Saturday, September 2, 2017

I love to play

We spent the day in Logan and had a nice time.  We just hung out and played with the kids and it was a lot fun.  We made it home safe and sound and Karen is on her way home to Kamas.  Robin, You made it through your last Saturday at Scheels.  We are going to go visit Grandma tomorrow and then just rest on Monday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, September 1, 2017

Nice evening

Everyone left early today so the afternoon was really quiet and I wasn't very motivated but I made it through.  Karen came down after work so we went out to dinner at the Ramon noodle place.  I like eating there.  Then we came home and played bomber man.  She is bringing the switch up tomorrow.  We will leave after we get up so it will be before lunch.  I am glad you had a nice time a lunch.  It is fun, I use to eat with you once a week when I came and volunteered.  I always enjoyed that.  The minute the recess bell rings you do end up eating alone.  Robin, I hope you survive working all the time.  LOVE MOM


Isaac is excited for the insanity tomorrow, thanks for coming up.  We had a fun and busy day.  We were going to ride bikes this morning but Isaac had a flat tire so we drove, I missed riding actually.  I met up with Jenn and we went on a walk and talked, it has been a while so it was nice to meet up.  We went to story time and I returned a movie that was sue today.  Then we walked over and had lunch with Isaac.  It was fun to talk with him and see his friends, they are all good boys.  We are going to have to do that a lot this year, it was fun.  Isaac gets out earlier on Friday so I gave Ruthie a nap after he was done with school.  My new quilting rulers came today so I tried it out a bit and I really like them.  It was fun and I think it will really make things look nice.  Tiffany won some money on the lottery when she was here so she mailed us her ticket and we drove up and bought more lottery tickets with the winnings.  We were going to eat dinner up their but the kids wanted bread sticks so we drove to Smithfield and had firehouse pizza.  Then it was bed time.  Drive safe tomorrow and good luck with work Robin.


Thursday, August 31, 2017


Today was good everyone loved the tangled stuff. I was tired today and it was hot so that didn't help. I met up with mom and dad it was a good italian restaurant. I came home.and turned on Netflix then o slept through  a movie. Lol hopefully i can sleep tonight. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. They are closing Maggie early and I've been working alot of hours so I'm leaving at 12. But I work at.scheels at 5. But it will be nice to take another nap. Lol



Robin, you are so creative and talented.  You need a raise.  Karen, thanks for the idea.  That will be a awesome birthday present.  Thanks for calling today Mom.  I was tired today, the little kids didn't sleep well.  Casey wasn't feeling good so he called in sick.  It was nice to let Ruthie sleep in with him and I just took the boys with me to school, we rode our bikes.  My tire was low again so Casey and Oliver went to the bike store to get some supplies.  Casey fixed my bike so it is good to go.  Casey was working on the jeep and had too many helpers so we went to the fun park for a while.  It was good to get out.  After lunch we went to the open house for preschool and Oliver is ready to go.  He did really well their but fought with Ruthie so it will be good that he has some time away.  We picked up Isaac and it was hot but we are getting better.  Randy came over and helped Casey with the car for a while and then they took the new car to the shop to get some recall stuff fixed and new keys done.  We went on a evening walk/bike ride and it was nice.  Casey stayed and waited for someone to look at the Mercedes but they never showed up.  I am rambling so I hope that you guys have a good Friday, this week flew by.


We got everyone a head lamp for camping and canoeing and they came today

Ruthie was cute eating blackberries


My day has been good. It rained here most of the morning so it made everything look nice outside. Work has been busy so it is going by quick. Then after work I got my dishes done. I felt very responsible.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

Here and Here

Oliver told me he hurt himself at the fun part today and when I asked where, he said here and here.  It was so cute.  We hooked up with Robin tonight for dinner and that was fun.  We tried this Italian place that my boss said was good.  It looked like a dive from the front.  I would never have tried it.  It was good and it was fun to try something new.  Thanks Robin.  I am so glad tomorrow is Friday and it is a long weekend.  That sounds so nice.  Karen is coming down tomorrow night and we are going to Logan on Saturday to canoe.  I am looking forward to that.  I do wish it would cool down just a little bit.  Not much else is going on with us.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Today was good. The next couple of days at work are going to be busy because of the holiday. So we are decorating for tangled tomorrow. Although it's a day early lol. I finished the flyn Ryder posters I took everyone's fave and made them cartoons and printed a bunch of noses so we can change our noses like the movie. That is why the needed to be laminated so the paper would tear with the tape. Then I took that board home and painted it up. It was a busy night. That is really sad about chaz I hope they figure out what's going on.


B-day idea

I need some new rugs for my kitchen. Something like this would be good. I like the green colir.

Back to school

Karen we are all excited for your birthday, if you have suggestions on what you want we would love a list.  Thanks for letting me borrow your quilling stuff, that makes it a lot easier for me.  That is really sad about Chaz, he is such a good kid.  I am glad that you went and visited him, I hope that things get better for him, poor thing.  Today was good.  We were going to ride bikes this morning but the part to connect the trailer broke off right when we were leaving so we had to drive.  So we went to the bike store and got a new part and then walked around the hobby lobby.  Isaac had a good day at school and is so happy.  I was feeling lazy so we went to Panda for dinner and the kids loved it.  It was back to school night so we went to that and Randy and Terry watched the kids.  It was good to go and sign up for volunteering.  She said we can eat lunch with him whenever we want so we might do that Friday.  I love his teacher, she is so good.  She took one look at Casey and said "You must be Isaac's Dad", they are clones.  Afterwards me and Casey went and got some new towels, we were in desperate need of them.  Tomorrow Oliver has an open house for preschool.  I think he will have a lot of fun.  I am up for Saturday, thanks for coming up and working around the car.


I am counting

Karen, I am counting and have many fun activities planned.  Shooting, Fair, Hot air ballons, Birthday cake, I am excited.  So Chaz is in the U of U hospital because his medication was making him suicidal.  I called Jeff last night and tonight me and Kay went up and visited with him.  He is wired up and they are taking him off the medication and tracking his seizures.  They are hoping to pin point where they are occurring and do surgery.  Me Kay and Jeff went to Red Robin afterwards.  Jeff says that Chaz hasn't been this happy is a very long time.  That was kind of scary.  Jen and James are going to sell their house.  I think they want something bigger.  Work was good.  It was busy.  Should we plan on coming up to Logan on Saturday to play?  LOVE MOM

Found it

Rachel, I found my quilling kit. So I am all set to give it to you next time I see you. My day has been pretty good. There is major thunderstorm going on right now. I don't know if anyone is counting but my birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks. Fun times. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Mom, sorry I missed your call. I had jumped in the shower and didn't hear it ring. My day was good, busy but good. I had three meetings today and two of them were over an hour. That really cuts into your productivity. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


It was our summer work party tonight.  It turned out nice.  There weren't a lot of people but it was nice.  We had it at Jordan Park and they have an international garden there and it was really nice.  We will need to have a picnic there one day.  I was stressed about the party.  I am glad it is over with.  Robin, I love your post tonight.  I feel that way a lot.  I buy the whole store when I am hungry.  I am glad you got to use your discount.  Karen, I am sorry I was so late calling you back.  I was wondering if we should go to Logan on Saturday and just play around there.  After Casey sells his car we can go canoeing.  That was my thought.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work went by fast so that was nice. I decided to get a yeti mug I had my eye on at scheels. I thought it would be a nice soda container for maggie I also picked up some shirts because it was basically my last use of my discount. Then I went to walmart to pick up some stuff to eat. I am doing a project for Maggie for next month and I was going to get the lamenting rolls to manually lamenate paper. But they had a really nice heat one for 15.00 so I bought a nice lamenting machine. I spent alot today but I think it was for the greater good.



We rode bikes this morning and it worked out a lot better with the little kids in the trailer.  We were even early.  I ordered a ruler at the quilt store for my class and it came today so we went and picked that up and then went to Lee's for more bread.  Ruthie took a good nap and woke up right before it was time to get Isaac.  It was really really hot riding bikes home but we did it.  Isaac was super grumpy so he just watched shows until dinner.  Casey had scouts and Oliver fell asleep on our bed and is still asleep.  Isaac rode his bike around and Ruthie was pushing her babies in a stroller.  I had young womens and we did archery and it was a lot of fun.  We played volley ball afterwards for a while and that was fun too.  It was a pretty evening.  Tomorrow is back to school night and Randy is going to watch the kids for us.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Clipboard of fun

Man Robin they really are working you to death before you leave.  They are going to miss you for sure.  Frightmares is going to be a lot of fun for you.  I vote we do canoeing on Saturday.  That way I can have Monday to do laundry before work.  How does that sound.  I thought maybe we could come up Friday night and hang out if that is OK.  I vote we go to the air balloons and celebrate Karen's birthday that day.  That would be fun.  Does that work?  We are going shooting on the 15th so we can come up and spend the night and go to the balloon on Saturday.  I am just a clip board of fun. Work was quiet today and I got a lot done.  It felt nice.  Still lots to do but I don't feel so stressed.  We are having our work summer party tomorrow night.  I made chicken salad wraps.  I am getting better at making them.  I hope it goes OK.  Not many people are coming but I am at the point where it doesn't matter who comes.  Rachel, I love the quilt.  That is amazing.  I hope Isaac knows not to get in cars with people he doesn't know.  I am sorry I am such an over protective mother.  LOVE MOM


Karen, how about Saturday or Monday.  We will take everyone out to dinner to celebrate the new car.  I am sorry you have to work Robin.  I also wanted to let everyone know that on September 16th it is the hot air balloons in park city again.  I think we should go, it was so fun.  Today was good.  Isaac and Oliver rode there bikes to school and I walked with Ruth.  Oliver and Isaac wore there backpacks and it was really cute.  I babysat this morning and it was easier without the two older boys.  Then we went to register the car but Casey had signed the title so they wouldn't let me do it.  Then we went to Sam's and had lunch and got some diapers.  Casey left work early so he could register the car.  He took Oliver with him and then they went to the junk yard and got a spare tire for the car.  Oliver loved it there and was in heaven with the rusty cars.  Isaac rode his bike home and I drove the van.  A neighbor saw him and picked him up and drove him home, it was sweet.  Tomorrow I am going to ride my bike and put the little kids in the trailer, I think it will be a lot better.  So Casey took the little kids to pick up a part so me and Isaac rode around the block together and it was fun.  When everyone got home we hooked up the trailer and went around the block again, the little kids did really good.  This weekend I got some sewing done and I attached the picture of my quilt so far.  It is a time consuming quilt but really fun.  Oh I canceled martial arts for Isaac, he just doesn't have time to go home between the two and I thought it was too much.  He doesn't love it and wants to do swimming instead.



I am glad that you only have 5 more shifts, Robin. The end is in sight. My day has been good. Work is moving along. Rachel canoeing sounds fun. Are we going Saturday or Sunday? Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone.


Today was alright, we had a really long meeting that was dramatic. Luckily it wasn't about me but it's still draining to have drama. I had to work at scheels tonight. So it was a boring night. The end is close 5 more shifts after this one so that will be nice. Then it's frightmares time. Have a good night


Sunday, August 27, 2017


Today was slow I just worked at scheels. I work all labor day weekend:/ they are basically having me work until the bitter end. I guess it will be good to get a large check for my last Check. Tomorrow a new girl starts at Maggie. It will be nice to have another person.



Well that weekend went by fast. My day was good. I made tortilla soup for dinner and it tasted good and now I have leftovers for lunches. I can't believe that August is almost over. We will have snow before you know it. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Fun times

We had a nice day today.  We played with the kids until lunch and then took them to Chinese Buffet.  They love that place.  They we drove them home to Logan.  It was so nice to see them ride their bikes and show us the new car.  Dad helped Casey with the Jeep and that was good because we got to stay longer.  Traffic was so busy.  I always wonder where all those people are going to at 9:00 at night.  Have a great Monday.  Last week of August.  I can't believe it.  Just think Robin 7 more days and no more Scheels.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog either, it was really nice to have a weekend with Casey and we had a fun time.  The kids had a blast with Mom and Dad, thank you so much.  It was nice to sew a bit and run errands with Casey we had a fun weekend.  Do you guys want to go canoeing this weekend for labor day?  Think about it.  Well everyone have a good Monday, it is going to be hard to get back into real life again.  Here are some pictures from Friday.  Love you guys



We had a fun time on Saturday.  I am sorry I didn't blog.  Time just gets away with me.  We went to Liberty Park and the Aviary and it was a lot of fun.  We rode the train and the ferris wheel and ate snow cones.  They even had Chicago dogs for dad.  It got hot so we came home and finished up our mote and then had dinner.  We went to McDonalds for icecream.  Isaac kind of got sick but he seems to be better today.  We are just moving slow right now and then we are going back to Logan.  Man it is hot out there.  I am glad everyone had a good Saturday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...