Friday, August 9, 2013
safe and sound
we made it to boise safe and sound it was a nice drive there was a big fire at mountain home. dad is going to china for sure on sunday i dont think we can met in tremonton we need to be home no later than 1 sorry about that i hope you and isaac arent too sad love mom
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Apricots and a new phone
Drive safe tomorrow and have a fun time with everyone. We haven't been to Boise forever. I am excited for Sunday. I bought some stuff to make cupcakes for Dad so I will bring those. Isaac is excited for the candles. Maybe call when you are two hours away so Casey can meet up with us also. Today was good. My phone has been having a hard time charging, I think that there is something wrong with the plug. So we were available for an upgrade so I got a new phone. I love it. It is so nice and fast. It has a bigger screen. It is going to be really nice. I love it. After we picked that up we were eating lunch and a huge branch fell off of the apricot tree. It was really sad. We picked a couple of bags off of the fallen branch and are going to work on it some more tomorrow. I attached a picture from my new phone. Then this evening it was really windy and I was worried more branches would fall but they didn't. Just lots of apricots so we will have to pick them up tomorrow also. Casey gave a guy at work 3 bags, we gave the neighbors one and I gave Jenn one. There are so many on that tree. Well good luck at the wedding and have a good time.
Ready, Set, GO?
I made hotel reservations tonight. We are staying at the Springhill Suites. Like the ones in Logan. I am still not sure what Dad is doing so we are kind of just going with the flow. He may or maynot come with us. I did work over this week so I get off work a little early. It will give me time to pack up. Whether for Boise or China. Rachel, I forgot to tell you I put up the decals in the hall and then some in the bathroom. I love them. I will take a picture of them and post them. My headache was a better today but tonight I seem to be not as good. I am making progress, I think. Well have a great Friday. I bet Casey is excited for a whole day off. What will he do with all his time. The one advantage of 4 10s. I will call and let you know about dad's birthday in Tremonton. I think he will come but we will see.
Well I am ready for it to be the weekend. I kept thinking that today was Friday so I expect tomorrow is going to seem like a really long day. My day has been good. It was kind of rainy here this afternoon. I also have zucchini on my plant. I am excited about that. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
I was so tired today for some reason. So work was long. then I made my car payment and then basically slept the rest of the night. it was nice. not to much else going on with me. That is cool about the halloween guy mom that will be fun. if you need any help getting dad ready to go let me know. not to much else going on with me have great night
We made it
We made it through Wednesday. That was nice. It has been a busy week at work. I need it to slow down. The new person hired started today and today someone turned in their resignation. He is going to run a Halloween store. I gave him your number Robin because he said he might like you to do a makeup demo. I hope that is OK. I do love the banner you did also. My headache was better today. I am hoping it is on the mend. I am glad you and Isaac got some rest last night. I think you are both worn out, you have been running a lot. Dad got tickets for China for Sunday at 5:00. Kind of ruins our Tremonton plans. I am not sure what is going to happen with him. The units aren't ready yet so I doubt if he is going so I will keep you posted on the drama. The high priest leader came over tonight and visited with us. That was nice. I gave him some zucchini and he was thrilled. I thought that would make you feel good Rachel. I will take some more if you have extra. That is weird it hasn't rained at your place Karen. They said mirror lake got a lot of rain. That is neat about the mustard pickles. They are the best. You are going to love them. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
Attach smells
I love the banner Robin. You did an amazing job. Good work. Today was good. I had twenty cucumbers which is enough to make mustard pickles so I cut everything up today and I am on my way to can it now. It smells so good I wish I could record the smell. I love it. Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, we had a big busy day. We had scouts which went well. I have a new leader with me and I really like her. I sewed with Jenn which is always fun. Isaac wouldn't take a nap so he fell asleep at 5 and never got back up. I took a nap and went to bed early. We were both in good moods this morning having slept so much. Well everyone have Good night and don't work too hard.
moving right along
Well the week is half over. Yea! My day was good. I am making progress at work so that is good. It has been really windy and stormy here, but it hasn't rained. Maybe it will rain later tonight. I like the banner Robin, it looks way cool. Good job. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
today was good I got austin s banners done today. I posted a picture below. then for employee appreciation they took us out for lunch to Fugi's it was good. Then I meet walter and we walked around a park called daybreak. its a pretty park, its in south jordan. well not to much else with me have a great night

It was nice talking with everyone on the phone tonight. Sometimes it is just nice to hear a voice. I had a nice evening. We went out to dinner and then went grocery shopping. I guess that doesn't sound amazing but it was a nice evening. My headache is still there but it does feel a little better tonight. Maybe I am getting over it. I sure hope so, it has been miserable. Tomorrow is hump day so we have almost made through half a week. Have a great day tomorrow. I sure love you guys. I put up my decals Rachel got me for my birthday. I sure like them. I will take a picture of them and post it tomorrow.
Well my day was good. I ordered dad a birthday present. So that was nice to have done. I got him the new wizard of Oz movie. I hope that your head is feeling better mom. Well I don't have much to report so I am going to log off. Have a good one. Bye
Monday, August 5, 2013
first time
today was a long day for a monday. but at least time at work went fast. sorry about your loss of vacation karen that sucks. I went to the gym today. it was nice to run. hopefully I can keep with it ;) well i am off to sleep have a good tues
decisions, decisions
I feel bad that you don't have family days any more Karen either. We had a really good time using those. Oh well we will just have to use vacation now. I still want to take your birthday off and do something fun. About dad's birthday. If he doesn't go to China I was wondering about doing something on Sunday on our way home. Maybe we could meet in Tremonton or something. I don't know the best thing to do. I did buy him a hard drive and if you want to go in on it, I am good with that. I was also thinking we could do it the Sunday after his birthday. Karen has the kingdom ball on Saturday but we could do something on Sunday. Let me know your thoughts. I am not sure what is going on with China but it doesn't look like he is going for awhile. The minute I say that he will leave tomorrow. I still have a bad headache. If it isn't better by tomorrow or Wednesday I am going to insta care. I know I am chicken. Work was busy and it went by fast. That was good. Friday is the data specialists last day so next week will be crazy busy. I think they will hire someone really fast. Rachel I hope you are feeling better. I can't remember how many weeks along you are. The bingo game for end of September has been postponed. I will update as I learn more. Robin, Casey brought down some zucchini if you want some. I really need to go get my hair cut. I think I will do that really soon. Let me know your thoughts about dad's birthday. Rachel did you want to go to Boise? If we all go we will have to take two cars. Let me know so I can get hotels.
Dad's Birthday
What are we going to do about Dad's Birthday? Are we still going in together on the present and should we give it to him before he goes? Let me know what everyone thinks. Thanks for the pictures Robin, they are really good, good job. Karen that is a big bummer about the family days. That makes me sad. They were really nice. It is too bad when a company has a good thing going and they change it. I am sorry. Today was good. Casey started his new schedule so he didn't go to work until 3:30. We went grocery shopping and got some new food which is nice. Nothing else too exciting. I hope that everyone has a good night.
Well it was a Monday. That pretty much sums it up. The luncheon was fun. The did announce that the are ending the extra family days. It is sad, but oh well. I did enjoy them. Well so far there has been no rain in Kamas, it looked like it might but it never did. Well I hope everyone had a good day. Bye
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Quiet day
We have had a really quiet weekend and it was nice. I still haven't shaken my headache. Man it is a bad one. I am ready for that to go away. We made it to two out of the three at church today. We missed sacrament. It took me a while for all the pills to kick in. I hope everyone has a great week. I am working a full week again this week. I think it won't seem so long this time because I am getting use to them again. Good luck tomorrow Karen at your luncheon. I think your octopus' look really cute. I hope you win some money. I will keep you updated as I know about China. I guess I will need to iron tomorrow to get his clothes ready. I love you guys. Rachel when the apricots don't freeze there are so many of them. Just look the other way after you are sick of doing them and be done with them. Thanks for drying them. They do taste really good that way. Robin I hope you get feeling better also. This is a bad cold. LOVE MOM
Yesterday we spent most of the morning working on apricots. We picked 1 % if that and it is a ton of apricots. We are drying them and they should be good. After Isaacs nap yesterday we went to Mack park and had a fun time. It killed a lot of time. Church was good. Isaac was really really cute singing the songs in nursery. It is was so cute to hear him sing. We walked to the park in the evening. Casey is starting 4 10s this week so it will be a different schedule for us. It will be nice for him to have a day off. Everyone have a good day tomorrow.
Well my weekend has been good. Ingot my lawn mowed, laundry done, and my octopus in a blanket done for the luncheon tomorrow. I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I just forgot. My zucchini plant is getting huge and there are flowers on it now. I also have a baby tomato on one of my plants. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...