Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Today was good.  The kids were tired this morning so Ruthie was grumpy.  We made it exercise class and that always feels good.  I had group quilt and that is always fun.  The ladies are all nice and like to talk about quilts so it is fun time.  I helped in Oliver's class and the kids were wild today.  They have a lot of energy.  Before we went to the hobby lobby and got Ruthie some crafts to do for the afternoon.  We got foam ornaments that you put stickers on and some more stickers.  She really liked doing them.  Imogene came over for a bit and they were all making ornaments and had fun.  We went out to dinner for Isaac's last night before the casts.  Then he had scouts.  It was short so we just stayed and let the little kids run around.  Love you guys.  It is supposed to snow so stay safe.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...