I had a fun day. I met momand dad for lunch. We got it for free because they mixed up mom's order. Then we went and visited the new baby. She is a cutie, just don't unwrap the blanket or she cries. I am glad Robin finally gets to go home tomorrow. Bye
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Happy birthday
Happy birthday Mom, I am glad that you had a good day. I walked this morning and then quilted for a bit. We were up late so the kids slept in. Casey got up early and went and cut the tree at his Dad's. We went up after the kids got up. I took the kids to the park for a bit. Randy took us to sonic for lunch. We just took it easy the rest of the day. Love you guys.
Nice day
I tried to watch the parade this morning but it was too hot. Karen came down and we went to lunch and then we went and visited the Lewis's. It was so fun to hold Luna. We went grocery shopping afterwards and the to cafe Rio. It tasted good. They screwed up lunch so we got it free. We did take Jenkins on a walk tonight and he has a path he walks. It was funny. He know right where to turn. Have a nice Sunday. Robin gets to come home tomorrow. Love mom
Friday, June 25, 2021
It was so amazing to go hold Luna today. She was just so calm and looking around. She is just perfect. I am glad you are feeling better robin. That was a tough one. We did watch the float parade tonight and that was fun. They threw candy tonight. We walked over to the park and looked at the booths they had set up. It was fun to walk around. Jenkins is being a good boy love mom
Congratulations Robin, she is beautiful. I am glad everything worked out ok. We were worried. We had a good day. We met up with Ruth's friend Emily and her brother's at the park. We skipped exercise class but I did walk. Isaac had a playdate with Josh their afternoon. They are doing harry Potter camp together next week and are excited. Isaac made cookies when he got home. He also found a recipe for dinner and we made that. It is black light night at the jump zone so we are here jumping the night away. The kids are super excited and having the best time. We aren't going to come down tomorrow since the baby is still at the hospital but will will come Sunday or a evening next week. Happy birthday tomorrow Mom.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
star log 10pm no baby
I feel bad blogging while Robin is in labor. I hope Luna is born soon. It was raining this morning. I walked and it was nice. We had a playdate at the park set up but we cancelled because of the rain. Ruth had dance class and she was so excited. We went to the library and got new books. Oliver had been reading up a storm which is fun. We went to the jump zone afterwards. Casey was going to work late but ran out of steam so he came home. We went to the park after dinner.
Good luck Robin. My day was good as well. It rained for a bit in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Work is just the usual. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow and I hope Luna gets here. Bye
No baby yet
I worked a little bit from home this morning and then we went to Ikea for lunch and then came down to lehi. We just watched movies and the parade. Jenkins has been really good. He is asleep on the couch next to me. Robin I hope your night goes well. I am sorry it is taking so long. I am so excited to hold her. I sure loved the storms today. Lehi had a huge storm at 3 but by the time the horse parade started at 6 it had stopped. Tomorrow is the float parade. Love you all mom
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Good luck
I am excited for you Robin. Good luck, you will do amazing. Hopefully your labor isn't that long. Today was good I walked and went to exercise class. It is so so hot in the rls building. It wipes me out. Oliver had his last art class for this week. He has one more week in July. After lunch we went to joann's to get a binding and got some new crafts for the kids. We came home and did the crafts. Then we just played. It was the BMX grand opening tonight. It was fun but hot. The boys were nervous for the time trials but they did really well and had a fun time. We rode over on our bikes and Tony was so mad that he wasn't coming. It was so funny. Casey met us at the bike park from work. After the races he picked up Tony and we went to play at the park for a while. It was a pretty evening. Good luck again Robin. We are excited for Luna to be here.
Good luck
Robin good luck tomorrow. I hope it all goes well. Just think tomorrow night we might have pictures of Luna. Today they had donuts for my birthday and decorated my desk. I thought that was nice. Dad made egg muffins and they tasted really good. I am going to.work from home for a little while and then go down to lehi to watch Jenkins. Love mom
Good luck tomorrow, Robin. If you need anything just call. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy just the usual at work. I did get me an alexa alarm clock on prime day and it came today. I think it will be nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
I am sorry you had a rough day Mom. That is so hard. We had a pretty good day. I walked this morning. I let the kids sleep and I sewed and read Karen's statistics book. Thanks again Karen. Oliver had art class. We did school work after lunch then we drove to Newton dam with Tony. It was nice to drive around and get out of the house. The lake smelled really bad. It was crowded and we were trying to find a place without anyone. We drove around and parked at a camp spot and walked around. It was hot and smelly so we came home. We cleaned the house a bit and then the kids played outside the rest of the afternoon with the hoses. It was fun. Casey got a bonus at work so we went out to eat and ran to the store. Love you guys and I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow. I am excited for Luna to be born.
My day was good as well. I had meetings in the morning and then I was busy in the afternoon doing my todo list from the meetings. After I came home and read my HR book. It was about employee lays offs and employee retention so exciting stuff. I hope it rains. I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures and the chance of rain at least. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Work was OK. I slipped that I knew the girl was getting laid off and she was upset. I asked her what I could do to help. I felt bad. Oh well I did it I will live with it. I was craving Mexican food so dad took me to Tres Hombres. It was so good. I even have some for lunch tomorrow. We went to Smith's afterwards and got me some coke because I was out at work. I decided I better get me some more. It will be good to have my stash back at work. It is suppose to cool down and maybe even rain. That will be nice. Nothing else to report on my end. Everyone enjoy hump day. LOVE MOM
Monday, June 21, 2021
We had a good day. I didn't feel as tired and the kids were happy. Ruth and Oliver were best friends for most of the day which was nice. I walked this morning and went to exercise class. Both were so hot if I don't loose 10 pounds because of sweating I will be disappointed. Oliver had art class. They have a space theme and he loved it. He made a rocket and the phases of the moon. We went grocery shopping while he was gone. I finished weeding the flowers in front and Isaac watered it. He watered all the new trees and was a big help. We went to the jump zone and it was fun. Afterwards we went to get a cold drink. We played outside until we got too hot and then watched a show. After dinner we just played in the backyard and it was so nice. The boys shot the beebee guns. Love you guys.
Today was the first day of summer. Yeah. Work was good. I got a few things done. My boss was having a party for all the directors at sugar house park. I wasn't sure I would be there but I was able to go and help set up. It was fun. They had water balloons and everyone had a good time. All the lawn was dead. It was sad to see. I am glad your classes are going good Karen. Robin I hope your first day home was good. I bet it felt like you were playing hooky. Rachel I hope your day went well. Good luck tomorrow with the bike races. Love mom
My day was good. My morning went by quick so that was nice. The afternoon dragged a bit but I made it through. After work I came home and made zuppa soup. It tasted really good. I even did my dishes afterwards. Wow I know. Then I watched my project management lecture. It was on pert (program evaluation and review technique). Basically you have certain activities in your project. The time in each activity is variable so this method gives you a more accurate time on your project completion than just using a constant time. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Fun times
I sure had a fun weekend. That's for coming down Rachel. Lagoon was really fun. Not many people were there. They have a lot of trees and that is nice. We met up with robin and Jeramy and Karen. It was nice to see them. Good luck this week. I am glad Casey had a nice fathers day. I like the boys hair. I got dad a cinnamon roll at maverick cinnabon and I think it made him sick. We watched Jurassic park movies. Love you all
I am glad that everyone met up today. That is fun. We had a fun weekend with Mom and Dad. It was fun to go to Lagoon and the planetarium. Today was good. The kids sang in sacrament and Casey came to see them. We had the steaks for lunch and they tasted good. I cut the boys hair. It was looking shaggy. It is short but they look nice. We went to Randy's for dinner and had a nice evening. We walked over to the park. Kelly has been making boomerangs and they were a lot of fun to throw. Good luck this week Robin. I am glad you are done working.
Happy Father' Day
My day was good. I went down to SLC and meet mom, dad, Robin, and Jeremy for lunch. It was fun seeing everyone. Me, mom, and dad went to Walmart afterward and then I came home. I hope that dad had a great Father's Day. We all love you :). I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...