Saturday, April 11, 2020

Fun day

We had a really fun day in Logan. Easter egg hunt, dye Easter eggs, good food, it was fun. I even went and saw the baby chicks and got duck food. Rachel thanks for the fun time. It rained all the way to kamas so we decided to stay the night and travel in the morning. Robin I hope you had a nice day as well. Love mom

Friday, April 10, 2020

Safe and sound in Logan.

We had a nice morning in kamas. We walked and it was so nice to be in the sun. We drive to Logan and it has been fun. Rachel made hamburgers on the grill outside and they were yummy. Robin I hope you and jeramy had a great day off. Love mim

Thursday, April 9, 2020

My friday

I took tomorrow off as well. I was already 4 hours over so it really is going to be a  half a day. Robin jeramys company is do kind to do that. Wow. Have a nice day off. We made it to kamas after work and tomorrow is Logan. I did go into work and ended up staying 4 hours. There was a lot to do. Karen made tortilla soup for dinner. It was really good. I am glad the kids got there Legos. Thanks for cooking Rachel. Love mom


Today was good. I didn't want to work, so I took 2 hours of vacation and shut it down. There is a box we are giving to Jeramy s family once social.distancing is over. I put dad's jackets we are giving to Josh on top. Jenkins loves sun bathing on the box.  I have tomorrow off and Jeramy took it off to be with me. Mini stay cation. Jeramy's work gave him 150 dollars Walmart gift card to help out employees. So we went and bought groceries tonight so we don't have to go out next week. It's suppose to get bad next week .the news reports say. I also had to get my car inspected. So we figured we would do it while we were out. I failed, I have something weird with my air pump so I have to go in tomorrow and get it fixed. Hopefully it will be fast and we can re quartine. It's hard when you still have to live life and be under lock down. I hope you guys have a good Easter. Sorry we are missing



It was a beautiful say today.  It dis get colder and windy this evening.  Casey put up the su. Shafer on the deck because we were hot today out there.  We had a good day.  I walked this morning.   Oliver had a video conference with his teacher and his class.  It wasn't as wild as Isaac's class.  Kindergartners have more parental help I think helped keep it calmer.  Ruthie wouldn't get dressed and had a meltdown this morning.  Oliver and Isaac's legos came today and they loved them.  Thanks again Mom and Dad.  Drive safe tomorrow.  I went and got some hamburgers for dinner tomorrow and steaks for Saturday.   It will be fun.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hump day

I went into work today and dropped off some papers.  It was so nice to drive and be out in the sun.  We went to Walgreens to get masks because he had a web ex with his RA doctor and he said he had to wear one.  THey were out so I decided to make my own and bought rubber bands and pony tail holders.  Needless to say that never happened.  I am a lazy lump for sure.  We are going to Kamas tomorrow after work and spend the night at Karen's.  I am going into work tomorrow to scan in all the papers I dropped off to get signed.  I know it is crazy but I just couldn't think of another way to do it.  There were like zero people in the office.  I was really surprised.  I am glad the kids got some of there prizes.  I like the diorama.  I couldn't read the story today.  Most days I can read what Oliver wrote.  He is getting better.  Robin you have to do what you feel it right and if Jerarmy thinks he has Covid, I think he needs to rest and get better.  It is a tough illness.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


We will miss you Robin.   I hope he feels better soon.   Ruthie didn't sleep well last night.  I almost didn't walk but I talked myself into and I was glad I went.  School was busy today.  Isaac made a clam diorama and he had a conference call with his class.  Ruthie got her lego from Mom and Dad and it was fun to build.  She played with it all afternoon.  The kids didn't want to hike today so we just walked around the block.  Last night Oliver wa catching rollie pollies.  He loves them.  Terry had a little container he was putting them in.  We set them free but took container home.  He catch a lot of them today and took them on our walk.  He would loose one and be sad and then find a new one and be happy.  I ran to the store this evening and got stuff for Easter for the kids.  I finished a wall hanging today.  I just need to hand stich around all the wool.   Love you guys and have a good night.



I have Friday off as well. I am excited that it is a short week. My day was good. Work is staying busy so that is nice. It was really pretty here today. It was an actual spring day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good I went into work and worked on some things. I am working from home tomorrow. Next week they are full lock down next week so I'm not going in at all next week. Just working from home. I have Friday off for good friday. So tomorrow is my last day of work. I don't think we will go up for Easter..sorry we are going to miss it. Jeramy is worried about being sick and spreading it. He just wants to be cautious since he still feels a bit off. Hopefully it's just the strep today was his last antibiotics so we will.see how the next few days go. Hopefully you all have a fun time. Love you


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

I have a plan :)

Today was good.  It is hard to keep motivated.  We did go to Winco after work.  I was running out of snacks.  It was nice to see food on the shelf.  They are really limiting how much you can buy.  They still didn't have toilet paper but had paper towels and Kleenex.  Karen has Friday off so I think we are going up to Kamas and then on Friday we will head to Logan.  Saturday we are dying Easter eggs.  Robin do you want to come up on Saturday?  I wasn't sure how you felt about that.  When do you need us to come over and help.  Just let us know.  Everyone stay safe.  LOVE MOM


That sounds like a good plan for this weekend.  Thanks for coming up.  It will be a fun Easter.  We had a good day.  I walked this morning.  School is going good for the kids.  They like it.  After school we went on a hike on the south part of the Bonneville shoreline trail.  It was a really pretty day and we had a good time.  Randy called when we got home and Kelly's car was broken.  We went up and he made us dinner.  Casey helped work on the car and I think that they got it running.  It was nice to spend the evening up there.  Love you guys and I am excited for this weekend.


lock down

I went into work today and it was busy. I guess next week we are full lock down they don't want anyone in the office for a week. So tomorrow I am going in and we are getting projects that people can do when they are bored working at home. I also made a mask I guess we have to wear a mask if we go in now. Me and Jeramy went on a walk today it was nice to get out. Then we just relaxed 



well I got my allergy shot this morning. It wasn't too bad. The one before this bothered me more. Then I worked all day. It was meeting day, so I spent most of the morning on the phone. After work I did homework for a bit. Then I took a break and went for a walk. Then back to the homework. I get Friday off so my week is half over. What are the plans for the weekend? Just wondering. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, April 6, 2020


I worked today and I even got on a roll and worked a little late.  I think I am making some progress on a project that was making me crazy.  Dad went into work today and they said they are applying for a small business loan and if they use it for salaries they don't have to pay taxes on it so there is a chance we might get a pay check.  That was fun news.  Robin we can come down and help you put in grass when you are ready.  We also can help put in a garbage disposal.  Let us know.  Thanks for the fun surprise.  That was fun.  I am excited to grow a tree.  Karen good luck getting your shot tomorrow.  Rachel did the kids connect that we were on the Bonneville trail on Friday?  I think that was fun to go on that.  I am glad that Casey is working from home.  I think he will like being home.  He can eat lunch with you guys.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Thing are good here in Kamas. Nothing too exciting too report. I walked to Food Town after work. I wanted to make Ramen noodle casserole but I forgot the frozen veggies. It was a nice walk. Robin, if you need help installing the disposal let me know. Me and dad installed one in my house when I first moved in. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was the last day of spring break.  We just took it easy this morning. Me and Ruth made pumpkin cookies from the lehi mill.  After lunch the weather cleared up and we went hiking.  We went on the Bonneville shoreline trail.   We had a lot of fun and it was a good time.  We are going to try again tomorrow after school.  The kids were playing in the backyard after we got home and it was a huge downpour of rain.  The boys had to change their clothes.   Then it was sunny and nice the rest of the time.  Pir ward had a parade this evening and we went and watched it in the front yard.  It was really fun and good to see everyone.   Casey tried working from home and it thi m it went ok for him.  He is going to try again tomorrow.  It was nice to have him around.  We start school again tomorrow.  It will be nice to have things to do.  Mom sent the kids some books and Robin sent us a bonsai plant.  Thank you guys so much.  We are spoiled.  You guys are so thoughtful. Love you guys.



We got the rest of our fake that was fun. We just need to price out under cover. Jeramy is worried the rocks will still be hard on feet under the grass. We also went to home Depot and got a food disposal with Karen's gift card.thanks again. I took Jenkins on a little walk on my break at work so that was nice. I'm going into work tomorrow so hopefully alot gets done. Yesterday we walked to the gas station and I got hot tamales. I dropped one I didn't know about. Jenkins got a hold of it. I didn't know till I saw the red in his fur..he licked it then rolled over it. I also had just finished given him a that was great. 


Sunday, April 5, 2020


It was a quiet day here.  We slept in and took naps.  We did watch conference a little bit.  I did work a little tonight to get payroll caught back up.  Robin, I hope you are both feeling better. If you need anything we are not far away.  Karen that is neat you got eggs.  I was worried about that.  Thanks for boiling them.  We are set to dye easter eggs.  Robin we thought we would do them in Logan on Saturday.  We will see if you feel up to that.  Not much else to report on my end.  I do love those pictures.  I loved having some sunshine.  I hope Oliver feels better also.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


Thanks again for the fun weekend.  It was good to see everyone and to be in the sun.  It was cloudy this morning but was nice this afternoon.   We went on a walk and played in the backyard.  Casey made hamburger buns from scratch which were really good.  After dinner Casey took Isaac canoeing.  We didn't want to take Oliver with his cough.  They had a fun time.  Everyone have a food Monday.  It is our last day of spring break.



I hope you and Jeramy are feeling better Robin. Being sick sucks. Thanks for the fun time yesterday. It was fun getting out. I went to walmart this morning to get my prescription, so I went grocery shopping as well. I found eggs there so I got them to dye for Easter. I even boiled them today. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...