Robin may not want to come and visit for a few days. :). I am so glad that Isaac loves his trampoline. I just laugh every time I think about his first jump. He needs to jump. Karen gets her washer and dryer tomorrow and her internet on Thursday. She will be blogging again soon.
Jump Jump
I am sorry that you are still not feeling good Robin. That is awesome about your work loosing it event. That sounds like fun. You can do it. Karen, I think that you need to try your bath again with the jets. It is so nice. Just let it fill up before you get in. It is worth it. I am glad that you had a nice day yesterday Mom and are getting more caught up. I just wanted to say thanks again for the trampoline. He jumps on it non stop and it is nice since we don't go outside with the cold and pollution. It is a winner and he loves it. Well I hope that everyone stays warm, it is a bleak and cold winter.
little engine that could??
today was good. I still don't feel good I forgot my doctors info. but tomorrow I am going to make an appointment. But at work they are doing a weight loss competition. it goes till april... yeash but I thought it would be fun and it might help my stomach stuff?? hopefully. each week we have a challenge and if we pass we get points. this week is no eating after 7. it will be ruff. If you drink 8 - 8oz of water a day and eat 5 vegetables/fruit, and work out you get bonus points. I guess its about the points and percentage of fat lost. whatever, i may not win but it will be fun, maybe slim down for summer. I was going to go to the gym but my back hurt alot today so I thought I would give it a rest. no point in doing damage this early in the game. not to much else with me just going to rest and not eat. lame
Sunday, January 6, 2013
New Time
Church was at a new time today and it was so nice. I really liked going to whole time and Isaac did really well. He was really clingy in nursery, it think that it will get better. Thanks for planning everything together today. It was fun to talk. Good job on the hotel Robin. I am excited. Well everyone have a good night and a good Monday.
Thanks for the calls it was fun, and easier to plan things with us all on the phone. we will have to remember that for next family planning. Well I got the hotel the cheapest one was at the stratosphere. It was 74.00 and I got two free passes to go on the stratosphere so I thought that was a good idea. I will by two more passes for the other two it was just cheaper to put 2 adults then 4. well that is my big news. I made bread today, it was fun to do something other then sleep. I hope everyone had a great monday
Quiet day
We got up to go to church and when we got there no one was there so we came home. Not even a care in the parking lot. We just vegged the rest of the day. It was nice just to take it easy. We both wanted to go for a walk but it was just way to cold. I am glad you have a plan for Vegas. That sounds like a lot of fun. I am excited to babysit. I work all week. I haven't done that in a long time. Wish me luck. I have been working 10 hour days the last little bit trying to catch up. It will seem like short days to only work 8. Not much else to report. I did try the tea that Karen gave me. It was a fruit tea and it was so good. I used my new cup. I made two cups out of the tea. That was fun to do. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...