Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Machine

Isaac did so good peeing in the potty today.  He didn't pee in his underwear all day long.  I was proud of him.  We didn't do much today.  We went grocery shopping which was good.  We picked Casey up from work and went out for Ice cream.  Casey mowed the lawn this evening and it looks really good.  I have kind of not been on top of the weeds but I will get going on it.  My ankle has been bothering me.  I am hoping it gets better soon.  I am excited to sew tomorrow night.  You should come Robin.  Karen too, you have a sewing machine. :)  Don't worry about tomorrow Mom.  Work and don't stress.  I will call Dad tomorrow and work out a plan.



I am ready for Friday also.  Rachel drive safe.  I am excited to play this weekend.  Robin if you want to come over tomorrow night I am going to get pizza and Julie is coming over and we are going to sew.  Work was good.  We had a employee barbeque and that was fun.  It was hot but free food.  I am sorry I have to work all day tomorrow.  I promised I would cover administration.  I am going to try and sneak out a little early if possible.  I did go to Walmart and get Kelsey's baby shower gift.  I can check that off the list.  Have a great Friday.  August is half way done.  Time is going too fast. 


me 2

Robin I felt like today should have been Friday also. Oh well at least Friday is tomorrow. I was lazy tonight also. This morning about 6 there was a huge thunderstorm and it woke me up. I hate waking up earlier than I need to. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Soooo clooose

I feel like Friday is so close but still so far. I kept thinking today was Friday... Well things are good. Nothing to much to report. I'm starting to go a bit solo on work stuff so that is fun. Time is flying by. Well I was lazy tonight I was not ambitious. Well not to much else have a good one


Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I am impressed also Karen and Robin.  That is always so nice to have food cooked up.  I love doing that.  Rachel I am so glad that Isaac rode a horse.  That just made my whole day.  So much fun.  Oliver is the best baby.  Dad is excited to play on Friday.  I will get off work as soon as I can.  I promised I would cover administration.  Work was good.  I got a lot done today.  I felt a lot better today.  Tonight I forgiveness.  Intermountain was sponsoring it and it was an interesting class.  Julie is going to come here on Friday night to sew.  Tomorrow is our employee barbeque.  That should be fun.  LOVE MOM


Good job with the cooking Karen and Robin.  I am impressed.  That sounds fun to cook one night and then have things to eat for a while.  Today was good.  I have been trying to do more crafts with Isaac so today we colored bears and cut a cup up for a cave.  He liked that one and we had fun.  I saw that the American West Heritage Center had something going on.  I guess they have something everyday Tuesday through Saturday, I didn't know that.  Anyway we went to McDolands for lunch and then went out their.  I thought we could just ride the train the whole time but they only run it once every hour.  So we were able to do it twice.  Isaac loved it and that was his favorite part of the day.  Their wasn't a ton and not a lot of people but Isaac had so much fun.  He rode a pony, I was really proud of him.  We panned for gold, made a rag doll and hammered some wood.  Oliver was a saint.  It was hot but he didn't cry one time and we were their for two and half hours.  He even was good riding the train.  He fell asleep at 6, so we wore him out.  Well we are coming down Friday and we will come down early, around lunch, to play with Dad.  I am excited. Everyone have a good night and enjoy your delicious cooking.


Grown up

Today was good I am doing a few things at work so time is going faster. Then I went to the gym, they have free wifi so I turned on netflix on my phone it was fun. I am going to do that from now on. I can watch what I want when I work out, then I came home and made some pasta for lunches for the next few days and cooked and artichoke for dinner, it was tasty. I watch Aladdin tonight in honor if robin Williams :). Walter also had some sca pants that had holes all over so I patched them the best I could, it's been a busy day, have a good Thursday 



Well I am glad that the week is half over. It did rain a tinny bit here today. Just enough to mess up my car windows. Work was a little slow but I made it thru. Then I decided to cook so that I could have warm-ups for lunch or dinner without having too cook. So I cooked some rice to see if I could make good rice without dad here. I remembered his lesson and my rice turned out. Thanks for showing me how to do that dad. So I made beef and broccoli and then ham fried rice. I shouldn't have to cook for a week now. I watched Back to the Beach while I cooked. I haven't seen that one for awhile. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Today was good.  We had story time and I sewed with Jenn.  I started cutting out the quilt I got for Christmas which was fun.  It is going to be really pretty.  I am trying to be better about doing crafts with Isaac so when Oliver was asleep we did one.  In the box car children they found an Indian skeleton so I thought it would fun to make a skeleton.  We just glued Que tips to paper.  Isaac said that it was too hard and didn't like doing it.  So he drew a bear on a paper.  This evening Casey was tired and took a nap so we headed to the park.  Casey met up with us and drove the new blue car.  The kitty next door was crying for Casey all day long and sat by the screen door, he missed him.  When Casey got home he just said hi but didn't go outside and then the cat went home.  It did get rainy after we got home from the park and really windy.  Some people left zucchini bread on our door and said that we had been squashed.  I thought it was cute.  Everyone have a good night.


Missing Casey

The rains came down

It finally started to rain about 8 this evening.  It was nice to have a good rain storm.  I think it might be headed towards Kamas.  Logan looked like it was getting some rain also.  Work was busy and I didn't get a lot done today but I made it through.  We just vegged at home tonight and it felt good.  I am going to a class tomorrow night that Intermountain is offering.  It should be interesting.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I stayed busy all day today so work went by fast. Then after work I went to the bank, went grocery shopping, and then the post office. My fridge is officially paid off now. I felt very productive. Robin to I owe you any more money for the present? Well have a great Wednesday everyone.


Today was good work it is moving along. Sorry I didn't blog Last night, I took a nap and then fell a sleep for real :) me and Walter went out with mom and dad for dinner it was good. Thanks for dinner. I went and bought Kelsey's baby shower present. 4light bulbs went out at the same time so I had to buy a bunch of light bulbs. But now my house is not a dungeon. Well not to much else with me have a good night


Monday, August 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

I am glad that dinner was fun, that sounds like a good birthday for Dad.  I like your storage room Robin, that is a lot of work.  Good job.  Today Casey stayed home and worked on the car.  He worked hard all day and fixed everything he was working on.  Their is a timing issue now that he has to fix but he is getting close.  I had to go to Sam's and get diapers this morning.  We had to get a hot dog for a snack since they are so cheap.  Last night we were reading the box car children and they were making a museum to collect all the things they found on the island they are on.  They drew the birds and tress they saw and put that in it.  So today we made a museum and it was fun.  Isaac is getting a lot better at coloring, I can see a big difference.  We both made a tree and sun, a bird and a flower.  The kitty cat is still making Isaac really scarred and we are trying to work on it.  At first we were trying to make the cat go away but he loves Casey.  So we are trying to have Isaac learn how to deal with something he is afraid of and how to interact with the cat.  With me luck.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.  I hope that everyone sleeps well tonight.


Our museum

Happy birthday

Work was good today.  I was so tired.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I am going to bed early tonight.  We met Robin and Walter and Chin Wah and it was good.  I really like that place.  Rachel the quilt is just beautiful.  I am so spoiled.  I will be warm this winter.  Not much else going on with me.  It is suppose to be more rainy tomorrow.  Karen you might not have to water tomorrow.  Thanks Robin for meeting us for dinner.  LOVE MOM


My Monday has been good. They are having a customer come tomorrow so we had engineering meet today. It made the whole day feel like Tuesday. Oh well I am sure I will get the day of the week straightened out eventually. Happy Birthday Dad! I hope that you had a great day. Well have a good one. Bye

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Easy breezy

Thanks for the fun day., it was fun to hang out. Last night after I got home I cleaned my storage unit. I bought these metal racks and they broke and everything in on its self. Mom and Julie bought me new shelfs. It looks alot nicer. I posted before and after picts. Then today Walter picked me up and we went grocery shopping. My place is full of food. It was sweet. We then went over to his family's for dinner. Hope everyone had a good week.


Thank you everyone for the fun time yesterday.  I am glad that Dad liked his presents and had a fun time.  We had a good day.  We went to church this morning, I had the boys wear matching shirts and they looked really cute.  I tried to take a picture but they didn't turn out great.  I attached them.  Isaac doesn't know how to whisper at church but other than that it went well.  He had fun in sunbeams and they gave a good lesson in relief society.  Everyone took a nap at the same time this afternoon so I was able to sew.  I got to sew last night also when we got home while Isaac slept.  I have Mom's quilt all done and started quilting it.  I attached a picture of it in progress.  I just did a zig zag stitch since it was easy.  Casey made some stew today and it tasted really really good.  He put stuff from the garden in it and it was really tasty.  After dinner we visited Grandpa Randy for a while.  That was fun.  Last week they went to Mexico to fix Kelly's teeth and it went well for them.  They have to go back and get the permanent crown on.  Tomorrow Casey is not going to work and is going to work on the car.  He is hoping to get it all running.  It is funny the neighbors cat has been hanging out with Casey while he works and loves him now.  The only problem is Isaac is terrified of the cat and I have to protect him from it.  Good times.


Oliver's face makes me laugh

Mom's quilt

Epic Weekend

I sure had a nice time on Saturday.  Thanks for everything.  Dad is loving al his presents.  I really liked the park.  When I got home, I couldn't stand my hair so I went grocery shopping and got my hair cut.  It feels a lot better.  Today we called grandma to see if she was feeling better and she was so we took her to lunch.  Melody texted me and she is going to the baby shower.  I thought that was going to be fun.  Seems everyone is going to education week in Provo next week.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I don't have much to report. I did get a nap today. It was nice. I had a fun time yesterday. Thanks for the fun time. I hope everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...