Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We made it

We made it through Wednesday.  That was nice.  It has been a busy week at work.  I need it to slow down.  The new person hired started today and today someone turned in their resignation.  He is going to run a Halloween store.  I gave him your number Robin because he said he might like you to do a makeup demo.  I hope that is OK.  I do love the banner you did also.  My headache was better today.  I am hoping it is on the mend.  I am glad you and Isaac got some rest last night.  I think you are both worn out, you have been running a lot.  Dad got tickets for China for Sunday at 5:00.  Kind of ruins our Tremonton plans.  I am not sure what is going to happen with him.  The units aren't ready yet so I doubt if he is going so I will keep you posted on the drama.  The high priest leader came over tonight and visited with us.  That was nice.  I gave him some zucchini and he was thrilled.  I thought that would make you feel good Rachel.  I will take some more if you have extra.  That is weird it hasn't rained at your place Karen.  They said mirror lake got a lot of rain.  That is neat about the mustard pickles.  They are the best.  You are going to love them.   LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...