Saturday, December 15, 2018


Today was good. I did the face painting thing I guess she is paying me. So I'm getting a check this week which will be nice. I bought stairs for my couch so Jenkins could walk up. It took a minute but he uses them now and I think he really likes it he doesn't cry as much anymore. I will see you all tomorrow.



I felt very productive today. I did laundry, washed the sheets and pillowcases on the extra beds. Then i swept the floor. I also went thru my clothes and got rid of stuff. I google clothes donation places and found one in Heber so I took the clothes I want to get rid of there. So it looks a lot nicer in my closet now. I also finished my loop yarn blanket. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Bye

Friday, December 14, 2018

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I finished up Christmas tonight.  It was a lot of fun.  We met up with Robin and Kay.  I think I am all done and it felt really nice.  I even got Isaac's present wrapped for his birthday and all of the Christmas Eve presents wrapped.  I was on a roll tonight.  I guess have a coke for dinner is the answer to get me wrapping presents.  I still have a lot to wrap but it did feel nice to get some of it done.  I am the worst wrapper.  Robin those are such cute pictures of Jenkins.  I love your photo shop picture.  Karen, I am glad you had a nice day.  We are excited to play this weekend for Isaac's birthday.  I hope he has a wonderful time. He was so cute on the phone today.  I could tell he was feeling better.  Those drugs the dentist give him wipe him out.  See you all soon. LOVE MOM


I am glad that the weekend is here also. Rhings are going good here. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I think jenkins look cute as well. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Jenkins is cute and that is a fun outfit.  Thanks again Robin for the cute bear boots.  I love them, they look cute.  Today was good.  I didn't work out instead attended a meeting about the new pick up and drop off plan at Isaac's school.  I volunteered to help the on the first week.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  We walked to picked up Isaac and then went to the library.  Their were a lot of kids and we stayed for a long time.  They were playing school with books.  The ward Christmas party was tonight.  The kids had a really fun time.  They had dinner and then the program.  They had a room for the kids to play so we were in their most of the time.  They had a lot of fun.  Isaac is excited for his birthday weekend.  Thanks guys for coming up.


Made it

Today was good. Its nice to have friday over. I met up with mom,dad and kay for dinner. We went to Walmart and I got Jenkins the cutest Christmas outfit. He was a good sport and wore it for a while. I'll bring it up to kamas for Christmas:) I will see everyone on Sunday

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Baby Stepping

I am baby stepping to Friday.  I feel asleep on the couch and now I am awake.  Go figure that one out.  Work was good.  We went to lunch and that was fun.  Tomorrow I am hooking up with Robin for dinner and Kohls.  I am hoping to finish up Christmas Eve Stuff.  I am making slow but sure progress  We went to Sam's after work and got some stuff for a retirement party for work tomorrow.  There have been a lot of changes going on at Primary's.  I am starting to work a little bit for my new department.  It just seems like they are part of my world now.  The hard part for me is giving up people.  It will happen slowly as they find people to take my place. Have a nice Friday.  I am so glad that Isaac is OK.  I was worried about him.  LOVE MOM


Mom, come up after lunch on Saturday.  I just misunderstood what was going on.  That will work out great.  Today was pretty good, nothing too exciting happened.  Thanks again for the countdown calendars Karen, they have been a lot of fun.  Oliver had school this morning and when he was done we went to Chick fil for lunch.  We got some money from the twelve days of Christmas so I used that since he has been wanting to go.  The kids played for a while and I finished my book which was fun.  We walked to pick up Isaac since it was such a pretty day.  It was nice to do that.  After dinner we got some ice cream since the dentist said that would feel good on Isaac's gums.  He is doing fine and his lip isn't even that swollen.  Everyone have a good Friday.



Today was long. It was inventory and I helped scan all the gowns I guess we had the largest inventory we have ever had, we had over 25,000 gowns. We didn't finish so tomorrow we get to do it again. My feet hurt. I got home late and took Jenkins out. By that time most the night was over so I just watched t.v and put my feet up. I'm so glad tomorrow is friday



Yeah tomorrow is Friday. It was pretty outside today, but cold. Things are going good here. I handed out the elf shoes today. Everyone loved them. Thanks Robin i owe you for making them. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Today was good. I was tired all day. So when I cam home I took a nap that lasted all night. It wasn't productive at all but it felt good. Hopefully inskeep tonight. Have a good one


Hump day

Work was good.  I even worked for my new department a little bit.  I think that will happen more and more.  It was a quiet day and I even got some work done.  My desk looked a lot better today.  I think things will start winding down a bit with Christmas break.  A lot of people take time off,  I felt so bad that Isaac was upset about his list.  It is so hard when you can't have everything.  I am sure he didn't feel great and that didn't help.  Poor little guy.  Julie texted me tonight and Angela and Johnny are getting a divorce.  Johnny told Angela he isn't happy and doesn't want to be married anymore.  I guess they are going to wait until after Christmas to tell Hayden.  Angela is going to move in with Julie and I guess Johnny wants the house.  Julie think he has a boyfriend.  I am so happy Oliver likes his reindeer.  I was so worried about that one.  I think getting something in the mail always is a good thing.


Today was busy, I think December is just a busy month.  I worked out this morning.  It was arm day and I feel like I am getting a lot stronger.  After I picked up Oliver we went to quilt group.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  They were saying that 8 is a hard year and that it last about a half a year.  It was good to know that it is a faze he is going through.  I took the kids to Sam's afterwards and we got a snack and picked up a few things.  Santa was walking around.  He was done with the mall I think and he said that he had some time to kill so he walks around and talks to the kids, it was nice of him.  Isaac had a dentist appointment after school.  The poor kid had a cavity filled, a sealant fixed and his lip tie cut.  He had to have three stitches and his top lip will be swollen for a few days.  He was dizzy for a little bit so we just sat in the waiting room till he felt better.  He was fine when we got home and we rinsed his month with salt water.  He wrote a Christmas list that was cute but wants it all.  It is hard to realize some things take time.  Mom sent the kids a package and Oliver loved his reindeer, thank you for sending it.  He is sleeping with it now.  Casey worked at sub for Santa again tonight and got all but one bike fixed.  I put the kids to bed early and did some sewing which was nice.  Love you guys and have a good night.



Yeah the week is half over. My day was good class went good. Then work was busy. We got about 3 inches of snow that I cleared off my walks after work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Good job on your class Karen, you are awesome.  That makes me happy that Jenkins is playing with his toys.  It is fun to see him relaxing and feeling like he is home. I love you towels also.  Today was busy buy good.  Oliver had school and while he was gone we went to the store to finish up some birthday/Christmas shopping and then we went to story time.  Ruthie sang the songs which was cute.  Isaac is feeling better today but was tired.  He was happy after school.  I took a lady who is busy a dinner tonight.  I get nervous to take dinner so I hope that they liked it.  The kids were super excited about what I was making since I made some for us.  It was just mac and cheese with vegetables and chicken in it.  After we ate we went to bridgerland to help fix bikes for sub for Santa.  Casey went after work and we met up with him.  The kids were good to help and then they got tired after a while.  Casey is going to go back tomorrow with the scouts.  Congratulations on your job Mom, you are amazing.



Strange day

So I got my job offer today and I accepted it.  I start on the 30th of December.  It made me sick to my stomach but I still feel like it is a good move for me.  I met with the CEO and we talked and she was really nice about me leaving.  Last night we picked up the mail and there was a key for us to pick up a package and when I went to put the key in it was already opened and nothing was inside of it.  I left a message for the post man and they wrote me back that some one had broke into the lockers and took everything. I checked my amazon account and nothing was delivered so I think it might have been those cars that were being shipped from China.  That is the only thing I can think of that I have ordered.  Weird I know.  Not much else happened after that.  It just felt strange.  I love that elephant Robin.  Good job.  Karen I am glad your wrapped presents.  I have a bunch of them if you want to do mine.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. It was our work party so that was fun. I came home and sewed for a bit. I finished my hand towel. Jenkins started to play with his toys today so that was fun. Have a good one


On a roll

Well my day was good. Class is going good. I am going to teach them about sheet metal tomorrow. That should be fun. Work was busy but I am making progress. Then after work I went grocery shopping. There was a ton of traffic. Then I came home and wrapped presents. So yeah me. I was productive. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 10, 2018


I worked out this morning and that was felt good.  Oliver was the super star at school and he had a fun time.  Isaac called me from school and said that his back hurt and wanted to come home so I picked him up.  He looked really tired but he seemed ok and he said that his back was feeling better.  I gave him some melatonin so he would take a nap but he never feel asleep.  He was so upset and emotional that I was having him rest.  Me and the little kids played playdough and I made some new colors which was fun.  Then we went to Lee's to get some groceries and Isaac stayed home.  He was a lot better after we got back and was nice the rest of the evening.  The sub for Santa people called Casey at dinner and needed his help fixing some bikes so we went over and looked at them and wrote down what parts they needed to get.  He is going to go back tomorrow and Wednesday to work on the bikes.  I think the scouts are going to go also.  Then we went to the party store and got some decorations for Isaac's and Ruthie's party.  They are excited and we are ready to go.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.


it's in the mail

So I mailed the reindeer to Oliver, I hope he likes it.  There is something for each one of them in the box.  I mailed it and then I went to Smiths to get some tape and there was this cute reindeer with a blanket.  I almost bought it but thought if Oliver doesn't like it, I will take him to Smiths and he can pick it out.  Work was good.  Nothing to exciting just trying to get caught up.  They said it might be a couple of days before I get my job offer.  I hope it comes soon.  Robin, I love that elephant it is so cute.  I am glad Jenkins was calm.  Karen, I am glad the school isn't too far from your house or you would have had to wing it this morning.  I am glad everything turned out.  I got my mail today and there was a key for a mail box package and the box was open already and nothing was in it.  I left a note for them to let them know.  Hence I had to buy some tape.  That was good because I have to wrap some presents also.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


This week is inventory week at work so it's really busy. Thursday is the day we have to scan everything. Tomorrow we are having a Christmas party during work. I was going to sew some more today but Jenkins was cute and snuggly so I took a nap instead lol I live the wild life



Well it seemed like a busy Monday. I separated my papers for class last night to make the pile smaller. So I took out the examples that they had done. Then this morning I grabbed a pile and when I got to the school I noticed I grabbed the pile that they had done already. So I had to run back home to grab the right pile. So i was about 2 mintes late. Oh well. Then work was busy so it went by fast.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, December 9, 2018


I had a fun weekend also. After lunch with mom and Robin I came home and took a nap. It was nice. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Stuffed animal reindeer

Karen spent the night and we got up and went looking for a stuffed animal reindeer.  There was one at Walmart so we were pretty excited about that one.  I was thrilled.  We picked Robin up and took Jenkins for a walked.  He was full of energy and even ran for awhile.  We took him home and went to Costco and Karen took us to Texas Roadhouse.  We came home and I slept all afternoon.  Rachel that was such a cute idea for those hats.  I bet the kids love them.  That was a fun activity.  I sure had a fun time yesterday as well.  It just goes by so fast.  I want to savor everyone minutes.  I have to get organized for the birthday party now.  This month is going by too fast.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Thanks for the fun weekend. I had a good time. I used my machine today to embroider my towels and it's so nice to sew on now. It was lovely. I didn't take a picture of the towel yet I had to wash off the stabilizer. Have a good week



Thanks for the fun time yesterday.  You guys are awesome and so fun to be with.  You spoil us.  Today was good, we were all tired though.  We got up and went to church and everyone was happy afterwards.  We made Santa hats for the kids stuffed animals.  It was Isaac's idea and he did really well.  I didn't have any red felt we we colored some cream I had a ton of which was fun.  They turned out cute.  Casey worked till dinner and brought home pizza.  He took Isaac sledding and they had a fun time.  Casey said he would be up to go skiing for Robin's birthday but he wouldn't go down any black diamonds.  We would also be up for ice skating or whatever you want Robin, it is your decision.  Everyone have a good week, it is a busy time of year.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...