Monday, January 7, 2013

little engine that could??

today was good. I still don't feel good I forgot my doctors info. but tomorrow I am going to make an appointment. But at work they are doing a weight loss competition. it goes till april... yeash but I thought it would be fun and it might help my stomach stuff?? hopefully. each week we have a challenge and if we pass we get points. this week is no eating after 7. it will be ruff. If you drink 8 - 8oz of water a day and eat 5 vegetables/fruit, and work out you get bonus points. I guess its about the points and percentage of fat lost. whatever, i may not win but it will be fun, maybe slim down for summer. I was going to go to the gym but my back hurt alot today so I thought I would give it a rest. no point in doing damage this early in the game. not to much else with me just going to rest and not eat. lame Robin

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