Friday, January 11, 2013

Winter wonderland

It really snowed here.  When dad came to pick me up from work at 4:00 there was another 6 inches of snow on his car.  I left work early.  The roads were horrible. His windshield wipers were bad so we stopped at Pep boys and bought some new ones.  I took a picture of the snow out our window.  They say bountiful got over 2 feet of snow.  I will call you in the morning and see how the roads look.  It was really scary coming home this evening.  WE just vegged and watched Netflixs.  I did get Isaac a surprise for when he comes and stays with me next weekend.  It is a playdoy toy that is a bulldozer.  IT was way cute.  I think we will have a good time with it.  The weather looks really good for next weekend  YEAH.  I am so glad that Casey's shoulder is doing better.  He still has a way to go.  It takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal.  Just make sure he is careful.  I know I worry too much.  I will call everyone in the morning.  Do you want to try a conference call again?  LOVE MOM

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