Saturday, December 14, 2019
lazy day
I had a really lazy day. I know I should have done something but I just vegged. It felt really nice. I needed it. I did brown hamburger so I feel I did one thing. We decided to go to dinner an that was awful. It took 30 minutes to just get out and go to Astro burger. Rachel, I am glad you went and saw Calleen and got her her wood. I bet she appreciated that. I am glad the casts are doing well. Robin that makes me so mad. I am sorry that didn't work out. You were so excited and had come up with such good ideas. Sorry about that one. I am glad we didn't get buried in the snow. LOVE MOM
Today was good. I slept in which was nice. It snowed a bit but not too bad. After lunch we went to Clifton and visit Calleen. The kids did really good and just played and played. It was a good day. I think Isaac would love to have a picture on his cast. I forgot to ask him so I will double check tomorrow. Love you guys.
Today we slept in which was nice. Then we went down to Provo for our blacksmithing course I got through Groupon. The Google maps lead us to a green run down home. There was a garage but it was full of stuff. So I was like this isn't the place it's the nicer corporate buildings. So we drove down to the nicer building and didn't see it. So I googled the company and the website said they were closed temporarily because the shed burned down:/ but I thought it was weird they never sent a cancellation email. So we re the run down green house. Jeramy said he would pay not to go because it looked like we were going to die. So I call the guy and he is talking to me on the phone confirming he burned his working shed down. He starts walking out of his house and I see him. So I jump out of the car. And he makes eye contact and was like it's ok you don't have to get out. So I'm talking with the guy across the street on the phone while making eye contact 😂 it was so awkward. Lol so I contacted Groupon and they refunded my money. Jeramy had 2 sisters who had birthday s that live in Provo. So we went and talked with them for a while. We didn't get home till 6. So I cooked hotdogs and relaxed. It was quite they day lol mom the Paracord bracelets were easy to make. Jeramy wants to go to Smith and Edwards to get different colors. So if anyone wants one I can make one :)
My day was good. It snowed here most of the day. So I just stayed in today. I did shovel this morning. I might have to shovel again tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, December 13, 2019
My day was good. Friday afternoons drag though. I had to shovel about 2 inches of my walks this morning. I actually had to shovel it also because it was so wet my snow blower did work well. It has been snowing this evening but so far this storm hasn't been as bad as they were predicting. Have a great weekend everyone
I made it
I was so ready for the weekend. I got an email for a interview. It would be just down on the 4th floor of Primary's working for the heart center. I am trying to set up an interview for Wednesday. THat made me a nervous wreck for sure. Jenkins looks bored. I thought that was funny. Was it easy to make those bracelets? They cost a lot of money to buy. They are a good thing to have. I am so glad that Isaac is doing well. I was talking about PJ's today and it dawned on me that Isaac's feet PJ"s aren't going to work for Christmas eve. I am going to go get him some new ones. Have a nice weekend. I am going to just try and get ready for next weekend. LOVE MOM
I got to leave work early which was really nice. I did online groceries and picked them up. O think I need to pay more attention to sizes. I have 30 eggs, family sized ice cream bars and I got plastic untensils but they had to substitute the item for a different brand..I wasn't paying attention and now I have 48 plastic knifes lol. Jeramy wanted to make Paracord bracelets so we made those tonight. Of Isaac wants I can get my air brush and I can spray on a stencil on his casts. Of he wants one.
The little kids didn't sleep last night so I was tired today. Isaac slept great and felt good. He is doing really well and it doesn't hurt him very much. I walked him into school and he did fine. I helped in Oliver's class and then ate lunch with Isaac to make sure he was ok and he was great. The kids in his class signed his casts. I exercised this morning and that helped me feel better from the lack of sleep. Tonight was the ward Christmas party. The kids were running around and having fun. Isaac even was out playing with everyone. It was long but it was good to get out of the house. I started to make the kids their robes but the pattern only had the men's sizes. I couldn't figure out how to make it little kids sizes. I am going to buy a new pattern and see if it is better. Love you guys and have a good weekend.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Almost Friday
We have had rain all day. The lehi punch was here again today and that makes it busy but they have left so tomorrow should be a lot quieter. Making meetings and doing expenses are on my list. I am so relieved that Isaac is doing well. That just makes my whole day. I hope it continues. Robin, I hope your inventory finishes soon. That is a lot of work moving dresses around. Karen good luck with the snow. You are suppose to get a lot. My VT teachers came today and that was nice to visit. LOVE MOM
Isaac is doing really well in his casts. So far so good. It is good to see him down on his heals and walking the right way. We moved his bed to the floor so he didn't have to climb up at all. We practiced the stairs a couple of times and he can do them by himself. It has rained here all day which is so weird. It was really slippery this morning, the rain had frozen a bit. We were just lazy this morning and went slow which was really nice. Oliver and Ruth had school so I helped in Isaac's class. After I went to the fabric store and bought a back for my quilt. It was so much fun and I had a nice afternoon. Casey had a Christmas party at his work and he came home afterwards to watch the kids while I took Isaac to the doctor. It took about an hour. I had bought Isaac a new Diary of a Wimpy kids book and he loved them. He was so excited to read it. He just read the whole time and it went well. He was able to stand and walk ok which the doctor said was good. Isaac was so excited to do his legos we did that when we got home. Casey helped Ron moved something and he picked up some sushi for Isaac. He hasn't been in a lot of pain and has been a good sport about it all. I don't think he will need a wheelchair. He is walking pretty good. Thanks for all the support. Love you guys.
We had more inventory today. They wanted to do my loan gown inventory but we ran out of time. So hopefully tomorrow. I'm tired though. Me and Jeramy went to Walmart to go shopping for his sister bday present and Christmas. By 8 I was feeling like a zombie. I am ready for some sleepy vacation days that are coming up :) I hope Isaac s casts are doing well. Sleeping.will be hard to get.use to
Things are good here in Kamas. It started snow about lunch time. It has snowed since then. I hope the casts are going good so far. Work was good. I really don't have much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
10,000 steps
I made over 10,000 steps today. It was a busy day. Lehi design team is in town and that is always a busy day. We went to Walmart afterwards and got some stuff for me to make my Christmas cards for work. Not much else to report on my end. Robin, I am glad you are surviving inventory. Good luck with the casts tomorrow Rachel. Karen, I hope you are enjoying no school. LOVE MOM
My day was good as well. I am glad that the week is half over. I am hoping that the storm won't be as bad as they say though. Good luck with the casts tomorrow. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye
Today was good. The kids were tired this morning so Ruthie was grumpy. We made it exercise class and that always feels good. I had group quilt and that is always fun. The ladies are all nice and like to talk about quilts so it is fun time. I helped in Oliver's class and the kids were wild today. They have a lot of energy. Before we went to the hobby lobby and got Ruthie some crafts to do for the afternoon. We got foam ornaments that you put stickers on and some more stickers. She really liked doing them. Imogene came over for a bit and they were all making ornaments and had fun. We went out to dinner for Isaac's last night before the casts. Then he had scouts. It was short so we just stayed and let the little kids run around. Love you guys. It is supposed to snow so stay safe.
Work was good. We are doing inventory today and tomorrow. I'm at my desk reconciling the warehoise scans so it's easygoing. Made Shepard's pie for dinner.and we just relaxed the rest of the ready for the weekend
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
That is a fun idea for work presents Mom. Everyone will love that. Today was good. I walked this morning and it is easier with the snow melted. I took the little kids to story time and that was fun. Oliver has made a friend with a little boy and they are two peas in a pod. I was able to finish my quilt while the kids were at school. I have quilt group tomorrow so I was hoping to have it done. Ruthie was super star today and she loved that. It was colder today but we walked home from school and it was nice. I got my temple recommend signed by the stake president tonight so we were late going to sub for Santa. We got enough bikes fixed so we aren't going back tomorrow night. It was good to be able to go and work on the bikes. It was a late night for the kids so I hope that they aren't too tired tomorrow. Love you guys.
I really think it should be Friday. It has been such a busy week already at work. Tomorrow is Lehi meetings. I have catering and rooms all set up. I thought last time would be the last time for me to do that but I guess I still have Lehi as well. I wish they would decide where they are going to put me. We hooked up with Robin after work for dinner and it was so nice to talk. We need to do that more often. I am so glad Jeramy likes his lighter. It was a black Friday thing and I forgot to give it to him. Dad printed out 36 Santa ornaments for me and I am going to give them out as work presents. I thought that would be fun. I need to put them on white paper because the look nicer. I am trying to decide if I should buy some hot chocolate packet to go with them. Major decisions. He is printing out a figure of Santa now and I am excited to see how that turns out. Not much else to report. LOV MOM
My day was good. It was meeting day so that took up most of my day. Then I went to walmart after work and got some groceries. Robin there are a couple trees in my yard I will sacrifice to the cause. So no worries there. Just 2 weeks until Christmas. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye
Tomorrow is our Usa inventory at work so I have to go in early. We met up with mom and dad for dinner. It was good. We got the quilt. Thanks again rachel.for finishing it. You are a super star. Mom gave Jeramy a propane lighter and he loves it. He wants to make a bow drill for Christmas though. So we might have to find a tree up I'm kamas.
Monday, December 9, 2019
We had a hard time sleeping last night so morning came way to early for me. Work was good I am so busy. I try really hard to keep up. I hope everyone goes on vacation soon. Karen bought me and dad Blue Man Tickets for Feb 8th for our birthdays. I am pretty excited to go see them. We are hooking up with Robin tomorrow night to give her the quilt. It is so cute. We got drugs after work and then went to Winco. They have the best pizza's there. That is what we had for dinner. I did laundry afterwards. Rachel, I think that is so neat you do those bikes. You help so many kids. That is so amazing. I love talking with Isaac. It has motivated me to walk more. I think it is nice to be able to talk with the kids. I was talking to someone today about getting him Alexa and how he can call me and she said what a wonderful idea that is for her mom. If she gets into trouble she could just tell Alexa to call. I really like that idea. Have a nice Tuesday. I am with Rachel it was so nice not to have an inversion. That smog is so oppresive. I am going to a Christmas breakfast in the morning. I am going to drive there. We are going to the original pancake house. I haven't been there in years. Winter is hard on Jenkins. He loves the sunshine also. Not too much longer and then the days will start getting longer. That always is so nice. LOV MOM
Thanks for talking with Isaac on the phone, he loves calling you guys and seeing your steps. He is cute. He gets so many steps, I was surprised how many he got at school. He is a busy guy. I went to exercise class this morning and was nice. It always feels good to go. I had to get some things at Sam's so we ate lunch there and then I took the kids to school. The line for food was so long we were running late but it was only a couple of minutes. We walked to pick up the boys. It was such a prety day, the inversion has gone and I love it. The kids were playing in all the puddles and had a fun time. Imogene came over and played and it was good to see her, she hasn't been over in a while. After dinner we went and helped at sub for Santa. We fixed some bikes and it was fun. Thanks for the bikes Mom. I got a receipt for you if you need it for taxes. I hope that everyone has a good night.
My day was good. Work was busy so it went pretty quick. I was going to go grocery shopping after work but I was tired so I just went home instead. I got confirmation that Rachel's present shipped today, but they gave a 2 to 4 week lead time to get. So I might have to wrap an empty box. Oh well it will get here eventually. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was hard to get to work. this week is our inventory so everyone is antsy. I gave Jeramy his water bottle and life straw today. Then on survivor man show we are watching used a life straw, so now he has the cool surviving items that survivor man uses lol. I got lucky on that one. Jenkins is doing good..hes gets so.antsy at 8 he just runs around. I think I'm taking shorter walks because it's cold.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Really nice weekend
We had such a nice weekend. We went up to Kamas on Friday night and decorated for Christmas. Karen wrapped all her presents. I was totally jealous. I have to start doing that. We went to Logan on Saturday and Isaac had a really nice party. They were sweaty when they were done so that was a good sign. We did hang out with Karen and I had 40 dollars at Columbia house and I was able to get Ruth a free coat. It was half off and I was able to use my bounce back money. I just love when I can do that. We came home and just vegged. Our red filament came (I thought it was coming on Monday). Dad is making Santa's for me to give at work. They are just things you can hang on your tree. I loved talking with Isaac today. I think that is cool is can call on his Alexa. Robin I am so glad you had a nice party. That was fancy. Did you win coke? I was hoping we had a year supply :), I hope the casts for Isaac go OK on Thursday. I am a little nervous about that one but I think it will help. Have a great Monday. I was a major loser on the steps. I am going to have to move a lot tomorrow. Rachel you are only hope of beating him. LOVE MOM
My day was good. Mom and dad spent last night so we hung out this morning. Then we went to Park City and had lunch. I also bought a new pair of shoes. Then I came home and was just lazy. Isaac did call me twice today. He did tell me how many steps he had. I only had 2600ish so he beat me. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye
I am glad that you had a fun party Robin, that sounds neat. It isn't a big deal missing yesterday. He loved his car and thought that was amazing. We had such a wonderful day yesterday and Isaac is on cloud 9. He is so happy and had such a wonderful birthday. Thank you guys for making him feel so special. He loves his watch and his echo. I think he called you guys several time today, thank you for talking with him. He got 19,000 steps and we didn't walk anywhere. He just never stops moving. It is so crazy. We had a good day today. I had a temple and priesthood meeting this evening that I put together. It went really well and we had a good turn out. I am so glad that it is over. Thanks again for giving Isaac a wonderful birthday, he is so happy.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...