Thursday, August 8, 2013

Apricots and a new phone

Drive safe tomorrow and have a fun time with everyone.  We haven't been to Boise forever.  I am excited for Sunday.  I bought some stuff to make cupcakes for Dad so I will bring those.  Isaac is excited for the candles.  Maybe call when you are two hours away so Casey can meet up with us also.  Today was good.  My phone has been having a hard time charging, I think that there is something wrong with the plug.  So we were available for an upgrade so I got a new phone.  I love it.  It is so nice and fast.  It has a bigger screen.  It is going to be really nice.  I love it.  After we picked that up we were eating lunch and a huge branch fell off of the apricot tree.  It was really sad.  We picked a couple of bags off of the fallen branch and are going to work on it some more tomorrow.  I attached a picture from my new phone.  Then this evening it was really windy and I was worried more branches would fall but they didn't.  Just lots of apricots so we will have to pick them up tomorrow also.  Casey gave a guy at work 3 bags, we gave the neighbors one and I gave Jenn one.  There are so many on that tree.  Well good luck at the wedding and have a good time.


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