Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Back to school

Karen we are all excited for your birthday, if you have suggestions on what you want we would love a list.  Thanks for letting me borrow your quilling stuff, that makes it a lot easier for me.  That is really sad about Chaz, he is such a good kid.  I am glad that you went and visited him, I hope that things get better for him, poor thing.  Today was good.  We were going to ride bikes this morning but the part to connect the trailer broke off right when we were leaving so we had to drive.  So we went to the bike store and got a new part and then walked around the hobby lobby.  Isaac had a good day at school and is so happy.  I was feeling lazy so we went to Panda for dinner and the kids loved it.  It was back to school night so we went to that and Randy and Terry watched the kids.  It was good to go and sign up for volunteering.  She said we can eat lunch with him whenever we want so we might do that Friday.  I love his teacher, she is so good.  She took one look at Casey and said "You must be Isaac's Dad", they are clones.  Afterwards me and Casey went and got some new towels, we were in desperate need of them.  Tomorrow Oliver has an open house for preschool.  I think he will have a lot of fun.  I am up for Saturday, thanks for coming up and working around the car.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...