Saturday, November 2, 2024


 We had a big busy day. Robins gang came down and helped us buy a freezer. Luna stayed with us and they went home. We went to h mart and looked.for ingredients for our Raman soup. That place is huge. We got a few things and then went to the smaller Chinese store on 33rd. We found everything we wanted. We just had warm ups for dinner. Luna is staying the night. The freezer isn't working so I guess we will take it back tomorrow. oh joy. It did rain this afternoon. Love mom

Friday, November 1, 2024


 Thanks for taking my machine down Mom.  Thanks for coming up for the kids parties.  We had a really fun time.  Work went really well today.  The kids were all really good and the day went fast.  Isaac really wanted shoes so we went and got him some.  We also got Alan a birthday present.  Lunhana came over and played all evening.  The kids made a fort and have been fighting downstairs.  Good luck getting a freezer 

Love Rachel 


 I left logan and took rachels sewing machine to get it fixed. I picked up dad and then we came home and we took naps. We caught the mouse and so we went to spagetti factory to celebrate. We decided to buy a freezer we have been looking at in Costco. Robin is going to Come and put it in her car for us tomorrow. Thanks Robin. I need room broths.  It was hard leaving the Andersons. We had such a nice time. Everyone have a nice weekend. Remember to fall back. Love mom

Thursday, October 31, 2024


 My day was busy. It was the last day of the shipping month so I was helping out there all day. I had to stay a few minutes late to finish everything up. Then I went and picked up dad. We had dinner at Arby's and then came home. We got quite a few trick and treaters. At eight I turned off the lights. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye 

Happy halloween

 I got up and drove dad to work and came to Logan. I did crafts in both rooms. They had them at different times. Casey came and helped. It was fun. We went to kees to trick and treat and there was no line. That was a first. We went to dinner and then went to Randy's house to trick and treat. It started to ran at the end. I am spending the night and then coming home in the morning. I am going to drop off rachels sewing machine. Luna is so cute in her costume. Love mom


Hope everyone had a good Halloween. They had a costume parade at Lunas school. She was cute but had a hard time going back to class. After work I picked her up and we ran and grabbed candy and dinner. She had fun trick or treating. There were a lot of people that just put out bowls of candy. After a few houses her legs broke. I think she was cold. So we went home and just played the rest of the night. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


 My day was busy. It is almost the end of the month so everyone is trying to ship everything. After work we went to the gym and walked around the track. Then we came home and I made tortilla soup for my work party tomorrow. Good job on the pumpkin and Jeremy's makeup. I hope everyone has a great Halloween tomorrow. Bye 


 I decided to make stock for Ramen noodle soup. I didn't have all the ingredients so I walked to reams. I started to make it and I didn't have a big enough pot. Dad came home and we went to Walmart and got a pot and then I made the stock. It made a ton. I froze it. We need to go to the Chinese store to get all the ingredients for the soup now. Did everyone thing jeramy was hurt? That was a good black eye and cut. That is fun you won the contest. Rachel I am glad you had a nice day. I am dropping dad off at work and then going to Logan. Karen is going to pick him up. I am going to spend the night. Happy Halloween. Love mom


 Congratulations Robin, that is fun you won.  The kids had pajama day today and it made the morning really easy.  I didn't work which was nice.  I cleaned and went shopping.  I should have been more organized because I didn't get a lot done.  Me and Casey had lunch which was really nice.  Oliver had orchestra after school.  Isaac had young men's and they made pizza I a fancy pizza oven.  He loves it.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom.

Love Rachel 


I won the pumpkin carving contest at Jeramys work. So that was fun. I won a heated throw blanket. Sine it was his work party Jeramy wanted a cut/bruise on his face so this morning I painted him up. Work was long and then I had class. I'm glad tomorrow is Halloween


Tuesday, October 29, 2024


 We only got snow in the mountains but it was cold.  It was crazy hair day at school and I had to go to the store this morning to get stuff for it.  For Oliver we sprayed his hair blue like the ocean and put ocean Legos in it.  He looked really cute.  Ruth wanted cereal and a bowl.  She looked cute.  It fell apart at school and we got some glue in her hair.  I just had prep today and it was a good day.  The little kids made a big fort downstairs and had fun playing in that.  Isaac had violin lessons and Ruth had tumbling.  I went to exercise class and Casey went running.

Love Rachel 


 Things are going good for me. It was cold and rainy today. Work is still busy but I got free lunch today. We had our company meeting so they got us Olive Garden for lunch. After work we just were lazy and watched some shows. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 I took dad to work today so.i could have the car. I went to target and winco. I came home and put everything away and then started cleaning out the pantry. I picked dad up and finished that. Man it was cold today. Rachel did you get snow? I forgot ginger and dried mushrooms to make that broth from Saturdays class. I am going to walk to reams to get them in the morning. It is the basic broth that you add to make the broths you eat. Robin good luck with your class. Love mom


Today was cold and rainy. We have snow in the mountains. They moved my class from Thursday to Wednesday so we can go trick or treating with our families. Jeramys work last minute ( or Jeramy forgot to tell me) that he has a work party Wednesday. So I'm not going but they are giving out prizes for a pumpkin carving contest. So I carved the pumpkin tonight so we have a chance at winning. He works at ardent so I made a pumpkin boat and called it arr-dent. I thought it was clever. It didn't turn out as magical as I would like. But it's just for fun so we are going with it.


Monday, October 28, 2024


I made it through Monday. It was a long day though. After work we were outside and someone was cooking teriyaki chicken. It smelt so good. I didn't have any teriyaki sauce so I made it from scratch. It tasted good but from the smell of our neighbors I think theirs was better 😂 it so windy it's supposed to be bad tomorrow 



 It was laundry day for me and I did winterize the patio furniture. I made home made fires for dinner in the air frier and they came out a lump of burn. I will need to work on that one. It was raining to night. I can't believe it is the end of October. I had such a fun time playing this month.  I love all the activities they have come up with. Stay safe in this weather. Love mom


 Today wasn't too bad and the kids did pretty well.  Oliver and Isaac had orchestra after school so it is a lot of driving.  They had a meeting this evening for the Europe trip.  They are going in June 2026 and it looks awesome.  With that meeting I didn't make it to exercise class.  Casey went caving and they are going into the cave we found above Tony's grove.  Tomorrow is crazy hair day at so wish me luck doing the kids hair tomorrow.

Love Rachel 

Sunday, October 27, 2024


 I am sorry that your machine is broken Rachel. That sucks. Mom pretty much covered what I did today so I am not going to retype it. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We had a nice Sunday. Robin and Luna came over and we played for awhile. We went to the mall and shopped for awhile. They went home and so did we. We just took it easy. I did make zuppa soup for dinner and that was good. The jolley ranchers really explode in the freeze drier. I think we put too many on the tray some didn't explode. I am so sorry your machine isn't working. That is so sad. I can take it to salt lake with me on Friday if you need me too. Let me know what we can do to help. I do love your pumpkin. I was going to pick the rest of.our garden tomorrow. I hope I didn't wait too long. Have a nice Halloween week. Love mom


 We had stake conference today so we stayed home.  I slept in and then the worst possible thing happened.  I went down to work on Alissa's quilt and my machine stopped working.  We spend some time trying to fix it but it won't work.  We emailed the company and will probably have to take it in to be fixed.  We cleaned up the backwards because it is supposed to snow tomorrow.  Casey made enough food for the whole week.  He made breakfast burritos, Mac and cheese and black beans.  We are set.  We went hiking up right fork canyon and it was so pretty.  We had a fun time.  Tony leaped across a small stream and the kids were leaving across the stream and it was funny.  It was the most beautiful sunset on the way home, I didn't get a picture of it.  I made a pumpkin and it turned out really cute.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...