Friday, December 13, 2019


The little kids didn't sleep last night so I was tired today.  Isaac slept great and felt good.  He is doing really well and it doesn't hurt him very much.  I walked him into school and he did fine.  I helped in Oliver's class and then ate lunch with Isaac to make sure he was ok and he was great.  The kids in his class signed his casts.  I exercised this morning and that helped me feel better from the lack of sleep.  Tonight was the ward Christmas party.  The kids were running around and having fun.  Isaac even was out playing with everyone.  It was long but it was good to get out of the house.  I started to make the kids their robes but the pattern only had the men's sizes.  I couldn't figure out how to make it little kids sizes.  I am going to buy a new pattern and see if it is better.  Love you guys and have a good weekend.


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