Thursday, August 31, 2017


Robin, you are so creative and talented.  You need a raise.  Karen, thanks for the idea.  That will be a awesome birthday present.  Thanks for calling today Mom.  I was tired today, the little kids didn't sleep well.  Casey wasn't feeling good so he called in sick.  It was nice to let Ruthie sleep in with him and I just took the boys with me to school, we rode our bikes.  My tire was low again so Casey and Oliver went to the bike store to get some supplies.  Casey fixed my bike so it is good to go.  Casey was working on the jeep and had too many helpers so we went to the fun park for a while.  It was good to get out.  After lunch we went to the open house for preschool and Oliver is ready to go.  He did really well their but fought with Ruthie so it will be good that he has some time away.  We picked up Isaac and it was hot but we are getting better.  Randy came over and helped Casey with the car for a while and then they took the new car to the shop to get some recall stuff fixed and new keys done.  We went on a evening walk/bike ride and it was nice.  Casey stayed and waited for someone to look at the Mercedes but they never showed up.  I am rambling so I hope that you guys have a good Friday, this week flew by.


We got everyone a head lamp for camping and canoeing and they came today

Ruthie was cute eating blackberries

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...