Tuesday, August 29, 2017


We rode bikes this morning and it worked out a lot better with the little kids in the trailer.  We were even early.  I ordered a ruler at the quilt store for my class and it came today so we went and picked that up and then went to Lee's for more bread.  Ruthie took a good nap and woke up right before it was time to get Isaac.  It was really really hot riding bikes home but we did it.  Isaac was super grumpy so he just watched shows until dinner.  Casey had scouts and Oliver fell asleep on our bed and is still asleep.  Isaac rode his bike around and Ruthie was pushing her babies in a stroller.  I had young womens and we did archery and it was a lot of fun.  We played volley ball afterwards for a while and that was fun too.  It was a pretty evening.  Tomorrow is back to school night and Randy is going to watch the kids for us.


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